Title: H-mode access on MAST
1H-mode access on MAST Presented by Andrew Kirk
UKAEA With thanks to Anthony Field, Hendrik
Meyer and Martin Valovic
- Effect of magnetic configuration
- Effect of gas puff location
- Effect of divertor leg length
- Effect of pellets
2Comparison of Pthr with Ps
Ps0.061?ne0.62 ?BT0.69 ?S0.88 F.Ryter et.al.,
Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 44 (2002) A415-A421
- Pthrgt 1.8 Ps (Ps 0.29 MW)
Ps0.072?ne0.7 ?BouT0.7 ?S0.9 ?(Zeff/2)0.7F(A)g T.
Takizuka et.al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 46
(2004) A227-A233
- Minimised by requiring
- Inboard fuelling
- DND configuration.
3Effect of magnetic configuration
- Pth reduced in DN (? rsep lt ?i/2) by more than
factor 2
LDND Pthr 1.2?0.15 MW
This effect is also observed on AUG and NSTX
4Possible explanations
- In the L-mode phase
- No change of Te, ne or Ti for CDN, LSN, USN
- DEr - 1kV/m between CDN and LSN - B2SOLPS
modelling also produces these changes
Similar effect observed on AUG
5Possible explanations
- In the L-mode phase
- No change of Te, ne or Ti for CDN, LSN, USN
- DEr - 1kV/m between CDN and LSN - B2SOLPS
modelling also produces these changes - SOL Flow patterns change similar to effects
observed on C-MOD
6Effect of gas puff location
H-mode access easier using Inboard Gas puff
7Possible explanations
- HFS fuelling changes the toroidal rotation of the
plasma due to - Neoclassical toroidal viscosity (P. Helander
et.al.) - Flows driven by ?B drifts (V.A. Rozhansky
et.al.) - The Rozhansky explanation predicts an Increase in
toroidal flow with HFS gas puff rate
8Possible explanations
Increase in toroidal flow with HFS gas puff rate
supports flows driven by ?B drifts interpretation
9Divertor leg length
Repetitive L-mode phases induced by change of the
connection length on MAST. Loss of bootstrap
current pulls leg inwards Shortening of leg ?
Similar effects have been observed on JET with
the X-point height scan
10Fuelling Pellets can induce L-H transition
Similar to what has been observed in DIII-D
- Explained by increased density gradient due to a
- H-mode access on MAST is facilitated near to CDN
and using HFS gas fuelling. Studies have been
performed trying to understand these effects - In addition the effect of
- Loop voltage and Density
- Error fields
- Effect of co vs cntr NBI
- have been studied.
12Backup material
13Possible explanations for gas puff location
- HFS ionisation source drives outward parallel
flow. - Net toroidal torque due to ?B-drift of ions.
- ? v? in counter-current direction
- observed in experiment.
- Radial transport of toroidal momentum from SOL.
- ? v? in co-current direction
- Balance of both toroidal torques determines
toroidal rotation ? Er
14Possible explanations for gas puff location
- HFS ionisation source drives outward parallel
flow. - Net toroidal torque due to ?B-drift of ions.
- ? v? in counter-current direction
- observed in experiment.
- Radial transport of toroidal momentum from SOL.
- ? v? in co-current direction
- Balance of both toroidal torques determines
toroidal rotation ? Er - Predicts an Increase in toroidal flow with HFS
gas puff rate
15Possible explanations for shorter divertor leg
- B2SOLPs Modelling shows that the shorter divertor
leg leads to - Lower edge temperature results in strong
reduction of V - More negative Er, and increased shear ? lower