Title: Repositioning Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education
1 Repositioning Information and Communication
Technologies in Higher Education
- William Dutton
- Oxford Internet Institute
- www.oii.ox.ac.uk
7th International Bielefeld Conference, 3-5
February 2004
Libraries and other ICT services reconfigure
access to information, people, services and ICTs,
enabling them to play a central role in achieving
the missions of all institutions of higher
3Working Assumptions
- Grasping the Information Paradox
- Visioning in a Period of Transition
- A University-Wide Vision
- The Need to Avoid Old Dichotomies
4The Old Dichotomies
- Library v. information (IT) services
- Electronic v. print - digital v. analog
- Centralized v. Distributed
5Central Themes and Assumptions
- The Problems are Critical
- Time to Act in a Period of Transition
- The Need for a University-Wide Vision
- The Need to Avoid Old Dichotomies
- Getting Out of a Budgetary Box
6Ways Forward
- Defining a Strategic Vision The USC Case
7The Case of USC
- A Strategic Plan for the University of Southern
California (USC) - Information Pathways to Excellence Mission
Driven Strategies for Library and Information
Services - www.usc.edu/isd/strategicplan
8Ways Forward
- Defining a Strategic Vision The USC Case
- Elements of a Strategic Vision
9Elements of a Strategic Vision
- Seamless Access to User-Driven Collection
- Multi-Disciplinary Magnets
- Information Infrastructures
10Students, Power Point, VLEs, Laptops, the Web and
Wires Meet at the OII
11Elements of a Strategic Vision
- Seamless Access to User-Driven Collection
- Multi-Disciplinary Magnets
- Information Infrastructures
- A Well-Defined Federal Structure
- A Web-based Service Environment
12Access Bielefeld