Title: Unit 1, Lesson 2 Financial Services Industry
1Unit 1, Lesson 2Financial Services Industry
AOFPrinciples of Finance
2What do we mean by financial services?
- The term financial services refers to
- Institutions that deal with the management of
money - The services that these institutions provide
- The financial services industry helps
individuals, businesses, and governments all
manage their money.
In what ways does the financial services industry
help people manage their money?
3What institutions provide these services?
- The most common institutions that provide
financial services include - Banks
- Credit unions
- Savings and loans
- Insurance companies
- Other types include advisory services, credit
card companies, investment banks, stock
brokerages, and many more!
What financial services have you utilized?
4Many different financial services are available
- A wide variety of financial services are offered.
Some of the most common include - Checking and savings accounts
- ATM and debit cards
- Money market accounts
- Certificates of deposit
- Loans (home, auto, business)
- Credit cards
- Mutual funds and other securities
What information would you want to know before
you opened a checking account?
5Banks match borrowers and lenders
- Banks typically fall into two categories. The
most common are commercial and investment banks. - Banks provide many different services to their
customers. The most common are - Depository services
- Lending services
Can you name any of the banks in your area?
6Thrifts and credit unions Whats the difference?
- Aside from banks, some of the other more common
financial institutions include - Savings and loans/thrifts
- Credit unions
- Insurance companies
- Each started as meeting the needs of services
that were not covered by commercial banks.
Why would you choose a credit union or a savings
and loan over a bank?
7Insurance Protect yourself!
- Insurance protects you from unexpected losses
- Insurance doesnt protect you from the risk
itself, but provides you with financial coverage
should the loss occur - These services cover a number of risks that are
most commonly related to an individuals life and
property - Some insurance companies even offer typical
banking services like mortgage and auto loan
What types of insurance do you think are the most
important to have?
8Financial services and society
The financial services industry is critical to
the overall health of our economy because it
- Channels financial resources to their most
productive uses - Increases individual wealth
- Promotes saving
- Attracts the financial resources that promote
In what ways can the health of the financial
services industry reflect an individuals
financial health?