Title: Parentadolescent conflict, conflict resolution, and adolescent adjustment
1Parent-adolescent conflict, conflict resolution,
and adolescent adjustment
- Susan Branje, Wim Meeus, Muriel van Doorn, Inge
Vandervalk - Utrecht University
- The Netherlands
- Parent-adolescent conflicts
- promoting adolescent development of autonomy and
individuation - a risk for psychosocial adjustment and well-being
- Important for adolescents to learn to adequately
handle and resolve their conflicts
3Previous studies
- Association of conflict and conflict resolution
with adolescents psychosocial adjustment - Conflict with both externalizing and
internalizing problems - Engagement with externalizing and internalizing
problems - Withdrawal with internalizing problems
4Research question and hypotheses
- How are conflict and conflict resolution related
to behavioral and emotional adjustment problems? - Contemporary and over time
- Sex and age effects
- Which types of conflict resolution style can be
distinguished? - Does the link between parent-adolescent conflict
and adolescent behavioral and emotional problems
depend on adolescents conflict resolution style?
- CONAMORE (CONflict And Management Of
- RElationships) 2001-2006 longitudinal study,
- Wave 1 and 2
- 1313 Dutch adolescent children
- 49 boys, 51 girls
- 921 early adolescents (age 12-13), 390 middle
adolescents (age 16-17) - 86 of Dutch origin
- Number of conflicts with father and mother
- Interpersonal Conflict Questionnaire (Laursen,
1993) - Conflict resolution with father and mother
- Conflict Resolution Style Inventory (Kurdek,
1994) - positive problem solving
- conflict engagement
- withdrawal
- compliance
- Exit
- Emotional behavioral adjustment
- depression (CDI Kovacs, 1981)
- anxiety (SCARED-R, Muris et al., 1998)
- aggression (Bjorqvist, 1992)
- delinquency (Rispens et al., 1996)
7Resultsrelation of conflict and conflict
resolution to problems
- Wave 1
- Stepwise regression analyses
- Age, sex
- Conflict father mother
- Conflict resolution
- Conflict conflict resolution
- Wave 3
- Stepwise regressions as in wave 1, with w1
problem behavior as additional predictor in step
8 9 10Cluster analyses 5 types of conflict resolution
b b d a c
c c c d c
a a b a a
b b b b a
c c a c b
Medium Positive Engage Withdraw Low
11Clusters and problem behavior
Medium Positive Engage Withdraw Low
12Clusters and problem behavior
Conflict mother
Conflict father
Conflict parents
.10/.14/.34/ .14/.08
?2 (70)177.09, GFI.99, RSMEA .04
13Conclusion regressions
- Parent-adolescent conflicts are related to
behavioral and - emotional problems
- Conflict resolution
- Aggression withdrawal (), engagement (),
positive () - Delinquency positive (-), compliance (-)
- Depression positive (-), withdrawal (), exit
(-), compliance () - Anxiety engagement (), compliance (), exit
(-) -
- No mediation of conflict or conflict resolution
- Some moderating effects of conflict resolution
14Conclusion types
- Relation between conflicts and adjustment depends
on adolescents conflict resolution style - conflict engagement
- more problem behaviors
- conflicts stronger related to emotional problems,
less strong to behavioral problems (aggression) - withdrawal
- Somewhat more conflicts but not stronger related
to problems than positive solving - positive conflict solving
- less problems and conflicts