Computing and Data Grids - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computing and Data Grids


Computing and Data Grids for Science and Engineering William E. Johnston Computational Research Division, DOE Lawrence Berkeley National ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computing and Data Grids

Computing and Data Grids for Science and
William E. Johnston http//
Computational Research Division,DOE Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory and NASA Advanced
Supercomputing (NAS) Division, NASA Ames Research
The Process of Large-Scale Science is Changing
  • Large-scale science and engineering problems
    require collaborative use of many compute, data,
    and instrument resources all of which must be
    integrated with application components and data
    sets that are
  • developed by independent teams of researchers
  • or are obtained from multiple instruments
  • at different geographic locations
  • The evolution to this circumstance is what has
    driven my interest in high-speed distributed
    computing now Grids for 15 years.
  • E.g., see 1, and below.

Complex Infrastructure is Needed forSupernova
The Complexity of a Complete Approach to
Climate Modeling Terrestrial Biogeoscience
Involves Many Interacting Processes and Data
Chemistry CO2, CH4, N2O ozone, aerosols
Climate Temperature, Precipitation, Radiation,
Humidity, Wind
Heat Moisture Momentum
CO2 CH4 N2O VOCs Dust
Carbon Assimilation
Aero- dynamics
Microclimate Canopy Physiology
Inter- cepted Water
Bud Break
Soil Water
Leaf Senescence
Evaporation Transpiration Snow Melt Infiltration R
Gross Primary Production Plant
Respiration Microbial Respiration Nutrient
Species Composition Ecosystem Structure Nutrient
Availability Water
Ecosystems Species Composition Ecosystem Structure
WatershedsSurface Water Subsurface
Water Geomorphology
Disturbance Fires Hurricanes Ice Storms Windthrows
Vegetation Dynamics
Hydrologic Cycle
(Courtesy Gordon Bonan, NCAR Ecological
Climatology Concepts and Applications. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 2002.)
Cyberinfrastructure for Science
  • Such complex and data intensive scenarios require
    sophisticated, integrated, and high performance
    infrastructure to provide the
  • resource sharing and distributed data management,
  • collaboration, and
  • application frameworks
  • that are needed to successfully manage and carry
    out the many operations needed to accomplish the
  • This infrastructure involves
  • high-speed networks and services
  • very high-speed computers and large-scale storage
  • highly capable middleware, including support for
    distributed data management and collaboration

The Potential Impact of Grids
  • A set of high-impact science applications in the
    areas of
  • high energy physics
  • climate
  • chemical sciences
  • magnetic fusion energy
  • have been analyzed 2 to characterize their
    visions for the future process of science how
    must science be done in the future in order to
    make significant progress

The Potential Impact of Grids
  • These case studies indicate that there is a great
    deal of commonality in the infrastructure that is
    required in every case to support those visions
    including a common set of Grid middleware
  • Further, Grids are maturing to the point where it
    is providing useful infrastructure for solving
    the computing, collaboration, and data problems
    of science application communities (e.g. as
    illustrated by the case studies, below)

Grids Highly Capable Middleware
  • Core Grid services / Open Grid Services
  • Provide the consistent, secure, and uniform
    foundation for managing dynamic and
    administratively heterogeneous pools of compute,
    data, and instrument resources
  • Higher level services / Open Grid Services
  • Provide value-added, complex, and aggregated
    services to users and application frameworks
  • E.g. information management Grid Data services
    that will provide a consistent and versatile view
    of data real and virtual of all descriptions

User Interfaces
Application Frameworks (e.g. XCAT, SciRun) and
Portal Toolkits (e.g. XPortlets)
Applications (Simulations, Data Analysis, etc.)
Higher-level Services / OGSA (Data Grid Services,
Workflow management, Visualization, Data
Publication/Subscription, Brokering, Job Mgmt,
Fault Mgmt, Grid System Admin., etc.)
Core Grid Services / OGSI Uniform access to
distributed resources
Systems management and access
Global EventServices, Auditing, Monitoring
Security Services
Communication Services
Grid Information Service
Authentication Authorization
Unix and OGSI hosting
Uniform Data Access
Grid Managed Resources
X.509 CA
scientific instruments
DOEScience Grid
Supernova Observatory
Synchrotron Light Source
NERSCSupercomputing Large-Scale Storage
Funded by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of
Science,Office of Advanced Scientific Computing
Research,Mathematical, Information, and
Computational Sciences Division
Grids Highly Capable Middleware
  • Also .
  • Knowledge management
  • Services for unifying, classifying and reasoning
    about services, data, and information in the
    context of a human centric problem solving
    environment the Semantic Grid
  • Critical for building problem solving
    environments that
  • let users ask what if questions
  • ease the construction of multidisciplinary
    systems by providing capabilities so that the
    user does not have to be an expert in all of the
    disciplines to build a multidisciplinary system

Grid Middleware
  • Grids are also
  • A worldwide collection of researchers and
  • Several hundred people from the US, European, and
    SE Asian countries working on best practice and
    standards at the Global Grid Forum
  • A major industry effort to combine Grid Services
    and Web Services (IBM, HP, Microsoft) (E.g. see
  • Vendor support from dozens of IT companies

Web Services and Grids
  • Web services provide for
  • Describing services (programs) with sufficient
    information that they can be discovered and
    combined to make new applications (reusable
  • Assembling groups of discovered services into
    useful problem solving systems
  • Easy integration with scientific databases that
    use XML based metadata

Web Services and Grids
  • So
  • Web Services provide for defining, accessing, and
    managing services
  • while
  • Grids provide for accessing and managing
    dynamically constructed, distributed compute and
    data systems, and provide support for
    collaborations / Virtual Organizations

Combining Web Services and Grids
  • Combining Grid and Web services will provide a
    dynamic and powerful computing and data system
    that is rich in descriptions, services, data, and
    computing capabilities
  • This infrastructure will give us the basic tools
    to deal with complex, multi-disciplinary, data
    rich science models by providing
  • for defining the interfaces and data in a
    standard way
  • the infrastructure to interconnect those
    interfaces in a distributed computing environment

Combining Web Services and Grids
  • This ability to utilize distributed services is
    important in science because highly specialized
    code and data is maintained by specialized
    research groups in their own environments, and it
    is neither practical nor desirable to bring all
    of these together on a single system
  • The Terrestrial Biogeoscience climate system is
    an example where all of the components will
    probably never run on the same system there
    will be manysub-models and associated data that
    are built and maintained in specialized

Terrestrial Biogeoscience A Complete Approach
to Climate Modeling Involves Many Complex,
Interacting Processes and Data
Chemistry CO2, CH4, N2O ozone, aerosols
Climate Temperature, Precipitation, Radiation,
Humidity, Wind
Heat Moisture Momentum
CO2 CH4 N2O VOCs Dust
Carbon Assimilation
Aero- dynamics
Microclimate Canopy Physiology
Inter- cepted Water
Bud Break
Soil Water
Leaf Senescence
Evaporation Transpiration Snow Melt Infiltration R
Gross Primary Production Plant
Respiration Microbial Respiration Nutrient
Species Composition Ecosystem Structure Nutrient
Availability Water
Ecosystems Species Composition Ecosystem Structure
WatershedsSurface Water Subsurface
Water Geomorphology
Disturbance Fires Hurricanes Ice Storms Windthrows
Vegetation Dynamics
Hydrologic Cycle
(Courtesy Gordon Bonan, NCAR Ecological
Climatology Concepts and Applications. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 2002.)
Combining Web Services and Grids
  • The complexity of the modeling done in
    Terrestrial Biogeoscience is a touchstone for
    this stage of evolution of Grids and Web Services
    this is one of the problems to solve in order
    to provide a significant increase in capabilities
    for science
  • Integrating Grids and Web Services is a major
    thrust at GGF e.g. in the OGSI and Open Grid
    Services Architecture Working Groups.Also see

The State of Grids
  • Persistent infrastructure is being built - this
    is happening, e.g., in
  • DOE Science Grid
  • International Earth Observing Satellite Committee
  • EU Data Grid
  • UK eScience Grid
  • NSF TeraGrid
  • NEESGrid (National Earthquake Engineering
    Simulation Grid)
  • all of which are focused on large-scale science
    and engineering

The State of Grids Some Case Studies
  • Further, Grids are becoming a critical element of
    many projects e.g.
  • The High Energy Physics problem of managing and
    analyzing petabytes of data per year has driven
    the development of Grid Data Services
  • The National Earthquake Engineering Simulation
    Grid has developed a highly application oriented
    approach to using Grids
  • The Astronomy data federation problem has
    promoted work in Web Services based interfaces

High Energy Physics Data Management
  • Petabytes of data per year must be distributed to
    hundreds of sites around the world for analysis
  • This involves
  • Reliable, wide-area, high-volume data management
  • Global naming, replication, and caching of
  • Easily accessible pools of computing resources
  • Grids have been adopted as the infrastructure for
    this HEP data problem

High Energy Physics Data Management CERN / LHC
Data One of Sciences most challenging data
management problems
100 MBytes/sec
event simulation
Online System
Tier 0 1
CERN LHC CMS detector 15m X 15m X 22m, 12,500
tons, 700M.
2.5 Gbits/sec
Tier 1
German Regional Center
French Regional Center
FermiLab, USA Regional Center
Italian Center
0.6-2.5 Gbps
Tier 2
0.6-2.5 Gbps
Tier 3
CERN/CMS data goes to 6-8 Tier 1 regional
centers, and from each of these to 6-10 Tier 2
centers. Physicists work on analysis channels
at 135 institutes. Each institute has 10
physicists working on one or more channels. 2000
physicists in 31 countries are involved in this
20-year experiment in which DOE is a major player.
Institute 0.25TIPS
100 - 1000 Mbits/sec
Physics data cache
Tier 4
Courtesy Harvey Newman, CalTech
High Energy Physics Data Management
  • Virtual data catalogues and on-demand data
    generation have turned out to be an essential
  • Some types of analysis are pre-defined and
    catalogued prior to generation - and then the
    data products are generated on demand when the
    virtual data catalogue is accessed
  • Sometimes regenerating derived data is faster and
    easier than trying to store and/or retrieve that
    data from remote repositories
  • For similar reasons this is also of great
    interest to the EOS (Earth Observing Satellite)

US-CMS/LHC Grid Data Services TestbedInternation
al Virtual Data Grid Laboratory
metadatadescriptionof analyzeddata
Interactive User Tools
Data GenerationRequestExecution Management
Data Generation RequestPlanning Scheduling
Virtual Data Tools
  • Metadata catalogues
  • Virtual data catalogues

Security andPolicy
Other GridServices
Core Grid Services
Distributed resources(code, storage,
Raw datasource
CMS Event Simulation Productionusing GriPhyN
Data Grid Services
  • Production Run on the Integration Testbed (400
    CPUs at 5 sites)
  • Simulate 1.5 million full CMS events for physics
  • 2 months continuous running across 5 testbed
  • Managed by a single person at the US-CMS Tier
  • Nearly 30 CPU years delivered 1.5 Million Events
    to CMS Physicists

Partnerships with the Japanese Science Community
  • Comments of Paul Avery,
    director iVDGL
  • iVDGL is specifically interested in partnering
    with the Japanese HEP community and hopefully the
    National Research Grid Initiative will opens
    doors for collaboration
  • Science drivers are critical existing
    international HEP collaborations in Japan provide
    natural drivers
  • Different Japanese groups could participate in
    existing or developing Grid applications oriented
    testbeds, such as the ones developed in iVDGL for
    the different HEP experiments
  • These testbeds have been very important for
    debugging Grid software while serving as training
    grounds for existing participants and new groups,
    both at universities and national labs.
  • Participation in and development of ultra-speed
    networking projects provides collaborative
    opportunities in a crucial related area. There
    are a number of new initiatives that are relevant
  • Contact Harvey B Newman ltnewman_at_hep.caltech.edugt
    for a fuller description and resource materials.

National Earthquake Engineering Simulation Grid
  • NEESgrid will link earthquake researchers across
    the U.S. with leading-edge computing resources
    and research equipment, allowing collaborative
    teams (including remote participants) to plan,
    perform, and publish their experiments
  • Through the NEESgrid, researchers will
  • perform tele-observation and tele-operation of
    experiments shake tables, reaction walls, etc.
  • publish to, and make use of, a curated data
    repository using standardized markup
  • access computational resources and open-source
    analytical tools
  • access collaborative tools for experiment
    planning, execution, analysis, and publication

NEES Sites
  • Large-Scale Laboratory Experimentation Systems
  • University at Buffalo, State University of New
  • University of California at Berkeley
  • University of Colorado, Boulder
  • University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
  • Lehigh University
  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Field Experimentation and Monitoring
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of Texas at Austin
  • Brigham Young University
  • Shake Table Research Equipment
  • University at Buffalo, State University of New
  • University of Nevada, Reno
  • University of California, San Diego
  • Centrifuge Research Equipment
  • University of California, Davis
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Tsunami Wave Basin
  • Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
  • Large-Scale Lifeline Testing
  • Cornell University

NEESgrid Earthquake Engineering Collaboratory
Instrumented Structures and Sites
Remote Users
Simulation Tools Repository
High-Performance Network(s)
Laboratory Equipment
Field Equipment
Curated Data Repository
Large-scale Computation
Global Connections
Remote Users (K-12 Faculty and Students)
Laboratory Equipment
NEESgrid Approach
  • Package a set of application level services and
    the supporting Grid software in a singlepoint
    of presence (POP)
  • Deploy the POP to a select set of earthquake
    engineering sites to provide the applications,
    data archiving, and Grid services
  • Assist in developing common metadata so that the
    various instruments and simulations can work
  • Provide the required computing and data storage

NEESgrid Multi-Site Online Simulation (MOST)
  • A partnership between the NEESgrid team, UIUC and
    Colorado Equipment Sites to showcase NEESgrid
  • A large-scale experiment conducted in multiple
    geographical locations which combines physical
    experiments with numerical simulation in an
    interchangeable manner
  • The first integration of NEESgrid services with
    application software developed by Earthquake
    Engineers (UIUC, Colorado and USC) to support a
    real EE experiment
  • See http//

NEESgrid Multi-Site Online Simulation (MOST)
UIUC Experimental Setup
U. Colorado Experimental Setup
Multi-Site, On-Line Simulation Test (MOST)
Colorado Experimental Model
UIUC Experimental Model
  • Dan Abrams
  • Amr Elnashai
  • Dan Kuchma
  • Bill Spencer
  • and others
  • Colorado FHT
  • Benson Shing
  • and others

NCSA Computational Model
1994 Northridge Earthquake SimulationRequires a
Complex Mix of Data and Models
Pier 7
Pier 5
Pier 8
Pier 6
NEESgrid provides the common data formats,
uniform dataarchive interfaces, and
computational services needed to supportthis
multidisciplinary simulation
Amr Elnashai, UIUC
NEESgrid Architecture
Java Applet
Web Browser
User Interfaces
Curated Data Repository
Simulation Tools Repository
Data AcquisitionSystem
NEES Operations
E-Notebook Services
Metadata Services
CompreHensive collaborativE Framework (CHEF)
NEESgrid Monitoring
Video Services
NEESGrid StreamingData System
Accounts MyProxy
Grid Services
NEES distributed resources
Instrumented Structures and Sites
Large-scale Storage
Large-scale Computation
Laboratory Equipment
Partnerships with the Japanese Science Community
  • Comments of Daniel Abrams ltd-abrams_at_uiuc.edugt,
    Professor of Civil Engineering, University of
    Illinois and NEESGrid project manager
  • The Japanese earthquake research community has
    expressed interest in NEESgrid
  • I am aware of some developmental efforts between
    one professor and another to explore feasibility
    of on-line pseudodynamic testing - Professor M.
    Watanabe at the University of Kyoto is running a
    test in his lab which is linked with another test
    running at KAIST (in Korea) with Professor Choi.
    They are relying on the internet for transmission
    of signals between their labs.
  • International collaboration with the new shaking
    table at Miki is being encouraged and thus they
    are interested in plugging in to an international
    network.  There is interest in NEESgrid in
    installing a NEESpop there so that the utility
    could be evaluated, and connections made with the
    NEESGrid sites.
  • We already have some connection to the Japanese
    earthquake center known as the Earthquake
    Disaster Mitigation Center.  We have an MOU with
    EDM and the Mid-America Earthquake Center in
    place.  I am working with their director, Hiro
    Kameda,  and looking into establishing a NEESGrid

The Changing Face of Observational Astronomy
  • Large digital sky surveys are becoming the
    dominant source of data in astronomy gt 100 TB,
    growing rapidly
  • Current examples SDSS, 2MASS, DPOSS, GSC,
    FIRST, NVSS, RASS, IRAS CMBR experiments
    Microlensing experiments NEAT, LONEOS, and other
    searches for Solar system objects
  • Digital libraries ADS, astro-ph, NED, CDS, NSSDC
  • Observatory archives HST, CXO, space and
  • Future QUEST2, LSST, and other synoptic surveys
    GALEX, SIRTF, astrometric missions, GW detectors
  • Data sets orders of magnitude larger, more
    complex, and more homogeneous than in the past

The Changing Face of Observational Astronomy
  • Virtual Observatory Federation of N archives
  • Possibilities for new discoveries grow as O(N2)
  • Current sky surveys have proven this
  • Very early discoveries from Sloan (SDSS),2
    micron (2MASS), Digital Palomar (DPOSS)
  • see http//

Sky Survey Federation
Mining Data from Dozens of Instruments / Surveys
is Frequently a Critical Aspect of Doing Science
  • The ability to federate survey data is enormously
  • Studying the Cosmic Microwave Background a key
    tool in studying the cosmology of the universe
    requires combined observations from many
    instruments in order to isolate the extremely
    weak signals of the CMB
  • The datasets that represent the material
    between us and the CMB are collected from
    different instruments and are stored and curated
    at many different institutions
  • This is immensely difficult without approaches
    like National Virtual Observatory in order to
    provide a uniform interface for all of the
    different data formats and locations

(Julian Borrill, NERSC, LBNL)
NVO Approach
  • Focus is on adapting emerging information
    technologies to meet the astronomy research
  • Metadata, standards, protocols (XML, http)
  • Interoperability
  • Database federation
  • Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI)
  • Grid-based computing (OGSA)
  • Federating data bases is difficult, but very
  • An XML-based mark-up for astronomical tables and
    catalogs - VOTable
  • Developed metadata management framework
  • Formed international registry, dm (data
    models), semantics, and dal (data access
    layer) discussion groups
  • As with NEESgrid, Grids are helping to unify the

NVO Image Mosaicking
  • Specify box by position and size
  • SIAP server returns relevant images
  • Footprint
  • Logical Name
  • URL

Can choose standard URL http//....... SRB
URL srb//
Atlasmaker Virtual Data System
Metadata repositories Federated by OAI
Higher LevelGrid Services
Data repositories Federated by SRB
2d Store result return result
Core Grid Services
2c Compute on TG/IPG
Compute resources Federated by TG/IPG
Background Correction
NVO Components
Resource/Service Registries
Web Services
Simple Image Access Services
Cone Search Services
Cross-Correlation Engine
Grid Services
Data archives
Computing resources
International Virtual Observatory Collaborations
  • German AVO
  • Russian VO
  • e-Astronomy Australia
  • IVOA(International Virtual Observatory
  • Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (European
  • AstroGrid, UK e-scienceprogram
  • Canada
  • VO India
  • VO Japan
  • (leading the work on VO query language)
  • VO China

US contacts Alex Szalay, Roy
Williams,Bob Hanisch
Where to in the Future?The potential of a
Semantic Grid / Knowledge Grid Combining
Semantic Web Services and Grid Services
  • Even when we have well integrated WebGrid
    services we still do not provide enough
    structured information and tools to let us ask
    what if questions, and then have the underlying
    system assemble the required components in a
    consistent way to answer such a question.

Beyond Web Services and Grids
  • A commercial example what if question
  • What does my itinerary look like if I wish to go
    SFO to Paris, CDG, and then to Bucharest.
  • In Bucharest I want a 3 or 4 star hotel that is
    within 3 km of the Palace of the Parliament, and
    the hotel cost may not exceed the U. S. Dept. of
    State, Foreign Per Diem Rates.

Beyond Web Services and Grids
  • To answer such a question a relatively easy
    task, but tedious, for a human the system must
    understand the relationships between maps and
    locations, between per diem charts and published
    hotel rates, and it must be able to apply
    constraints (lt 3 km, 3 or 4 star,cost lt per
    diem rates, etc.)
  • This is the realm of Semantic Grids

Semantic Grids / Knowledge Grids
  • Work is being adapted from the Artificial
    Intelligence community to provide 4
  • Ontology languages to extend metadata to
    represent relationships
  • Language constructs to express rule based /
    constraint relationships among, and
    generalizations of, the extended terms

Future Cyberinfrastructure
technology impact
Resource Description Framework (RDF) 7 Expresses relationships among resources (URI(L)s) in the form of object-attribute-value (property). Values of can be other resources, thus we can describe arbitrary relationships between multiple resources. RFD uses XML for its syntax. Can ask questions like What are a particular propertys permitted values, which types of resources can it describe, and what is its relationship to other properties.
Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS) 7 An extensible, object-oriented type system that effectively represents and defines classes. Object-oriented structure Class definitions can be derived from multiple superclasses, and property definitions can specify domain and range constraints. Can now represent tree structured information (e.g. Taxonomies)
Future Cyberinfrastructure
technology impact
Ontology Inference Layer (OIL) 8 OIL inherits all of RDFS, and adds expressing class relationships using combinations of intersection (AND), union (OR), and compliment (NOT). Supports concrete data types (integers, strings, etc.) OIL can state conditions for a class that are both sufficient and necessary. This makes it possible to perform automatic classification Given a specific object, OIL can automatically decide to which classes the object belongs. This is functionality that should make it possible to ask the sort of constraint and relationship based questions illustrated above.
OWL (DAMLOIL) 9 Knowledge representation and manipulation that have well defined semantics and representation of constraints and rules for reasoning
Semantic Grid Capabilities
  • Based on these technologies, the emerging
    Semantic Grid 6 / Knowledge Grid 5 services
    will provide several important capabilities
  • 1) The ability to answer what if questions by
    providing constraint languages that operate on
    ontologies that describe content and
    relationships of scientific data and operations,
    thus automatically structuring data and
    simulation / analysis components into Grid
    workflows whose composite actions produce the
    desired information

Semantic Grid Capabilities
  • 2) Tools, content description, and structural
    relationships so that when trying to assemble
    multi-disciplinary simulations, an expert in one
    area can correctly organize the other components
    of the simulation without having to involve
    experts in all of the ancillary sub-models

Future Cyberinfrastructure
  • Much work remains to make this vision a reality
  • The Grid Forum has recently established a
    Semantic Grid Research Group 10 to investigate
    and report on the path forward for combining
    Grids and Semantic Web technology.

Thanks to Colleagues who Contributed Material to
this Talk
  • Dan Reed, Principal Investigator, NSF NEESgrid
    Director, NCSA and the Alliance Chief Architect,
    NSF ETF TeraGrid Professor, University of
    Illinois -
  • Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and
    University of Chicago, http//
  • Dr. Robert Hanisch, Space Telescope Science
    Institute, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Roy Williams, Cal Tech Dan Abrams, UIUC Paul
    Avery, Univ. of Florida Alex Szalay, Johns
    Hopkins U. Tom Prudhomme, NCSA

Integrated Cyberinfrastructure for Science
Science Portals collaboration and problem solving
Web Services
Grid Services secure and uniform access and
management for distributed resources
Supercomputing andLarge-Scale Storage
Supernova Observatory
Advanced Chemistry
High Speed Networks
Computing and Storageof Scientific Groups
High Energy Physics
Advanced Engine Design
Spallation Neutron Source
Macromolecular Crystallography
Advanced Photon Source
  • 1 The Computing and Data Grid Approach
    Infrastructure for Distributed Science
    Applications, William E. Johnston.
  • 2 DOE Office of Science, High Performance
    Network Planning Workshop.August 13-15, 2002
    Reston, Virginia, USA.http//doecollaboratory.pnl
  • 3 Developing Grid Computing Applications in
    IBM developerWorks Web services Web services
  • 4 See The Semantic Web and its Languages, an
    edited collection of articles in IEEE
    Intelligent Systems, Nov. Dec. 2000. D. Fensel,
  • 5 For an introduction to the ideas of Knowledge
    Grids I am indebted to Mario Cannataro, Domenico
    Talia, and Paolo Trunfio (CNR, Italy). See
  • 6 For an introduction to the ideas of Semantic
    Grids I am indebted to Dave DeRoure (U.
    Southampton), Carol Gobel (U. Manchester), and
    Geoff Fox (U. Indiana). See
  • 7 The Resource Description Framework, O.
    Lassila. ibid.
  • 8 FAQs on OIL Ontology Inference Layer, van
    Harmelen and Horrocks. ibid. and OIL An
    Ontology Infrastructure for the Semantic Web.
  • 9 Semantic Web Services, McIlraith, Son,
    Zeng. Ibid. and Agents and the Semantic
    Web, Hendler. Ibid.
  • 10 See http// This GGF
    Research Group is co-chaired by David De Roure, Carole Goble, and Geoffrey Fox
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