Title: Do you Know your green responsibilities
1Do you Know your green responsibilities?
- Tania Tucker
- Senior Environment Officer
- Environment Agency
- Reasons for regulation / why regulate?
- Overview of the current legislation potentially
impacting your business - Future legislative developments
- Questions
3Regulation - advantages disadvantages
- Disadvantages
- Uncertainty and complexity
- Compliance (costs resources)
- Reputation
- Insurance costs
- Risk of prosecution
4Regulation - advantages disadvantages
- Advantages
- Level playing field
- Protects the environment
- Compliance can reduce insurance costs
- Compliance can reduce reputational risk
- Compliance can potentially increase efficiency
5Regulation - advantages disadvantages
- Hopefully prevent uncontrolled dumping and
6Current Legislation - Duty of Care
- What is the duty of care?
- Who does it apply to?
- Why have a duty of care system for waste?
7Current Legislation - Duty of Care
- Relevant Legislation
- Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act
1990 - Duty of Care Regulations 1992
- Landfill regulations 2002
- List Of Waste (England) Regulations 2005
- (Defra have announced a review of the duty of
care - a consultation paper is due out in 2006)
8Current Legislation - Duty of Care
- Duty of Care A Code of Practice
- Is made under s.34 of the Environmental
Protection Act 1990 - Provides statutory guidance for persons who
produce, import, hold, transport, treat or
dispose of controlled waste - Can be cited in Court to demonstrate compliance
or otherwise with the duty of care - Is available on-line at
- www.defra.gov.uk/environment/waste/management/doc
9Current Legislation - Duty of Care
- Key provisions of Duty of Care
- Holders of controlled waste must prevent the
escape of waste - Holders of controlled waste must ensure their
waste is passed to an authorised person - Upon transferring waste, both parties must
receive and sign a waste transfer note - Waste transfer notes must be kept for a minimum
of 2 years and be produced upon request - A written description of the waste must be passed
to the new holder - sufficient to allow the waste
to be properly managed
10Current Legislation - Duty of Care
- Transfer Notes
- Must be kept for a minimum of 2 years
- Must be produced upon request
- Different to hazardous waste consignment notes
- Authorities can serve an fixed penalty notice for
300 for failure to produce a transfer note - Can act as proof waste was passed onto an
authorised person if waste is subsequently
11Current Legislation - Duty of Care
- Householder Duty of Care
- Introduced in November 2005
- Purpose is to prevent householders passing waste
to potential flytippers - Requires householders to take reasonable measures
to ensure they pass waste to an authorised person - Reasonable measures likely to include evidence
that the person was registered as a waste carrier
12Current Legislation - Waste Carriers
- Why did the legislation develop?
- Private Members Bill introduced by Joan Ruddock
MP in the late 1980s - As an attempt to prevent flytipping of builders
waste -
13Current Legislation - Waste Carriers
14Current Legislation - Waste Carriers
- Relevant legislation
- Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989
- Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and
Seizure of Vehicles) Regulations 1991 - Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994
- Clean Neighbourhoods Environment Act 2005
- Waste Management (England Wales) Regulations
15Current Legislation - Waste Carriers
- Exemptions and Exclusions
- The exclusions are when controlled waste is
transported- - Within the same premises
- from a country or territory outside Great Britain
(GB) into GB - By air or sea of controlled waste from a place
inside GB to a place outside GB
16Current Legislation - Waste Carriers
- Exemptions
- Waste collection and waste disposal authorities
- A Charity
- A voluntary organisation
- The producer of the controlled waste in question
except where it is building or demolition waste.
17 Current Legislation - Waste Carriers
- The Environment Agencys role
- Provide advice to public, business, and carriers
- Receive and process applications
- A registration costs 140 for 3 years
- Maintain a public register
- Register of professional exempt carriers
- Revocation of registrations
18Current Legislation - Waste Carriers
- To check if a carrier is registered call
- 08708 506 506
- The online public register is at
19Current Legislation - Waste Carriers
- Future changes to the carrier registration system
- Consultation on a system change through
provisions of Clean Neighbourhoods and
Environment Act 2005? - Fairer charging more robust system?
- Keep a watching brief on Defra website and waste
20Current Legislation Hazardous Waste
- Relevant legislation
- The Hazardous Waste (England) Regulations 2005
- List of Wastes (England) Regulations 2005
- What has changed?
- Special Waste Regulations have been replaced
- It has broadened the types of waste that are now
classed as hazardous
21Current Legislation Hazardous Waste
- How might it effect your business
- You may be required to register as a hazardous
waste producer - A registration is required before hazardous waste
is removed from your premises. - A premises registration will last you 12 months
- How do you register you premises?
22Current Legislation Hazardous Waste
- Registration
- There are different methods available for
notifying premises - On line- suitable for relatively small numbers of
notifications- 18 - Phone - suitable for small numbers- 23
- Electronic - Via a disk sent to us or via email-
18 - Paper application - 28
23Current Legislation Hazardous Waste
- Exemptions from the need to register
- If your premises is one of the following types
and produces less than 200kg of hazardous waste
in any 12 month period it will be exempt - Office premises,
- Shop premises,
- Premises used for agriculture,
- Premises that waste electrical and electronic
equipment is collected, - Dental, Veterinary or medical practice,
- Any ship
24Current Legislation Hazardous Waste
- Where to go for further help and guidance
- For information on how to register as a hazardous
waste producer. http//www.environment-agency.gov.
- Contact us by phone 08708 502 858
- For information on how to determine if your waste
is hazardous http//www.environment-agency.gov.uk
/subjects/waste/1019330/1217981/1384307/ - Further information on consignment procedures
- http//www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subjects/was
25Pollution Prevention
- How not to store fuel or liquids
26Pollution Prevention
- Another example of poor practice
27Pollution Prevention
- Tanks sited in a high risk area
28Pollution Prevention
29Pollution Prevention
30Pollution Prevention
- The inevitable results ...
31Producer Responsibility
- The Producer Responsibility Obligations
(Packaging Waste) Regulations 2005 - Aims to increase the recovery and recycling of
packaging waste - The Regulations place an obligation on certain
businesses to register with us or via a
compliance scheme to recycle/recover specified
tonnages of packaging waste each year.
32Producer Responsibility
- If you have a turnover of 2 million or above AND
- Handle over 50 tonnes of packaging materials
- Manufacture raw materials used for packaging
- Convert raw materials into packaging
- Pack or fill the packaging with finished goods
- Sell the packaging
- Sell the packaged goods to the final user or
consumer - Import packaging or packaged goods.
33Producer Responsibility
- Call the Free rider hotline 0207 0914026
- Further information call our National Waste
Registration Unit on 0207 091 4036 or email
34More information
- Duty of care
- http//www.netregs.gov.uk/netregs/275207/275430/74
7582/752973/?lang_e - http//www.defra.gov.uk/environment/waste/manageme
nt/doc/index.htm - Waste carrier checks
- 08708 506506 or on line at
- http//www2.environment-agency.gov.uk/epr/index.a
sp - Hazardous waste
- http//www.environment-agency.gov.uk/subjects/was
35More information
- Producer responsibility
- http//www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/444
304/444641/595811/136872/ - WEEE
- http//www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/4442
17/444663/1106248/1106255/ - Pollution Prevention
- http//www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/4442
36Any Questions?