Title: Operational Approach for Implementing Regional Sediment Management
1Operational Approach for Implementing Regional
Sediment Management
W. Wynne Fuller Chief, Operations
Division USACE, Mobile District
2Regional Sediment ManagementDemonstration to
3Regional Sediment Management
- Goal
- Maximize beneficial use of sediments
- Minimize environmental impacts
- Optimize Expenditures
- Objectives
- Implement RSM Practices
- Improve economic performance by linking projects
- Develop new engineering techniques to
optimize/conserve sediment - ID/overcome bureaucratic obstacles
- Manage in concert with environment
4Implement RSM PracticesChief of Operations
Division Perspective
- Integrate to Operations Practices
- Beneficial Uses
- Leverage Technology
5 Regional Sediment Management Project Delivery
Team (PDT)
USACE Internal PDT Operations Division Real
Estate Engineering Division Office of
Counsel Planning Division
- FL Dept Environ Protection
- AL Geological Survey
- FL Geological Survey
- US Geological Survey
- US Air Force
- US Navy
- University of Florida
- University of S Alabama
- State of Alabama
- State of Mississippi
- Minerals Mgmt Service
- AL Coastal Erosion Task Force
- Gulf Islands Natl Seashore
- City of Gulf Shores
- City of Orange Beach
7RSM PDT Implementation Process
- Identify implementation initiatives
- Monitor for performance
- Evaluate modify procedures
- Implement modified procedures
8RSM Implementation Projects
- Perdido Pass, AL
- Downdrift Bypassing
- East Pass, FL
- Norriego Point
- Downdrift Bypassing
- Pensacola Pass, FL
- Fort McRee
- Section 204
- St. Andrews Inlet, FL
- Gator Lake
- Section 1135
- Stockpiled River Sand
- Apalachicola River
- Tenn-Tom
- Mobile Harbor
- Deer Island, MS
- Marsh Creation
9Perdido Pass
- Plan
- Modify disposal practices
- More effective sand bypassing
- Monitor performance
- Benefits
- Downdrift replenishment
- Reduce re-handling
- Storm damage mitigation
- Management Decision
- 1/2 - 1 mi downdrift placement
- Additional cost
- Real Estate requirements
10East Pass, Florida
- Downdrift Bypassing
- Protect US Airforce Property/Structure
- Reduce Rehandling Matl
- Reduce/Eliminate Potential Federal Expenditures
for Renourishment or Structural Repairs -
11Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material
Ship Island, MS
- W/in Bank Disposal
- Increased Traffic
- Upland Disposal
- Reliability
- Reduced Dredging Cycle
- Capacity
- Material Demand
- Advertise
Apalachicola Upland Disposal Site
- Extremely Costly To Create Additional Capacity
- Political, Real Estate Environmental Issues
Creating New Sites
14Current Initiatives
- Environmental Uses
- Industry Uses
- Construction
- Support to other Federal Projects
15Environmental Efforts
- Deer Island Section 204
- Mississippi Coast Comprehensive Plan
- Olin Chemical BWT Sand
- Wetland Creation on the Tenn-Tom
16Industry/Agricultural Uses
- The Scotts Company Potting Soil From BWT Sand
- ST Bunn Asphalt from BWT Sand
- Soil Manufacturing Mobile Harbor
- Florida Road Construction - GIWW Material
- Nursery Industry Auburn Univ.
17Support of other Public Projects
- Municipalities
- City of Mobile
- City of Spanish Fort
- Other Federal Projects
- Morganza to the Gulf New Orleans District
- LCA - New Orleans District
- ACF River Sand to the Coast Mobile District
18Leverage Technology
19East Pass, FL 1995-2000
20RSM Geographic Information System (GIS)
21South Atlantic Division Enterprise GIS
- Saves Money
- Increase Dredging Cycles
- Improved Planning
- Improved Dredge Plant Planning