Title: FIRE Physics Basis
1FIRE Physics Basis
- C. Kessel for the FIRE Team
- Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- FIRE Physics Validation Review
- March 30-31, 2004
- Germantown, MD
2FIRE Description
R 2.14 m, a 0.595 m, ?x 2.0, ?x 0.7, Pfus
150 MW
- AT-Mode
- IP 4.5 MA
- BT 6.5 T
- ?N 4.2
- ? 4.7
- ?P 2.35
- ???? 0.21
- q(0) 4.0
- q95, qmin 4.0,2.7
- li(1,3) 0.52,0.45
- Te,i(0) 15 keV
- ?Te,i? 6.8 keV
- n20(0) 4.4
- n(0)/?n? 1.4
- p(0)/?p? 2.5
- n/nGr 0.85
- Zeff 2.2
- fbs 0.78
- Q 5
- H-mode
- IP 7.7 MA
- BT 10 T
- ?N 1.80
- ? 2.4
- ?P 0.85
- ???? 0.075
- q(0) lt 1.0
- q95 3.1
- li(1,3) 0.85,0.66
- Te,i(0) 15 keV
- ?Te,i? 6.7 keV
- n20(0) 5.3
- n(0)/?n? 1.15
- p(0)/?p? 2.4
- n/nGr 0.72
- Zeff 1.4
- fbs 0.2
- Q 12
passive plate
3FIRE Magnet Layout
Error field correction coils
TF Coil
Fe shims
Fast vertical and radial position control coil
RWM feedback coil
4FIRE Magnets
TF Coils Limit flattop 20 s at BT 10 T
(H-mode) 48 s at BT 6.5 T (AT-mode) TF ripple
(max) 0.3 0.3 ? loss H-mode 8 ? loss AT-mode
(Fe shims) PF Coils Provide H-mode
operation 0.55 li(3) 0.85 (SOB,EOB) 0.85
li(3) 1.15 (SOH,EOH) ?ref-5 ?(Wb)
?ref5 1.5 ?N 3.0 ??ramp 40 V-s, ??flat 3
V-s Provide AT-mode operation 0.35 li(3)
0.65 (SOB EOB) 2.5 ?N 5.0 7.5
?flattop(Wb) 17.5 Ip 5.0 MA ??ramp 20 V-s
5FIRE Magnets
Vertical stability Cu passive plates, 2.5 cm
thick For most unstable plasmas (full elongation
and low pressure), over the range 0.7 lt li(3) lt
1.1, the stability factor is 1.3 lt fs lt 1.13 and
growth time is 43 lt tg(ms) lt 19 Internal Control
Coils Fast vertical position control Fast radial
position control (antenna) Startup assist Error
Correction Coils Static to slow response Correct
PF and TF coil, lead, etc. misalignments
ITER Error Coils
6FIRE Magnets
Resistive Wall Mode Coils DIII-D Modes are
detectable at the level of 1G C-coils produce
about 50 times this field The necessary frequency
depends on the wall time for the n1 mode (which
is 5 ms in DIII-D) and they have ??wall
3 FIRE FIRE has approximately 3-4 times the
plasma current, so we might be able to measure
down to 3-4 G If we try to guarantee at least 20
times this value from the feedback coils, we must
produce 60-80 G at the plasma These fields
require approximately I f(d,Z,?)Br/?o 5-6.5
kA Assume we also require ??wall 3 Required
voltage would go as V 3?o(2d2Z)NI/??wall
0.25 V/turn
ICRF Port Plug
RWM Coil
7FIRE Heating and CD
ICRF (20 MW, 70-115 MHz) Ion heating _at_ 10 T He3
minority and 2T at 100 MHz Ion heating _at_ 6.5 T H
minority and 2D at 100 MHz Electron heating/CD _at_
6.5 T 70-75 MHz, ?20 0.14-0.21 A/W-m2 LHCD
(30MW, 5 GHz) n 1.8-2.5, ?n 0.3 NTM
control _at_ 10 T Bulk CD/NTM _at_ 6.5 T ?20 0.16
A/W-m2 ECCD (??MW, 170 GHz) LFS, O-mode,
fundamental NTM control _at_ 6.5 T ?20 0.004
A/W-m2 (at 149 GHz)
??ce170 GHz
8ICRF Heating and CD
Want to reduce power required to drive on-axis
current 2 strap antenna and port geometry
provides only 40 of ICRF power in good CD part
of the spectrum 4 strap antenna can provide 60
of power in good CD part of spectrum Expanding
antenna cross-section and going to 4 straps
reaches 80 in good CD part of spectrum
9Power Handling
First wall Surface heat flux Plasma radiation,
Qmax P? Paux Volumetric heating Nuclear
heating, qmax qpeak(Z0) VV, Cladding, Tiles,
Magnets. Volumetric heating Nuclear heating,
qmax qpeak(Z0) Divertor Surface heat
flux Particle heat flux, Qmax
PSOL/Adiv(part) Radiation heat flux, Qmax
PSOL/Adiv(rad) Volumetric heating Nuclear
heating, qmax qpeak(divertor)
10Power Handling
Pulse length limitations VV nuclear heating
(stress limit), 4875 MW-s -----gt Pfus
(qVVnuclear) FW Be coating temperature, 600oC
-----gt QFW Pfus (qBenuclear) TF coil heating,
373oK -----gt BT Pfus (qCunuclear) PF Coil
heating-AT-mode, 373oK -----gt Ip, li, ?p, and ?
(not limiting) Component limitations Particle
power to outboard divertor lt 28 MW Radiated
power on (innerouter) divertor/baffle lt 6-8 MW/m2
11Power Handling/Operating Space
FIRE H-mode Operating Space ?N limited by NTM or
ideal MHD with NTM suppression -----gt maximum
Pfus Higher radiated power in the divertor
allows more operating space, mainly at higher
?N -----gt maximum Pfus Majority of operating
space limited by TF coil flattop -----gt ?flattop
20 s High Q (15-30) operation obtained with
Low impurity content (1-2 Be) Highest H98
(1.03-1.1) Highest n/nGr (0.7-1.0) Highest
n(0)/?n? (1.25)
H98(y,2) 1.1
12Power Handling/Operating Space
FIRE AT-mode Operating Space ?N is limited by
ideal MHD w/wo RWM feedback -----gt maximum
Pfus Higher radiated power in the divertor
allows more operating space, mainly at higher
?N -----gt maximum Pfus Majority of operating
space limited by VV nuclear heating -----gt
?flattop 20-50 s Design solutions to improve
VV nuclear heating limit, could reach PF coil
limit, function of Ip Number of current
diffusion times accessible is reduced as ?N, BT,
Q increase
H98(y,2) 2.0
13FIRE Particle Handling
Cryopumping in slanted ports Midplane pumping for
pumpdown bakeout HFS (vmax 125 m/s,
determined by ORNL), LFS, VL Parks HFS modeling,
deposition to axis WHIST analysis indicates
n(0)/?n? 1.25
VHFS 125 m/s Parks, 2003
14MHD Stability
H-mode Sawtooth ---gt unstable, weak impact on
burn, coupling to global modes? NTMs ---gt
unstable or stable?, LHCD ? stabilization,
reduce ?N if near threshold, experiments with
little or no NTM impact (DIII-D, JET,
ASDEX-U) Ideal MHD ---gt over range of profiles
?N (n1 or 8) 3 AT-mode NTMs ---gt unstable or
stable? q(?) gt 2 everywhere, r/a(qmin) 0.8,
ECCD/OKCD, LHCD multiple spectra Ideal MHD ---gt
no wall/feedback, ?N (n1) 2.5-2.8
---gt with wall/feedback, VALEN
analysis indicates 80-90 of with-
wall ?N-limit (5-6), however,
n2,3 have lower ?N-limits? Other MHD
issues Ballooning/peeling modes, unstable with
H-mode edge Alfven and energetic particle modes,
H-mode stable (unless higher ?N), AT not
analized No external rotation source
15FIRE MHD Stability
(3,2) surface 12.5 MW 0.65 MA n/nGr 0.4 Q
Neoclassical Tearing Modes H-mode Threshold for
NTMs is uncertain Sawteeth and ELMs are
expected to be present and can drive
NTMs Typical operating point is at low ?N and
?P Can lower ?N further if near threshold Lower
Hybrid CD at the rational surfaces Compass-D
demonstrated LH stabilization Analysis by Pletzer
and Perkins showed stabilization was feasible
(PEST3) Lowers Q(Pfus/Paux) EC methods require
high frequencies at FIRE field and densities
----gt 280 GHz DIII-D (Luce) ?N 3, NTM weak
impact ASDEX-U, JET (Gunter) frequently
interrupted NTM
confinement degradation
16MHD Stability
RWM Stabilization AT-mode RWM stabilization
with feedback coils, VALEN analysis indicates
80-90 of ideal with wall limit for n1 Coils in
every other port, very close to plasma n 1
stable with wall/feedback to ?Ns around 5.0-6.0
n 2 and 3 appear to have lower ?N limits in
presence of wall, possibly blocking access to n
1 limits H-mode edge stability will depend on
pedestal parameters width, height, and location
Bialek, Columbia Univ.
Growth Rate, /s
17Disruption Modeling
Experimental database used to project for
FIRE Thermal quench time 0.2 ms Ihalo/Ip ?
TPF 0.5 dIp/dt rates for current quench 3
MA/ms (worst), and 1 MA/ms (typical) TSC used to
provide plasma evolution
Hyper-resistivity for rapid j redistribution Thal
o and ?halo Axisymmetric and zero-net current
structures Toroidal and poloidal currents
18FIRE Transport and Confinement
Energy Confinement Database ?E98(y,2) 0.144
M0.19 Ip0.93 BT0.15 R1.97 ?0.58 n200.41
?0.78 P-0.69 (m, MA, T, MW) ?p/?E 5 Zeff
1.2-2.2 (fBe 1-3, fAr 0-0.3) Pedestal
Database (Sugihara, 2003) Pped(Pa)
1nped-1/3(Ptot/PLH)0.144 ----gt Tped 5.24 1.3
keV ----gt ?ped?? L-H Transition PLH(MW)
2.84Meff-1BT0.82nL200.58Ra0.81 (2000) ----gt 26
MW in flattop PLH(MW) 2.58Meff-1BT0.60nL200.70R0
.83 a1.04 (2002) ----gt 18.5-25 MW in flattop DN
has less or equal PLH compared to favored SN
(Carlstrom, DIII-D NSTX MAST) H-L Transition
ELMs Ploss gt PLH although hysterisis exists in
data Type I ELMs typically require Ploss gt 1.(
)?PLH, expts typically gt 2?PLH Type II ELMs
require strong shaping, higher density, DN ---gt
reduced Pdiv, H981 Type III ELMs, near Ploss
PLH, or high density, reduced H98 Active methods
----gt pellets, gas puffing, impurity seeding,
19Pedestal Physics and ELMs
Type I ELM trends Reduced ?WELM/Wped with
increasing ?ped ----gt inconsistent with higher
Tped for high Q Reduced ?WELM/Wped with
increasing ?i ----gt inconsistent with higher
Tped for high Q ?WELM/Wped correlated with
?Tped/Tped as nped varied, very little change in
Type II ELMs ASDEX-U with DN and high n ----gt
H98 1-1.2 and reduction in divertor heat flux
by 3? JET with high ? and high n ----gt mixed
Type III, no reduction in confinement and 3?
reduction in ELM power loss
20POPCON Operating Space vs. Parameters
T(0)/?T?, n(0)/?n?, ?p/?E, H98, fBe, fAr
H98(y,2) must be 1.1 for robust operating space
211.5D Integrated Simulations H-mode
Tokamak Simulation Code (TSC) Free-boundary Energ
y and current transport Density profiles
assumed GLF23 MMM core energy transport Assumed
pedestal height/location ICRF heating, data from
SPRUCE Bootstrap current, Sauter single
ion Porcelli sawtooth model Coronal equilibrium
radiation Impurities with electron density
profile PF coils and conducting
structures Feedback systems on position, shape,
current Use stored energy control Snowmass E2
simulations for FIRE Corsica, GTWHIST, Baldur,
221.5D Integrated Simulations H-mode
FIRE H-mode, GLF23
231.5D Integrated Simulations H-mode
240D Advanced Tokamak Operating Space
Scan ----gt q95, n(0)/?n?, T(0)/?T?, n/nGr, ?N,
fBe, fAr Constrain ----gt ?LH 0.16, ?FW 0.2,
PLH 30 MW, P 30 MW, IFW 0.2 MA, ILH
(1-fbs)Ip, Q Screen ----gt ?flattop(VV, TF, FW
heating), Prad(div), Ppart(div), Pauxlt Pmax
25Examples of FIRE Q5 AT Operating Points That
Obtain ?flat/?J gt 3
HH lt 1.75, satisfy all power constraints,
Pdiv(rad) lt 0.5 P(SOL)
261.5D Integrated Simulations AT-mode
fBS0.77 Zeff2.3 q(0) 4.0 q(min) 2.75
q(95) 4.0 li 0.42, ? 4.7, ?P 2.35
Ip4.5 MA Bt6.5 T ?N4.1 t(flat)/?j3.2
I(LH)0.80 P(LH)25 MW
271.5D Integrated Scenarios AT-mode
t 12-41 s
281.5D Integrated Scenarios AT-mode
Q 5 I(bs) 3.5 MA, I(LH) 0.80 MA I(FW)
0.20 MA, t(flattop)/?j3.2
n/nGr 0.85 n(0)/ltngt 1.4 n(0) 4.4x1020 Wth
34.5 MJ tE 0.7 s H98(y,2) 1.7 Ti(0) 14
keV Te(0) 16 keV Dy(total) 19 V-s, Pa 30
MW P(LH) 25 MW P(ICRF/FW) 7 MW (up to 20 MW
ICRF used in rampup) P(rad) 15 MW Zeff 2.3
29Perturbation of AT-mode Current Profile
5 MW perturbation to PLH Flattop time is
sufficient to examine CD control
t 12 s t 25 s
t 25 s t 41 s
- The FIRE device design provides
sufficient/flexible/relevant operating space to
examine burning plasma physics - Sufficient to provide burning conditions (Q 10
inductive and Q 5 AT, does not preclude
ignition) - Flexible to accommodate uncertainty and explore
various physics regimes - Relevant to power plant plasma physics and
engineering design - The subsystems on FIRE, within their operating
limits, are suitable to examine burning plasma
physics ----gt subject to RD in some cases - Auxiliary heating/CD
- Particle fueling and pumping
- Divertor/baffle and FW PFCs
- Magnets
- Diagnostics
- Burning plasma conditions can be accessed and
studied in both standard H-mode and Advanced
Tokamak modes. The range of AT performance has
been expanded significantly since Snowmass - FIRE can reach 1-5 ?j, and examine current
profile control - Design improvement to FW tiles could extend
flattop times further - FIRE can reach 80-90 of ideal with wall limit,
with RWM feedback - FIRE can reach high IBS/IP (77 in 1.5D
simulation) - Identified that radiative mantle/divertor
solutions significantly expand operating space - FIRE will pursue Fe shims for AT operation
- The physics basis for FIREs operation is based
on current experimental and theoretical results,
and projections based on these continue to
provide confidence that FIRE will achieve the
required burning plasma performance
32Issues/Further Work
- Magnets
- Ripple reduction, design Fe shims for AT mode
- Continue equilibrium analysis
- Complete plasma breakdown and early startup
- Complete internal control coil analysis
- RWM coil design/integration into port plugs, time
dependent analysis - Error field control coil design
- Heating and CD
- Continue ICRF antenna design, disruption loads,
neutron/surface heating - Engineering of 4 strap expanded antenna option
- More detailed design of LH launcher, disruption
loads, neutron/surface heating - Complete 2D FP/expanded LH calculations for FIRE
specific cases - Continue examination of EC/OKCD for NTM
suppression in AT mode - Pursue dynamic simulations/PEST3 analysis of LH
NTM stabilization for both H-mode and AT-mode
33Issues/Further Work
- Power Handling
- Pulse length limitations from VV nuclear heating,
design improvements - FW tile design, material choices, impacts on
magnetics - Continue divertor analysis, UEDGE and neutrals
analysis for integrated heat load, pumping,and
core He concentration solutions - Continue examination of ITPA ELM results and
projections, encourage DN strong triangularity
experiments - DN up-down imbalance, implications for divertor
design (lots of work on DII-D) - Disruption mitigation strategies, experiments
- Particle Handling
- Continue pellet and gas fueling analysis in high
density regime of FIRE - Neutrals analysis for pumping
- Be behavior as FW material and intrinsic impurity
- Impurity injection, core behavior, and
controllability - Particle control techniques puff and pump,
density feedback control, auxiliary heating to
pump out core, etc. - Wall behavior, no inner divertor pumping, what
are impacts?
34Issues/Further Work
- MHD Stability
- LH stabilization of NTMs, analysis and
experiments (JET, JT-60U and C-Mod) - Examine plasmas that appear not to be affected by
NTMs (current profile) - Early (before they are saturated) stabilization
of NTMs with EC/OKCD - Continue to develop RWM feedback scheme in
absense of rotation - Identify impact of n2,3 modes in wall/feedback
stabilized plasmas - Examine impact of no external rotation source on
transport, resistive and ideal modes - Alfven eigenmodes/energetic particle modes, onset
and accessibility in FIRE - Plasma Transport and Confinement
- Continue core turbulence development for H-mode,
ITPA - Establish AT mode transport features, ITB onset,
ITPA - Pedestal physics and projections, and ELM
regimes, ITPA - Impact of DN and strong shaping on operating
regimes, Type II ELMs - Improvements to global energy confinement
scaling, single device trends - Expand integrated modeling of burning plasmas