Title: Hierarchical Multiple Regression
1Hierarchical Multiple Regression
2Original Data Set
3Correlation Super Matrix
4Correlated Predictors
5Order of Entry
6Order of Entry
First Entry X1
Second Entry X2
Third Entry X3
7Orthogonalize Three PredictorsbySuccessive
Partialing Method
8Remove the Effect of X1 from X2
9Predict X2
- Primary Predictor X1
- Criterion X2
10Bivariate Regression Analysis
11Predicted and Error Components
- Predicted Component
- The Effect of X1
13Remove X2
- Residual Component To Be Retained
15Replace X2 by X2
16Correlation X1 and X2
17Remove the Effect of X1 and X2 from X3
18Predict X3
- Orthogonalized Predictors X1 and X2
- Criterion X3
19Multiple Regression Analysis
20Predicted and Error Components
- X3 Predicted Component To Be Removed
- X3 Residual Component To Be Retained
22Replace X3 by X3
23Three Orthogonalized Predictors
24New Data Set
25Correlation Supper Matrix
26Semi-Partial Correlations
27Semi-Partial Correlation .577
- between X2 and Y, after removing the effect of X1
from X2
28Semi-Partial Correlation .502
- between X3 and Y, after removing X1 and X2 from
29Coefficients of Determination
.25 .33 .25 .83
30Percentage Accounted for
First Predictor .25
31Percentage Accounted for
First Predictor .25
Second Predictor .33
32Percentage Accounted for
First Predictor .25
Second Predictor .33
Third Predictor .25
33Multiple Regression Analysis