Title: Health care quality indicators
1Health care quality indicators
- m. Prof. MUDr. M.Dragula, PhD.
- Slovak Medical Chamber
2Medicine science and art do we need norms?
- Aversion to the norms
- Other indefinitely defined criterions
- Non-measurable and non-comparable parameters
3Can everybody really make the right individual
decision in treatment?
- Patient as an individual
- person
- Also individual procedure
- Forensic consequences
4Indicator judges correctness of the process
- Diagnosis and treatment is a process
- It has its input and output
- Process has its owner
- It should have a certain procedure with the
possibility of an individual decision making - Minimal standard level of the diagnosis and
treatment - Then the indicator shows the correctness of the
5Have there been defined the right processes of
the diagnosis and treatment?
- In Slovakia there have not been defined any
standardized procedures of the diagnosis and
treatment - Can we then talk about the process indicators?
6Can the indicators be used as the correctness
quality-markers if the previous ones have not
been defined?
- We have indicators saying nothing about previous
ones - Their collection and evaluation is not
transparent - Are the drawn up charts really of the quality?
7Does everyone have the equal opportunities
material, personal to apply defined processes?
- Minimal standards assumption of personnel and
gadget equipment - Do we have them?
- Or will it be solved by
- means of our standards
- to adapt them at the
- accessible personnel
- and material equipment?
8What should be done to make it happen in the
Slovak Republic and EU countries?
Two ways
The first Into Europe internationally accepted
The second To the hell own standards
- EU citizen equal health care quality in the EU
9Key-term definitions
- Indicators/quality characteristics
required/specified characteristics and
conformity criterions mainly for process outcomes
or the whole quality management system, which are
guaranteed to the customer by the process
system owner, that they will be achieved by
mutually agreed and determined terms. - Health status of total physical, emotional and
social well-being, not only the absence of
decease the result of interaction among human
body and social-economic, physical, chemical and
biological factors of living and working
environment likewise the way of life. - Definition has got many imperfections
- 1. Health is not to be valuated definition
doesnt enable to define quality characteristics
(indicators) for certain gender, age categories /
periods of life nor for specific health status - 2. Into the health status it includes
satisfaction of needs, claims and expectations of
man in the material and social field which
exceeds the borders of health and is rather
related to the total life quality - 3. It does not consider that many processes and
functions in the human body can be interferenced
without man noticing it or feeling discomfort or
illness - 4. Status of well-being and satisfaction can be
experienced by individual with distorted
dimension of health and vice versa physically
and emotionally healthy individual suffering by
hunger, bad weather or troubles and worries, does
not cease to be healthy on the other hand a
physically handicapped individual can be on a
considerably higher quality level of health,
social, emotional and spiritual status rather
than physically healthy psychopath, murderer
etc. - 5. Spiritual dimension of health connected with
the right decision making, creative abilities,
correct list of values is missing in the
definition, ...
10Health quality global result indicator of
provided health care service
- Health quality (QH) complex individual
characteristics of all dimensions including
physical, psycho-social and cognitive-spiritual
(related to their mutual interconnection and
interconditionality ) throughout which the
individual gains the ability to satisfy specified
or anticipated needs for fulfilling of his/her
mission, during the particular periods of life,
which would be in accordance with the model of - the free decision making
- and the life quality compass.
- Note This health quality definition is in
accordance with not only the quality definition
according to ISO 9000/8402, but also - - With the research results of WHO QoL Group 93
(life quality) - - With the total approach to the health care
which is being gradually applied
11History, present and trend of development
- Generally on the development of quality as a
method for perception of the change of values - Value as a measurable/ evaluated level of product
quality /result of the service - Basic scheme of the quality management system of
the health care service and alive cell with the
processes as an example of QMS - Partial results (Review of results and methods
known to us) as the solution for indicators of
quality characteristic features - MATRA Project (Holland SR)
- NIP Project (Denmark)
- CEEQNET Project (Czech Republic, SR, Hungary,
Poland, Austria) - Faculty hospitals of Czech Republic and Slovak
Medical Chamber Association - PATH Project WHO
- USA Standards (The Merck Manual of diagnosis and
therapy) - Canadian Standards
- The SR government regulations on health care
quality indicators - Result of our effort is
- The present system approach to be unified, basic
starting-point and outcomes (QH a QL) to be
determined - To achieve the price of health care service to be
monetary expression of value (evaluation of
quality level ) of the provided health care
services all over the world, which is
customer/health insurance company willing to pay
to a health care provider
12Key problems of the health service
- Old paradigm health care is focused on
treatment, not on maintaining and restoring
peoples health - Disconnection between state/regional economy and
health care financing and obscure cash flows
(budgets without criteria, ...) - Evaluation of health care outcomes does not take
into consideration the level of health care
quality not even its results status (level of
quality) of health - System management including health marketing and
health monitoring are absent in health service - Health care quality is decreasing, morbidity is
increasing - Responsibility for the status (quality level) of
health is not clear not even the interconnection
between life quality and health quality - The mission of the health facilities is not
explicit and their network is not being managed
Two of these problems characterize the situation
in health service (also in international
range) a) financial problems, it is obvious that
the investment into health service is a good
investment, the question is how to invest into
health service effectively b) absent of system
management and process approach, excluding the
health care facilities in which the quality
management system is being used
13Financial indicators of provided health care and
efficiency of health care system
- 10 of GDP for health care system in OECD
countries - 8,9 of GDP average in the EU countries
(before pred rozšírením EÚ) - 5,6 of GDP for health care system in the
Slovak Republic - 50 75 out of the whole financial budget in
health service goes into hospitals. - The only income (apart from the sponsor gifts) is
the price of health care outcomes. Other
processes can be classified as expenses. - If the price of outcomes is not the financial
expression of value of the result/ restored,
maintained or improved health quality, the whole
effort for effective motivation of medical
institutions, for interconnection of health care
financing with regional economics would have been
meaningless. - The lower the level of quality of health care
provided by primary outpatient clinics, the
higher portion of finances being used by
hospitals. - The lower the level of preventive health care
- the lower QH as well as the level of QL
- the shorter life expectancy
- the higher portion of finances needed for
provided health care that means the provided
health care is being less effective!
14Key processes/sub processes according to ISO
90012000 focused on health care quality and
quality of health indicators
- Health care service realization
- Basic inputs into the health care service
realization process and into its seven below
mentioned sub processes should be the results of
health care marketing. - Planning of realization of health care service
execution processes - Quality objectives and requirements for QH
- Processes, specific documents and resources
needed to achieve planned results - Required verification, validation, monitoring,
inspection and test activities specific to the QH
and the criteria for QH acceptance - Customer-related processes activities during
the period of health restoring and obtaining good
habits for health quality maintenance - Design and development
- Design and development of new method of
prevention, treatment focused on restoring,
maintaining or improving health quality - verification (confirmation that the specific
requirements have been met by providing the
objective evidence) of design and development - Validation of design and development
- Process of inputs purchasing
- Realization of health care services execution
processes - Validation of realization processes
- Control of diagnostic, monitoring and measuring
devices - Health care facility shall plan and implement the
monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement
15Key processes/sub processes according to ISO
90012000 focused on health care quality and
quality of health indicators
- Measurement, monitoring and improvement
- Monitoring and measuring of provided health care
outcomes - Customer satisfaction
- Internal audit
- Monitoring and measurement of process
- Monitoring and measurement of product (provided
health care outcome) - Control of nonconforming quality of health status
- Validation of data/quality indicators and
indicators of conformity in relation to achieved
results and progress of health all over the world
- Improvement
- Continual improvement
- Corrective action
- Preventive action
16Partial results characteristics of the
solutions of health care quality indicator
- NIP project (Denmark)
- Very good access to solution process, results are
arranged according to medical fields or selected
areas, e.g. - treatment and rehabilitation of patients after
stroke indicator standards - hip fracture indicator standards
- Results are processed as follows
Organization of treatment and rehabilitations Proportion of patients treated/rehabilitated in stroke units process gt90 lt48 hours after admission
Mortality 30 days and 3,6 and 12 months mortality outcome (not desired) 30 days mortality lt20 30 days 3, 6, 12 months after stroke
Danish NIP was established in 2000
17Partial results characteristics of the
solutions of health care quality indicator
project MATRA
- MATRA project as the basic tools are used
quality management system (QMS) according to ISO
90002000 and extensive models EFQM/CAF. Health
quality (QH) and quality of life (QL) are
mentioned as the main outcomes. This is fully in
accordance with the results of WHO QoL Group93
research as well as with the solution of MFN
05/2000 grant. - However proclaimed health quality has not been
defined. - Outcomes of health care quality indicators are
shown in four classes - demographic and socio-economic factors
- health status
- determinants of health
- health systems
- These classes has been further divided into
groups and subgroups. Specific quality indicators
are mentioned later. It is undoubtedly the most
sophisticated and systematically best done
solution of this complex issue. This has to be a
reason why WHO has chosen the results of MATRA
project as a base for PATH project.
18What the health population depends on?
What the health of population depends on?
Other 7
Health system 17
Life style 51
Genetics 25
- www.reformazdravotníctva.sk
- Zdroj WHO, 1999
19Thank you for your attention