Title: Outline DSP Processors and Hardware
1Outline DSP Processors and Hardware
- Week 1
- Overview of DSP Processors
- First, second and third generation
- Week 2
- Implementation FIR and IIR filters
- Case study using 56000 series
- Week 3
- Finite word length effects
- http//www.tech.plym.ac.uk/spmc/elec327/home.html
- Examples of code
- Instructions
- Student Portal
- Coming soon!
3Why use a DSP - economics
- Low power requirements
- Low real estate (licensed core)
- Very fast and repetitive arithmetic (up to
8000MIPS) - High volume low cost
- Dedicated DSP instruction set
- MAC(D) Circ.Buff. bit-rev
- Real-time interrupt driven software
- Instructions dedicated to specific applications
- Audio Digital Comms Filtering FFT
- Large memory requirements
- Rapid application development low TTM
- Prototype design
- General purpose computing
- GUI database gaming
- Cooling large PSU available
- Require RTOS facilities
- Networking queues pipes semaphores etc..
4floating point(full IEEE floating point)
fixed point(INTEGER arithmetic only)
- Shorter development time
- Easy to perform complex operations
- Translates to high level language more easily
- Dynamic range is very high
- Design ambition is much higher
- Low Power High Speed
- Lower Cost suits high volume
- Lower silicon real-estate
- High precision arithmetic (with careful design)
- Good for specific apps.
- Much longer development time
- Dynamic range problems
- Some operations are very inefficient (divide)
- Difficult to perform non-standard DSP
- Design ambition is reduced
- Higher power
- Higher cost
- Larger silicon real-estate
- Potentially lower precision arithmetic
5Motorola 56000 series
- Key features
- Generation 2 DSP
- Dual Harvard Architecture
- Separate Program and Data Memory
- Data and coefficients fetched in 1 clock cycle
- Separate X and Y data Memory
- Custom DSP instructions
- Supports circular addressing
- Zero overhead DO loops / Repeats
- MAC with shift
- 24 bit word length 56 bit accumulator
- A favourite with audio
6Example of a new generation DSPTMS320C64x
fixed point DSP
- 1nS instruction time (1GHz)
- 8 x 32bit instructions / cycle
- 8 x independent function units
- Six ALUs
- Single 32 / Dual 16 / Quad 8
- Two multipliers
- Quad 16x16
- 8 of 8x8
- Up to 8000 MIPS (peak)
7Revision the FIR filter
- Filter LengthN
- h(k),k0..N-1, are the filter coefficients
- x(n) are the input data samples
- y(n) are the output data samples
acc0.0//Set accumulator to zero x(0)
new_sample //new sample into buffer for
(unsigned k0 kltN k) //MAC acc acc
x(k)h(k) for (unsigned kN-1 kgt0 k) //Shift
data x(k) x(k-1)
Challenge can you write a more efficient
version with just one for-loop?
8Illustrative Problem 1/2
- n1 taps0.25 0 0
y(n)0.125 - n2 taps0.5 0.25 0
y(n)0.4375 - n3 taps0.25 0.5 0.25
y(n)0.5625 - n4 taps-0.25 0.25 0.5
y(n)0.1875 - n5 taps0.75 -0.25 0.25
y(n)0.25 - See MATLAB code handout fir1.m
9Illustrative Problem-2/2 FIR filter output
10Implementation on DSP Processors
- Special instructions
- Multiply Accumulate
- MAC multiply accumulate (with shift)
- MACD MAC move data
- MACR MAC round result
- Zero-overhead Repeat
- Modulo Arithmetic
- Circular Addressing
1156000 FIR Code example(See notes)
- MOVE XDATA,R0 Address register R0 address of
data samples - MOVE COEFF,R4 Address register R4 address of
coefficients - MOVE N-1,M0 Address modifier register M0
buffer/modulo size - MOVEP XINPUT,X(R0)
- Move (Peripheral) data into X memory at address
pointed to by R0 - CLR A, X(R0),X0 ,Y(R4),Y0 Accumulator A0,
setup X0 and Y0 registers for first use - REP N-1 Repeat next instruction N-1 times
- MAC X0,Y0,A X(R0),X0 Y(R4),Y0
- R4 address of coefficients
- MACR X0,Y0,A (R0)-
- R0 is decremented to position for next run, R4
is automatically correct. We could now jump to
the MOVEP instruction if we so wished. - There is an error in the notes for 2004
12Quantise coefficients
- 2s compliment arithmetic
- For 16 bit coefficients we call this 1.15 fixed
point arithmetic - 0..65536 (0..FFFFh)
- Total range is 0..(216)-1
- 1..(215)-1 are positive values
- 215-(216)-1 are the negative values (msb is
the sign) - Example
- 0.123 gt (215)0.123 4030
- Task Convert this back to fractional arithmetic
- Given that 655360, -0.123 65536(0)-403061506
- Task, calculate 0.5 - 0.123 using 16 and 24bit
fixed point arithmetic - compare
13Store in Y memory
- org y0 Start address
- COEFF dc 0.5 24-bit filter
coefficients - dc 0.75
- dc 0.25
Challenge Convert the above coefficients to
24-bit fixed point values
14Multiply and Accumulate
- MAC lt24-bit reggt, lt24-bit reggt,destA,B
- Can be X with X, X with Y or Y with Y
- Example A A0.1230.456
- Start with A0
- Convert 0.123 and 0.456 to 1.23 format
- Multiply the result gt 2.46 format
- Shift left gt1.47 format
- Add to result
- If finished, round off result and store.
- Convert back to fractional arithmetic to check
result - TASK
- Repeat this twice check result.
1556K Repeat Instruction
- Repeat the next instruction N times
- N is a 16 bit value that is copied into the loop
counter register (LC) - This cannot be interrupted
- Fetch of next instruction is performed once
- Cannot repeat itself of any type of jump
16Modulo Arithmetic
- Comes from the remainder of integer division
- 0/4 0, 04 0
- 1/4 0, 14 1
- 2/4 0, 24 2
- 3/4 0, 34 3
- 4/4 1, 44 0
- 5/4 1, 54 1
- 6/4 1, 64 2
- 7/4 1, 74 3
- 8/4 2, 84 0
- Similar logic is used for the Address Registers
Rn so they wrap around to the start address - TASK What is 508
- 50 / 8 6.25
- 6 8 48, difference 2 modulus
17IIR Filters
- Advantages
- Efficiency
- Delay
- Disadvantages
- Requires high precision arithmetic
- Round-off Error sensitivity
- Phase distortion
- More complex to implement
- Overflows
18IIR Filters fixed point
- Structure is important
- Noise
- Stability
- Efficiency
- Cascaded solutions are most common
- Sources of noise
- Summationsgtround off error
- Error feedback
- Higher precision arithmetic
- Not always effective
- Complexity increases
- See handout for self learning tutorial
19IIR Structures
- Each IIR should be of no more than 2nd order!
- Cascaded 2nd order sections
- Ordering is important to reduce round-off error
- Parallel 2nd order sections
- Partial fraction expansion ordering not an
issue - More storage and computation
- (care is needed with repeated poles)
- Canonic 2nd order
- Less memory required, simple to implement
- More noise sources
- Direct 2nd order
- More difficult to implement
- Less noise sources generally a better choice
20Hardware constraints
- Memory
- Typically between 16Kb and 128Kb internal memory
- Word-length
- Precision of arithmetic
- Overheads for extended precision
- Speed
- Number of clock cycles to execute
- E.g. A simple FIR filter program takes 12 N-1
cycles to complete, where N is the filter length
139. The clock speed is 10MHz. - What is the maximum sampling rate?
- If the sampling rate is 100kHz, what is the
maximum filter length N? - Delay in actual filter
- Remember! Delay of a signal is not just due to
clock cycles there is inherent delay in the FIR
/ IIR filter itself (N-1)/2. What will be the
total delay in the example above?
21Finite word length effects 1
- Coefficient Quantization
- Coefficients will be quantised to N bits, Q
1.(N-1) - This will effectively move the poles and zeros to
preferred positions - Could go unstable!
- Deviates from desired response
- Coefficients gt 1 must be scaled
22Finite word length effects 2
- Over-flow error
- Result of summations over-flowing
- FIR and IIR can suffer from this
- IIR must never overflow as it will possibly go
unstable! - FIR can overflow if it then underflows also
SAT instructions exist - Controlled with normalization (scaling) or with
large accumulators
23Finite word length effects 3
- Round off error
- IIR only
- Introduced with each SUM
- Seriously affects performance of IIR
- Tackled with either
- High precision arithmetic
- Error feedback (ESS)
24Error feedback - ESS
- Critical to the success of fixed point IIR
filters - (Although a bit beyond the scope of the course!)
- Round-off error is fed back into the filter
- Dramatically improves performance
- DSP Overhead (delay and cycles)
- Fixed point arithmetic
- Coefficient quantisation
- FIR (MAC and shift)
- Round off errors
26Drill 1 Overhead calculation
- MOVE XDATA,R0 Address register R0 address of
data samples - MOVE COEFF,R4 Address register R4 address of
coefficients - MOVE N-1,M0 Address modifier register M0
buffer/modulo size - MOVEP XINPUT,X(R0)
- Move (Peripheral) data into X memory at address
pointed to by R0 - CLR A, X(R0),X0 ,Y(R4),Y0 Accumulator A0,
setup X0 and Y0 registers for first use - REP N-1 Repeat next instruction N-1 times
- MAC X0,Y0,A X(R0),X0 Y(R4),Y0
- R4 address of coefficients
- MACR X0,Y0,A (R0)-
- This code is then repeated. There is some
additional overhear for servicing interrupt
routines, storing and writing results, serial
ports etc (not shown), so assume this code takes
a total of 45(N-1) instructions to complete. - Sketch a diagram and describe how the circular
buffer works - If the clock frequency Fclk20MHz, and N129,
- what is the maximum sampling rate
- What is the real-time delay through the system?
- Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer
- What are the possible sources of error? Can this
go unstable?