Title: Adrian Price
1Adrian Price Senior Asst. Headteacher Christopher
Whitehead Language College Worcester SSAT Lead
Practitioner (Languages) asp_at_christopherwhitehea
d.worcs.sch.uk mflchristopherwhitehead.typepad.co
2Welcome to .. Christopher Whitehead Language
- A specialist language college since Sept. 2004
- Outstanding KS2-KS4 CVA (top 5)
- 81 of students achieve a GCSE grade A-C
- Dec. 2005 Ofsted said. a good school with many
outstanding elements.
3Christopher Whitehead Language College
- In 2005 Ofsted said the specialism was an area
to develop. - Sixteen students achieved a C grade or higher in
the French oral exam. - 30 of all students achieved a C grade or higher
in a MFL. - Key Stage 3 students studied French or German.
- All Key Stage 4 students followed the AQA GCSE in
either French or German.
4the talking teacher is the enemy of
5Get Active! The Romans taught their children
that nothing was to be gained from sitting.
corners, speed dating, pass the parcel musical
Walking and dancing here, there and everywhere!
6Mulling time and building with lego!
8RAG Marking motivates!
Whole class work
Group work
Independent work
9What do you do with the marks?
10Assessment that motivates! it was fun. Hes a
great teacher I did next to nothing..!
- 10 f3
- Key phrases
- Homework peer marking effort
- Past tense
- 4 verbs
- Pair answer
- Speed dating
- Target setting
- Independent work
11Connect to student interest
- 2 minutes to research adjectives.
- 1 minute to research nouns.
- 1 minutes to research past tense verbs.
- 1 minute to agree on best five!
- 2 minutes to produce two- three sentences using
your best!
12Connect to prior learning Creativity is the
power to connect the seemingly unconnected.
William Plomer
Lannée dernière jai allé en chine avec ma
famille. Je mai amusé bien parce que jai joué
au football sur la plage et jai marqué quatre
13Connect research
People Houses
plein de vie
People Houses
en bois
15Connect the bits you want them to remember
Key phrases
cest jaime je naime pas jhabite je nhabite
pas Il y a Il ny a pas de nous avons dans le
centre parce que toujours je voudrais
16Jhabite à Worcester près de Birmingham dans le
centre de lAngleterre. A Worcester nous avons
un grand centre commercial et une jolie rivière
mais il ny a pas de piscine. Dans le futur je
voudrais habiter à Birmingham parce que jadore
Aston Villa.
17Connect the random
18Marking to motivate?
Who marks?
What do you mark?
Generating student criteria
So what is the impact? Are your marks read?
19Never mind the quality feel the effort!
Incremental learners
20Christopher Whitehead Language College
21- Students over achieve against FFTD target grades
in MFL - Three kinds of KS4 accreditation
- Accreditation in French, German, Spanish
Italian - 50 of school leavers have been on a visit
abroad. - Full International School Award
- French, German Spanish in KS3
- MFL led whole school intensive PLTS curriculum
for Year 7 - Close effective links with six feeder primary
schools and UCW - Dual linguists
- A strong and effective LM model
22asp_at_christopherwhitehead.worcs.sch.uk mflchristop