Title: Basic Ideas of Quantum Computation
1Basic Ideas of Quantum Computation
- Pochung Chen
- Department of Physics, NTHU
- QIS Winter School, 01/06/2006
- What is classical computation
- What is quantum mechanics
- What is quantum computation
- Quantum bit (qubit)
- Quantum operation
- Quantum circuit diagram
- Quantum algorithm
- Implementation of quantum computation
- Minimal requirement
3Classical Computation
- Classical bit 0 or 1
- Logic gates AND, OR, XOR
- 0 OR 11, 1 AND 00
- Circuits
- Error correction
- 0L(000),1L(111)
- (000)-gt(001)-gt(000)
- Algorithms
- Implementation
- Computation power
- Church-Turing thesis
4Classical ? Quantum Computation
- Classical bit ? Quantum bit (qubit)
- Logic gates ? Quantum gates
- Circuits ? Quantum circuits
- Error correction ? Quantum error correction
- Algorithms ? Quantum algorithms
- Implementation ? Implementation
- Computation power ? Computation power
5Quantum Mechanics
- States and Hilbert space
- ?gt, ltx?gt ?(x)
- ?1gt? ?2gt, ?1gt ? ?2gt ? ?3gt,
- dimH12,dimH13
- Superposition
- ?gta?1gt b?2gt
- Hamiltonians and quantum evolution
- H ?gt i?t?gt, ?(t)gt e-iHt?(0)gt
- Observables and Quantum measurement
- ?gt--gt ?igt with probability wi
6Quantum Bit ? Qubit
- Qubit
- 0 ?0gt, 1 ?1gt
- Superposition
- a0gtb1gt is allowed
- a, b are not directly available
- dim(1 qubit)2
- dim(n qubit)2n
- Large Hilbert space, phase coherence
- Why we need quantum algorithms
7Quantum Gates Basic Components I
- Qubit
- Single qubit
- Multiple qubit
- Quantum operation
- Single qubit operation
- Multiple qubit operation
- Quantum measurement
8Quantum Gates Basic Components II
- Doing nothing
- Single qubit gate
- Two qubits gate
9Quantum Gates Basic Components III
10Frequently Used Gates
- Hadamard
- Pauli-X
- Pauli-Y
- Pauli-Z
- Phase
- p/8
11Frequently Used Gates
- Controlled-NOT
- Controlled-Z
- Controlled-Phase
- Controlled-U
12Controlled Operation
Control Qubit
Target Qubit
Apply NOT when control0
13Connection to Classical Computation
- Classical computation is (in principle)
irreversible - Quantum computation is (in principle) reversible
- Connection? Reversibility? Dissipation?
14Energy and Computations
- Laudauers principle
- Suppose a computer erases a single bit of
information. The entropy of theenvironment
increases by at least kBln2, here kB is
Boltzmanns constant. - Reversibly computation
- If all computer could be done reversibly, then
Landauers principle imply no lower bound on the
amount of energy dissipated by the computer!
15Quantum Gates are Reversible
- For any unitary matrix U, we have UUI
- Is it possible to simulate classical gate by
quantum gate? - The answer is, of course, yes.
16Fredkin Gate
17Toffoli gate
18Quantum Algorithms
Quantum Fourier Transform
Hidden Subgroup
Quantum Search
Discrete log
Break cryptosystems (RSA)
Speedup for some NP problems
Search for crypto keys
19Universal Quantum Computation
- Universal classical gates
- Able to compute arbitrary classical function
- Universal quantum gates?
- Universal ? any unitary operation may be
approximated to arbitrary accuracy by a quantum
circuit involving only those gates - Three universality construction
20Two-level Unitary Gates are Universal
- For any U
- Unitary matrix acting on a d-dimensional Hilbert
space - There exist U1,U2,,Ud
- Unitary matrix acting on a 2-dimensional Hilbert
space - Construct U exactly
- U U1U2Ud
- Two-level unitary gates
21Single qubit and CNOT Gates are Universal
Implement two-level gate by single qubit gates
and CNOT gates
22A Discrete Set of Universal Gates
- CNOTSingle qubit gates are universal
- But difficult to implement them in
error-resisting way - Use a discrete set of gates?
- Can not exactly implement arbitrary gate
(continuous v.s. discrete) - Can approximate any unitary gate
- Solovay-Kitaev theorem
- Any U on n-qubits may be approximated within a
distance ? using O(n44nlog(n44n/ ?))gates. - No constructive algorithm
23Discrete Universal Gate Sets
- Four member standard gates set
- HadamardCNOTphasep/8
- Alternative gates set
- CNOT, Hadamard, Phase, Toffoli
24Implementation of QComputation
- Guiding principles
- Di Vincenzo Criteria
- Quantum computer contenders
- What is on market now?
- Detailed review on quantum dot based QC
- Brief review on selected systems
- Modeling and fighting the decoherence
- How to model the decoherence?
- How to fight the decoherence?
25Guiding principles Di Vincenzo Criteria
- Be a scalable physical system with well-defined
qubits -
- Be initializable to a simple fiducial state such
as 000...gt - Have much longer decoherence times
- Have a universal set of quantum gates
- Permit high quantum efficiency, qubit-specific
26Quantum Circuit and Implementation
- Quantum algorithm
- quantum circuit diagram, quantum gates
- Physical implementation
- limited set of accessible quantum gates
- Quantum compiler
- Implement desired quantum gates using accessible
gates (using single qubitCNOT)
27Implement Controlled-U
- Uexp(ia)AXBXC, ABCI
- Multiple qubit control and target?
C-NOT operation
Single qubit operation
28Implement C2(U)
- UV2
- Toffoli gate
- UX, V(1-i)/(IiX)/2
29Implement Toffoli Gate
30Life is Not so Easy
- Quantum computer is so great, why cant I buy one
yet ? - Decoherence, decoherence, and decoherence !!!
- Ideal qubit
- Pure state gt Pure density matrix
- Non-ideal qubit
- Mix state gt Mixed density matrix
- Why de-coherence kills the quantum computer?
- Consider measurement operators M1gtlt,
M2-gtlt- - Ideal qubit p(1)1, p(2)0
- Non-ideal qubit p(1)1/2, p(2)1/2
31Modeling and fighting the Decoherence
- What is decoherence?
- Why decoherence kills a quantum computer
- How to model decoherence?
- The idea of quantum open system
- How to fight the decoherence? (from
implementation point of view) - Dynamical decoupling
- Decoherence free subspace
- Quantum feedback control
- Quantum Zeno effect
- Quantum error correction
32Modeling the decoherenceQuantum open system
? (t)U?U
Utotexp(-iHtott) HtotHsysHenvHint e(?)Trenv
Uexp(-iHt) Closed system ? Unitary Open system
? Non-Unitary
33Modeling the decoherenceQuantum open system
Born-Markovian approximation
Master equation in Lindblad form
Operator sum representation
Bad guy!
- The dilemma of quantum computation
- Controllability ? prefer strong interaction
- Fight decoherence ? prefer weak interaction
34Decoherence Optimatization
- The major obstacle in quantum computation is the
de-coherence - The quantum gate operation time is determined by
the physical system used to implement quantum
computation - It is desirable to minimize the number of gates
used for a quantum algorithm
35Fighting the decoherence
- Dynamical decoupling
- Eliminate the coupling between system and bath
- Decoherence free subspace
- Hide in somewhere the symmetry can protect you
- Quantum feedback control
- Instantaneous error correction via feedback
- Quantum Zeno effect
- The strange effect of quantum measurement
- Quantum error correction
- The last resort, expensive in resource
36Quantum Error-Correction
- Encoded qubit
- Physical qubit ? logical qubit
- Error-detection or syndrome diagnosis
- Knowing the syndrome without knowing the logical
qubit - Recovery
- Recover from the syndrome
37Error Detectiong
- Three qubit bit flit code
- Fgta 0Lgtb 1Lgt a000gtb111gt
- Bit-flip error
- Fgt?a100gtb011gt
- Syndrome measurement
- P1100gtlt100011gtlt011
- ltFP1Fgt1
- Still dont know a, b
- Recovery action
38Dynamical decoupling Motivation
- The total Hamiltonian of the open system
- (Periodic) Control Hamiltonian acting on system
- The stroboscopic dynamics at TNNTc
- The effective Hamiltonian
- Can we average out the sys-bath interaction?
39Dynamical decoupling Decoupling group
- Consider a discrete decoupling group
- Assigning thea time evolution operator to thes
unitary representation - Average Hamiltonian
- Decoupling by group symmetrization
- Strong and fast control needed (unphysical)
40Decoherence free subspaceprotected by symmetry
- If no special assumptions are made on the
coefficient matrix aaß and on the initial
conditions then a necessary and sufficient con
for a subpace to be decoherence-free Spankgt is
that all basis states are dgenerate eigenstates
of all the Lindblad operators Fa
41Quantum feedback control
- Starting from the master equation
- View the evolution as a continuous measurement
- Derived the stochastic master equation
- Use measurement result (current) to perform
feedback feedback
42Quantum Zeno effect
- Measurement and collapse
- Evolution superoperator
- Measurement superoperator
- Evolutionmeasurements
- Zeno Hamiltonian
- What is quantum computation
- The power and the limit of quantum computer
- Toward the implementation of QComputer
- Decoherence and open quantum system