Title: Evolution of behavior
1Evolution of behavior Observing
behavior Project details
Completing the two projects will require a
significant amount of time spent observing human
and animal communication outside of class. Each
project will consist of background research
identification of the subjects and/or setting of
interest development of an ethogram to quantify
observed behavior observation and data
collection and descriptive data analysis.
Graded work for each project will be a report
and a brief class presentation. Project details
will be discussed in class.
3Ethogram a list of carefully defined behaviors
that allow us to quantify observable
behaviors Sample general behavior ethogram
4Steps (similar for the animal and human
projects) Choose an animal after doing some
background research Make a list of possible
communication behaviors (from direct
observation, videos, literature, webcams) Initial
observation (1-2 hours) to ensure the animal
youve chosen will provide the data you need,
to identify the best times to observe,
etc. Develop your research question Observation
(time required will depend on the animal) the
study period during which youll collect data
plan on 3-4 hours Describe your data Compare and
contrast with the existing literature
6Other options Other zoos, aquariums, etc.
(have to be in a group) Domestic animals (not
household pets) Animals in the wild (geese, ants,
7Research questions can be relatively simple Will
generally involve a comparison male versus
female mother versus young vocalization versus
gesture Or just a description mating display
behavior types of vocalizations facial
expressions (only primates) May need to obtain
specific information (e.g. feeding time, display
time gibbons)
8Final product 5 page paper that includes Why
you chose your subjects Brief description of your
initial observation (including where, when, how,
etc.) Description of your research
question Explanation of why you chose to focus on
the communication behaviors you included Summary
of the results of your observation A discussion
of the literature in relation to your
findings at least 5 references no more than 2
can be solely websites APA citation format
(in-text and reference list)
10A short clip of some ape communication Pay
particular attention to the vocal and non-vocal
11What do you know about evolution?
Descent with modifications Populations change
over time in response to environmental
pressures Natural selection is the process that
drives evolution - variation in heritable
traits - differential survival and/or
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13Sociobiology using evolutionary theory to
explain social behavior (like communication) Edw
ard O. Wilson (1975) Sociobiology The New
Wilson "the systematic study of the biological
basis of social behavior"
14(1976, 2006)
15Important to note that only some behaviors have
a heritable component others are partly
or entirely learned More widespread traits are
believed to be biological adaptations Example
People tend to prefer sweet and fatty foods
16A social behavior with some biological basis is
mate selection Lots of communication
about reproductive fitness A clear and observable
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