Title: IT Desktop Management
1IT Desktop Management
- PivotLink User Training
- Introductory Guide
- March 2007
- Prepared by
- Angela Mars
- IT Education and Training
2Table Of Contents
- What is PivotLink page 4
- Conceptual Schema page 5
- Logging on to PivotLink page 6
- Changing passwords page 7
- Reports Screen page 8
- Opening a report page 9
- PivotLink sample report page 10
- PivotLink screen descriptions page 12
3Table Of Contents
- Working with headers page 26
- Header types page 28
- Button/icon descriptions - headers page
29 - Working with metrics page 31
- Button/icon descriptions - metrics page
4What is PivotLink?
- PivotLink is an interactive business software
product that enables users to build a variety of
views of the data in the Colleague administrative
information system.
5Conceptual Schema
User Presentation
User Tools (SLIC, PivotLink)
Pull Files (Data Marts)
Transform Modify data for use
Load Write data to Data Marts
Extract Pull data from Colleague
Operational System Colleague Database (Student
System, Human Resources, Financials)
6Using PivotLink
- Logging on to PivotLink
- Open Internet Explorer 7.0.
- Go to https//ctc06.pivotlink.com/
- Enter User ID and Password.
7Using PivotLink
- Changing passwords
- Click Change Password in the upper right hand
corner of the Reports screen. - Enter new password.
- Retype new password.
- Click Submit.
8Using PivotLink
- Reports Screen
- PivotLink displays folders and reports.
9Using PivotLink
- Opening a report
- PivotLink provides filter prompts that allow
users to select input values before a report is
built. - Click View report to display results of value
10Using PivotLink
11PivotLink Introductory Guide
12Viewing Information
- PivotLink Screen Descriptions
Viewing Options
Default View Text format view
13Viewing Information
14Viewing Information
- PivotLink Screen Descriptions
Viewing Options
Default View Text format view
HTML View Displays data in a table format.
15Viewing Information
16Viewing Information
- PivotLink Screen Descriptions
Viewing Options
Default View Text format view
HTML View Displays data in a table format.
Bar Chart Displays a bar chart for the selected
17Viewing Information
18Viewing Information
- PivotLink Screen Descriptions
Viewing Options
Default View Text format view
HTML View Displays data in a table format.
Bar Chart Displays a bar chart for the selected
Pie Chart Displays a pie chart for the selected
19Viewing Information
20Viewing Information
- PivotLink Screen Descriptions
Viewing Options
Default View Text format view
HTML View Displays data in a table format.
Bar Chart Displays a bar chart for the selected
Pie Chart Displays a pie chart for the selected
Export Data Export data into Excel, Word, or a
21Viewing Information
MS Excel
22Viewing Information
- PivotLink Screen Descriptions
Viewing Options
Default View Text format view.
HTML View Displays data in a table format.
Bar Chart Displays a bar chart for the selected
Pie Chart Displays a pie chart for the selected
Export Data Export data into Excel, Word, or a
Export PDF Export data into PDF format for
23Viewing Information
Click here to print
24PivotLink Introductory Guide
- Performing Analysis
- Headers
25Performing Analysis
- PivotLink Screen Descriptions, cont.
Headers Metrics Pool
Metric Pool Lists data fields that can be used
in calculations.
Header Pool Lists data fields that can be
displayed in the report.
Filter Pool Allow users to define which fields
are used.
26Performing Analysis
- Working with headers
- Headers allow users to choose options and make
changes to reports. Click the Headers hyperlink
for a list of available header fields.
27Performing Analysis
Header Lists available headers and options.
Placement Displays the header as row, column,
separate page, or in the Header pool (not
displayed in the report, but available from the
report screen).
Display Subtotal Displays a subtotal for a
selected header.
Filter Used to query the data in headers.
Multiple filters can be checked.
Order Used to arrange the headers in the
28Performing Analysis
Column header - Displays the header across the
Row header Displays the header down the report.
29Performing Analysis
Shift column to the left.
Please click for a demonstration
Page Control - used to create a separate table
for each row or column header field.
Toggle subtotal on/off.
Remove header field from a report.
Filter Choose specific values to filter on for
a header field.
30PivotLink Introductory Guide
- Performing Analysis
- Metrics
31Performing Analysis
- Working with metrics
- Users can choose metrics to do display Total,
Change, and custom calculations. - Click a checkbox to select a metric.
- Click Apply.
- Or
- Click the Metrics hyperlink for a list of
available metrics.
32Performing Analysis
33Performing Analysis
Sort rows in descending order
Please click for a demonstration
Sort rows in ascending order
Filter on values of the variable in the column
Buttons appear grayed out when a sort or filter
is applied. To remove sort or filter, press the
34QA?Educational RequestsContact Angela
- Technical QuestionsContact the IT Help