Title: The Scoop on Peptides
1The Scoop on Peptides
Michael Q. Pugliese, B.S. L.E. Circadia by Dr
Pugliese, Inc Reading, Pa
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3What are Peptides?
A peptide is a chemical compound composed of
amino acids linked in amide bonds.
4Here is a simple peptide.
Here is a simple peptide.
Alanine-histidine (makes carnosine)
Now we must join them in a peptide linkage.
5First, lets look at an amino acid.
6Formation of a peptide bond.
7 Peptide Bond
8 9Polypeptides and Proteins
Two or more amino acids linked together form a
A tetra peptide
10peptides make proteins
Peptides make proteins.
Amino group
A 38 amino acid chain protein
Carboxyl group
11How Peptides React with Cells
- Peptides must have a specific receptor on a cell
to be able to react with the cell. - They are water soluble and cannot enter the cell.
- Their signal is transmitted to the DNA.
Peptide receptor
Signal sent to DNA
Signal enter nucleus and reacts with DNA
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14Making Fake Peptides
- If you tie up a peptide receptor you prevent the
real peptide from binding to it. - This way you can stop certain biological
function. - Example here is how we stop melanin production.
15Stopping MSH
- MSH is melanin stimulating hormone, a peptide.
The fake peptide blocks the receptor. The
melanocyte can not be stimulated to make melanin
Fake MSH Peptide
Real MSH Peptide
MSH Receptor
16Some Common Peptide Hormones
- Anterior Pituitary (adenohypophysis)
- Growth Hormone (GH)
- Thyrotropin, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
- Corticotropin, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
- Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
- Luteinizing hormone (LH)
- Prolactin
17..and a few more hormones
- Posterior Pituitary (neurohypophysis)
- Vasopressin, antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
- Oxytocin
- Intermediate Pituitary
- Melanocyte stimilating hormone (MSH)
18Lets Summarize!
- A peptide is a molecule composed of amino acids
in a certain sequence. - Many peptides are hormones.
- Peptides must bind to receptors on the cell to
have a specific cellular action, - Peptides have many bodily functions.
19Peptides in Skin Care
- Peptides are used to increase collagen.
- Build extracellular matrix molecules
- Inhibit catecholamines.
- Stimulate fibroblast growth
- Stimulate growth of keratinocytes
20Some Current Peptides
- Matrixyl- consists of two peptides, a
pentapeptide attached to a fatty acid called
palmitoyl oligopeptide and palmitoyl tetrapeptide - Argireline- acetyl hexapeptide
- Syn-Ake
- Copper peptide- a tripeptide with the amino acid
bond to copper.
- Believed to induce fibroblasts to produce
- collagen and elastin and GAGs.
- Must be used at 3-8 level.
- Effective around eye area, a thin skin.
- Inhibits catecholamines and protects cells from
breaking down. - Used at 3 to 8 level
- Seems to be most effective around the eye
23Skin Treated with 10 Argireline
Day 0 (No treatment)
Day 30 Treated 10 Argireline
24Copper Peptide
- Most effective in wound healing.
- Products are all blue.
- Copper can increase free radicals