Title: Zero Padding
1Zero Padding
Most implementations of the FFT require that the
length of x(n) be an integer power of 2 (i.e., 4,
8, 16, 32, ). What if x(n) is not an integer
power of 2 in length? No problem! Just append
zeros to x(n) until a power of 2 is reached. This
is called zero padding, and can be used to
increase the FFT frequency resolution even though
the number of nonzero samples is limited.
2Zero Padding
To see that this does in fact work, consider a
sequence x(n) consisting of L samples, where LltN.
Its DTFT is
Since x(n) is zero for samples beyond L-1, we can
extend the summation to N-1 without changing the
3Zero Padding
This is the DTFT of the zero-padded sequence, and
is exactly the same as the DTFT of the
non-zero-padded sequence! We can denote the
zero-padded sequence xzp(n)
4Zero Padding
The DFT of the zero-padded sequence is given by
and consists of N samples of the DTFT, spaced at
intervals of 2p/N from 0 to 2p.
5Zero Padding
Example Suppose we have an FIR filter, whose
impulse response sequence has a length of 15
samples. The impulse response is given by
h(n) is plotted on the next slide
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7Zero Padding
We can use the FFT to find the frequency response
of this filter, but first we have to pad it with
one zero to make its length 16. This is shown
next, followed by the absolute value of the FFT
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10Zero Padding
This looks like a lowpass filter, but wed like
better frequency resolution. Lets zero-pad the
impulse response to make its length 32. The new
(zero-padded) impulse response, and the magnitude
of the FFT, are shown next
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13Zero Padding
The improvement is obvious. Lets try 512
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16Zero Padding
Much better! Of course, a longer sequence means
more multiplicatios to compute the FFT, so the
process slows down. Notice that the zero padded
impulse response sequence is no longer symmetric
about its center point, but the symmetry of the
amplitude response is unchanged. Because of this
symmetry, we need only plot the amplitude
response from 0 to N/2
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18DFT and Convolution
Let f(n) and g(n) be sequences of length N. They
have N-point DFTs, F(k) and G(k) respectively
A new sequence Y(k) can be obtained by
multiplying F(k) and G(k) point-by-point
19DFT and Convolution
Then, the sequence y(n) can be obtained by
computing the N-point inverse DFT of Y(k)
We obtained Y(k) by multiplying the DFTs of f(n)
and g(n) together, then we got y(n) by computing
the inverse DFT of Y(k). Remembering that
time-domain convolution is equivalent to
frequency domain multiplication, we would expect
that y(n) obtained in this way is the same as the
sequence we would have gotten by convolving f(n)
with g(n)
20DFT and Convolution
However, the sequence obtained by convolving f(n)
with g(n) should be 2N-1 samples in length. Our
computation of y(n) yielded a sequence of N
samples. Therefore,
What gives?
It turns out that the process we used to compute
y(n) is similar to convolution, but not quite the
same. Its called circular convolution.
21DFT and Convolution
Well use a different operator for circular
Circular convolution can be described by the
following equation
22DFT and Convolution
Heres what modulo means in this context. If P
and N are integers, we evaluate P modulo N by
adding to or subtracting from P enough integer
multiples of N so the resulting number is in the
range 0, N-1. For example,
23DFT and Convolution
To refresh your memory, heres the formula for
ordinary convolution
It turns out that we can compute the regular
convolution of two finite-duration sequences like
f(n) and g(n) by multiplying their DFTs and
taking the inverse DFT if we first zero pad both
24DFT and Convolution
Let x(n) be a sequence of length L (its last
sample is at L-1) and q(n) is a sequence of
length P. Let
- The length of y(n) is LP-1. We can compute y(n)
using the DFT as follows - Zero pad x(n) and g(n) to a length of N samples,
where N is at least the length of y(n) given
above. If using the FFT, N must be an integer
power of 2. - Compute the N-point FFTs of x(n) and q(n).
Denote these X(k) and Q(k), respectively.
25DFT and Convolution
- Multiply X(k) and Q(k), point-by-point. Denote
the result Y(k). - Compute the inverse N-point of Y(k) to obtain
26DFT and Convolution
If we wish to use fast convolution to filter a
signal continuously streaming through a process
(greater than N samples in length), it must be
divided into subsequences of N samples which are
processed individually and then reassembled. The
techniques for reassembling them are called
overlap-save and overlap-add. Cartinhour
mentions these, but does not explain how they
work or how they are used. I may present an
example later in the semester, if time permits
28A DSP Chip
The Analog Devices ADSP-2181
Were finally going to take a look at how a
Digital Signal Processor chip works, and how to
use it. First, though, lets take a look at a
general purpose microprocessor, and why its not
very suitable for DSP applications
29A DSP Chip
Heres the architecture of a first-generation,
von Neumann processor
Data Bus
Memory (Program and Data)
Prog. Cntr
Addr. Reg.
Address Bus
Control Timing
30A DSP Chip
- Notice that the von Neumann processor has one
memory space which is used for both program and
data. - It has one data bus, and one address bus.
- To execute an instruction, do the following
- Fetch the instruction.
- If an operand is needed, fetch it.
- If a second operand is needed, fetch it.
- Perform the operation
- Write the result to memory.
31A DSP Chip
This worst-case, two-operand instructions
requires 5 cycles, and must access memory four
times. This limits throughput, which is very
important in DSP Using a single memory space for
both program and data causes a bottleneck. One
way of speeding things up is to separate the
program memory from the data memory
32A DSP Chip
Data Bus
Instruction Bus
Computation Unit
Data Memory
Program Memory
Data. Addr
Prog. Addr
33A DSP Chip
This is called Harvard architecture An
instruction and an operand may be fetched at the
same time. A result can be written to Data Memory
while the next instruction is being fetched from
Program Memory The DAG (Data Address Generator)
calculates addresses, which would have been done
by the ALU. This reduces the load on the
computation unit. The architecture of a DSP chip
is optimized for executing an algorithm
repeatedly, very fast.
34A DSP Chip
A top-level block diagram of the 2181 is shown on
the next slide. Note that in addition to an ALU,
it has a dedicated Multiplier/Accumulator (MAC)
for multiplying data samples by weighting
factors, and a dedicated shifter for scaling data
to prevent overflow and underflow It also has two
Data Address Generators, which are useful for
implementing circular buffers.
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36A DSP Chip
Some example code an FIR filter
/ADSP-2181 FIR Filter Routine -serial port 0
used for I/O -internally generated serial
clock -40.000 MHz processor clock rate is divided
to generate a 1.5385 MHz serial clock -serial
clock divided to 8 kHz frame sampling
rate/ include ltdef2181.hgt define taps
15 define taps_less_one 14 .section/dm
dm_data .var/circ data_buffertaps / dm data
buffer /
37A DSP Chip
/ The following lines set up a circular buffer
in data memory, which is used as a delay line of
samples / . section/dm dm_data .var/circ
data_buffertaps / dm data buffer / / This
section sets up a circular buffer in program
memory which will hold the filter coefficients.
The data width is 24 bits. This buffer is loaded
from the named file by the linker. / section/pm
pm_data .var/circ/init24 coefficienttaps
38A DSP Chip
/ The following lines of code set up the
interrupt table. / .section/pm
Interrupts start jump main rti rti rti /
0x0000 Reset vector / rti rti rti rti /
0x0004 IRQ2 / rti rti rti rti / 0x0008
IRQL1 / rti rti rti rti / 0x000c IRQL0
/ rti rti rti rti / 0x0010 SPORT0 Transmit
/ jump fir_start rti rti rti / 0x0014
SPORT0 Receive / rti rti rti rti / 0x0018
IRQE / rti rti rti rti / 0x001c BDMA
/ rti rti rti rti / 0x0020 SPORT1 Transmit
or IRQ1 / rti rti rti rti / 0x0024 SPORT1
Receive or IRQ0 / rti rti rti rti /
0x0028 Timer / rti rti rti rti / 0x002c
Power Down (non-maskable) /
39A DSP Chip
/ This portion of the code sets up the DAG
registers for the two circular buffers
/ .section/pm pm_code main l0 length
(data_buffer) / setup circular buffer length
/ l4 length (coefficient) /setup circular
buffer / m0 1 / modify 1 for increment
/ m4 1 / through buffers / i0
data_buffer / point to start of buffer / i4
coefficient / point to start of buffer / ax0
0 cntr length(data_buffer) / initialize loop
counter / do clear until ce clear dm(i0,m0)
ax0 / clear data buffer /
40A DSP Chip
/ This slide and the next contain code which
sets up the control registers. The following
lines set up the internal serial clock, and the
receive frame sync rate. / / setup divide
value for 8KHz RFS/ ax0 0x00c0 dm(Sport0_Rfsdi
v) ax0 / 1.5385 MHz internal serial clock
/ ax0 0x000c dm(Sport0_Sclkdiv) ax0
41A DSP Chip
/ more control register setup / /
multichannel disabled, internally generated
sclk, receive frame sync required, receive width
0, transmit frame sync required, transmit width
0, external transmit frame sync, internal
receive frame sync,u-law companding, 8-bit words
/ ax0 0x69b7 dm(Sport0_Ctrl_Reg) ax0 ax0
0x1000 / enable sport0 / dm(Sys_Ctrl_Reg)
ax0 icntl 0x00 / disable interrupt nesting
/ imask 0x0060 / enable sport0 rx and tx
interrupts only /
42A DSP Chip
/ The processor will sit in this loop, until
data is received from SPORT0 / mainloop idle
/ wait here for interrupt / jump mainloop /
jump back to idle after rti /
43A DSP Chip
fir_start si rx0 / read from sport0
/ dm(i0,m0) si / transfer data to buffer
/ mr 0, my0 pm(i4,m4), mx0 dm(i0,m0) /
setup multiplier for loop / cntr
taps_less_one / perform loop taps-1 times / do
convolution until ce convolution mr mr mx0
my0 (ss), my0 pm(i4,m4), mx0 dm(i0,m0) /
perform MAC and fetch next values / mr mr
mx0 my0 (rnd) / Nth pass of loop with
rounding of result / if mv sat mr tx0 mr1 /
write result to sport0 tx / rti / return from
interrupt /
44A DSP Chip
Highly Recommended Read Chapter 2 of the
ADSP-218x DSP Instruction Set Reference