Title: Grids - the near future
1Grids - the near future
NIEeS Summer School 2003
2Web services
- A web service is a network-accessible application
- identified by a URI
- e.g. http//terraservice.net/TerraService.asmx
?opGetTile - with an interface defined in terms of XML based
messages - these messages transported by internet
protocols (usually HTTP) - The application its interface definition
should be - discoverable by other applications
- independent of OS platform programming
language. - W3C standards body http//www.w3c.org/
3Acronym soup
XML - eXtensible Markup Language XSLT -
eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations SOA
P - Simple Object Access Protocol WSDL- Web
Service Description Language UDDI - Universal
Description, Discovery Integration
protocol BPEL - Business Process Execution
Language WSIF - Web Services Invocation
Framework ..
Web service interface to http//terraserver.micro
soft.com/ Example app US Department
of Agriculture have a database of soil
properties, federated with terraservice.net to
provide geographical topographic detail.
5Grid services
An extension of web services to provide for the
dynamic creation (and destruction) of service
instances. Why is this useful? Consider
submitting a job OGSA Open Grid Services
Architecture builds on... OGSI Open Grid
Services Infrastructure GGF standards body
http//www.gridforum.org/ OGSI specification now
in GGF comments period. The community develops
OGSA services.
6Database Access Integration
OGSA services for federation of XML relational
databases. http//www.ogsadai.org.uk/
7Globus Toolkit v3
A re-implementation based on OGSI, though many
services are wrappers around GT2
implementation. Production release just out
June 30th. Intended backwards compatibility with
8 The UK Grid in the next year
GT2 based Grid will continue for at least the
next year. In parallel, GT3 evaluation
experimental Grid On-going efforts to produce
documentation, improve resource management
accounting, a user group
9UK eScience - future plans
Digital curation centre - software development,
best practices Open Middleware Institute -
repository software engineering of UK grown
middleware More applications!