- A Status Report on the Pediatric Vaccine
Stockpiles - January 24, 2005
Eddie Wilder Project Officer, Pediatric Vaccine
Stockpile Immunization Services Division
(ISD) National Immunization Program (NIP)
- 01/83 Began stockpiling pediatric vaccines
- 01/93 VFC legislation enacted established
requirement for 6-month stockpile of all
routinely recommended childhood vaccines - 09/02 GAO issues report entitled Childhood
Vaccines, Ensuring an Adequate Supply Poses
Continuing Challenges - 10/02 NVAC recommends enhancement of CDC
vaccine stockpile
- Logistics Management Institute (LMI) work begun
- High level strategic plan developed
- Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) contract initialized
Vaccine Management Business Improvement Project
(VMBIP) ongoing - Reached target quantities on MMR and Varicella
partial target quantities of vaccine for Hep A,
Hep B, Hib, and e-IPV
4Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile
- What is the Vaccine Management Business
Improvement Project (VMBIP) - Objective a complete redesign of the national
distribution, ordering, inventory and funds
management system for publicly purchased vaccine - Site visits projects, distributors,
manufacturers - Vetting phase with design teams distribution,
ordering, funds mgmt, stockpile, systems - Plans for pilot, scale-up and national roll-out
- Standard operating procedures for stockpile
build-up, management, reporting and draw down
5Pediatric Vaccine StockpileJanuary 2005
6Current Projected FundingFY 2001-2006
Projected funding.
7InFluenza Vaccine Stockpile
- 40M authorized by OMB for each of FY 2004 and FY
2005 - Approximately 19M obligated in FY 2004 for the
purchase of influenza vaccine for stockpile - Aventis delivered 2.5M doses of influenza vaccine
to stockpile on January 15, 2005 600,000 more
doses to be delivered soon
8Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile
- NIP is working with BAH on VMBIP
- Stockpile Management
- Outstanding issues
- Revenue recognition
- Contract review and revision
- Target quantities
- Emergency non-emergency release protocols
9Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile
- Revenue recognition issues have delayed stockpile
build-up progress - SAB 101 requirements conflict with current
stockpile contract - All four (4) manufacturers are affected by
revenue recognition - Alternative models are being considered
- Annual fee
- CDC contracted off-site stockpile
10Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile
- Target Quantities
- Currently based on birth cohort
- Changing market share and risk issues
- Combination vaccines
- Shortages versus disease outbreaks
- Quarterly assessment and possible adjustment
- NVAC workgroup with ACIP representation to be
established for external input
11Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile
- Emergency non-emergency release protocols
- Definition of emergency versus non-emergency
release - Need for formal language in contract
12Next Steps
- Resolve revenue recognition issue
- Review and revise contracts with two (2)
manufacturers who have existing stockpile
contracts - Include new manufacturers in stockpile process
- Incorporate stockpile management into VMBIP
13Pediatric Vaccine Stockpile