Title: Pressure Ulcers: The Goal is Zero
1Pressure Ulcers The Goal is Zero
Kathy Duncan, RN IHI Faculty
- Colorado 5 Million Lives
- Campaign Launch
- November 15, 2007
2Prevent Pressure Ulcers
- The Goal
- Reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired
pressure ulcers by December 2008. - Focus on getting to zero.
3What Do we know?
- Whitfield MD, Kaltenthaler EC, Akehurst RL,
Walters SJ, Paisley S. How effective are
prevention strategies in reducing the prevalence
of pressure ulcers?J Wound Care. 20009261-266. - The prevalence of pressure ulcers has remained
constant at about 7 over the past 20 years, even
though considerable time and money has been
invested in various prevention strategies.
4What Do we know?
- Lyder CH. Pressure ulcer prevention and
management. JAMA. 2003289223-226. - 1.3 million to 3 million adults have a pressure
ulcer - Estimated cost of 500 to 40 000 to heal each
ulcer. - The incidence of pressure ulcers varies greatly
by clinical setting. Incidence rates of 0.4 to
38.0 for hospitals, 2.2 to 23.9 for long-term
care, and 0 to 17 for home care have been
reported. - Pressure ulcers in elderly persons have also been
associated with increased mortality rates.
5What Do we know?
- Courtney BA, Ruppman JB, Cooper HM. Save our
skin Initiative cuts pressure ulcer incidence
in half. Nursing Management. 200637(4)35-46. - OSF Saint Francis Medical Center initiated the
implementation of the Six Sigma methodology which
led to the development of the Save Our Skin (SOS)
project, an effort that boasted an ambitious goal
of reducing the number of hospital-acquired
pressure ulcers in adult patients by 50 within
one fiscal year.
6What Do we know?
- Breslow RA, Hallfrisch J, Guy DC, Crauwly D,
Goldberg AP. The importance of dietary protein in
healing pressure ulcers. J Am Geriatr Soc.
199341(4)357-362. - A study designed to determine the effect of
dietary protein on healing of pressure ulcers in
malnourished patients. The authors conclude that
high protein diets may improve the healing of
pressure ulcers in malnourished nursing home
7What Do we know?
- Ferrell BA, Osterweil D, Christenson P. A
randomized trial of low-air-loss beds for
treatment of pressure ulcers. JAMA.
1993269(4)494-497. - Low-air-loss beds provide substantial improvement
compared with foam mattresses.
8What Do we know?
- Risk is predictable.
- Risk factors include age, immobility,
incontinence, poor nutrition, sensory problems,
circulation problems, dehydration, and poor
nutrition. - Skin integrity can deteriorate in hours.
- Frequent assessment prevents minor problems from
becoming major ulcers. - Wet skin is more vulnerable to skin disruption
and ulceration. - Dry skin is a risk factor as well.
- Continual pressure, especially over bony
prominences, increases risk. - Pressure-relieving surfaces may help.
Reddy M, Gill SS, Rochon PA. JAMA.
9Burden of Pressure Ulcers
- Prevalence in acute care 15
- Incidence in acute care 7
- 5-7 of all acute hospital admissions
- 2.5 million patients treated each year
- Nearly 60,000 die each year from complications
- 11 billion dollars per year
Sources How-to-guide JAMA systematic review by
Reddy 2006, referenced a national pressure ulcer
Advisory panel (2001) Pressure Ulcers in
America Prevalence, Incidence, and Implications
for the Future An Executive Summary Of the
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Monograph
10An Example of What Is Possible
Decrease of 71
Source Pryor DB, Tolchin SF, Hendrich A, Thomas
CS, Tersigni AR. The clinical transformation of
Ascension Health eliminating all preventable
injuries and deaths. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf.
2006 Jun32(6)299-308.
11 12 13 14 15Reducing Pressure Ulcers
For All Patients
- Conduct a pressure ulcer admission assessment for
all patients - Reassess risk for all patients daily
- Inspect skin daily
- Manage moisture keep the patient dry and
moisturize skin - Optimize nutrition and hydration
- Minimize pressure
For High Risk Patients
16Conduct a Pressure Ulcer Admission Risk
Assessment Reassess Daily
- Use visual cues in admission documentation for
completion of skin and risk assessment. - Standardize risk assessment tool/checklist across
the institution. - Incorporate action steps linked to risk.
- Use multiple methods to visually identify
patients at risk. - Place stickers on chart, use visual cues on door
and bed. - Post compliance rates to motivate staff.
- Improve processes to ensure risk assessment is
conducted within four hours of admission and
reassess daily. - Assess surgical patients.
17Inspect Skin Daily
- Daily skin inspection is required for high-risk
patients. - Skin integrity can deteriorate in a matter of
hours. - Always look at sacrum, back, buttocks, heels, and
elbows every time the patient is assessed.
18Manage Moisture
- Cleanse skin at time of soiling and at routine
intervals. - Watch for excessive moisture due to perspiration
and wounds. - Use gentle cleansing agent.
- Use moisturizers for dry, fragile skin.
- Provide under-pads that wick moisture away from
skin. - Keep kit of needed supplies at bedside for
at-risk incontinent patients.
19Optimize Nutrition/Hydration
- Respect patients dietary preferences.
- Involve dietician, use supplements as needed.
- Monitor hydration.
- Offer water (when appropriate) whenever patient
is turned.
20Minimize Pressure
- Turn/reposition patient at least every two hours.
- Use alerts and cues to remind staff to turn
patient. - Protect skin when turning patient (use lift
devices or drawsheets, heel and elbow
protectors, sleeves and stockings do not
drag). - Use pillows and cushions strategically.
- Use static and/or dynamic pressure-relieving
support surfaces. - Static surfaces include well-designed mattresses,
mattress overlays filled with water, air, gel,
foam, or a combination of these. - Dynamic surfaces include devices that vary
pressure beneath the patient, reducing duration
of pressure at any given skin site.
21Reduce Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) Infection
22Reduce MRSA Infection
- The Goal
- Reduce methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) infection by December 2008.
23A Vision for the Future? MRSA in Denmark
Rosdahl VT, et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.
MRSA Bloodstream Infections
1960 1965 1970
1975 1980 1985
1990 1995
24Or This? MRSA in the UK
25This Can Be Done!
University of Virginia Hospital
Thompson RL, Cabezudo I, Wenzel RP. Epidemiology
of nosocomial infections caused by
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Ann
Intern Med. 198297(3)309-317.
26VAPHS 4-West Hospital-Acquired MRSA Infection
Rate(per 1,000 days of care)
Source Eliminating Hospital-Acquired
Infections presentation slides from Jon Lloyd,
MD, FACS, from VHAs Best Practice Symposium,
September 18, 2006
27What Does the Evidence Tell Us?
- Target Modes of MRSA Transmission
- Person-person via hands of health care providers
- Personal equipment (e.g., stethoscopes, PDAs) and
clothing - Environmental contamination
- Airborne transmission
- Carriers on the hospital staff
- Rare common-source outbreaks
28Prevent Infection and Colonization
- Colonized patients
- Reservoir for transmission
- Nearly 1/3 develop infection, often after
discharge - Long-lasting and can transmit MRSA to patients in
other health care settings (e.g., nursing homes)
and family members - High rates of MRSA colonization complicate
empiric antibiotic therapy (e.g., vancomycin)
29Human and Financial Impact
- Over 126,000 hospitalized persons infected
annually - 3.95 MRSA infections per 1,000 hospital
discharges - Over 5,000 patients die as a result of these
infections - Over 2.5 billion excess health care costs
attributable to MRSA infections - On average, each patient with MRSA infection has
- 9.1 days excess length of stay (LOS)
- Over 20,000 excess cost per case
- (range 7,000 32,000)
- 4 excess in-hospital mortality
30Expert Input
- Association for Professionals in Infection
Control and Epidemiology (APIC) - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
(SHEA) - Experts published in literature
- Other Campaign partners
31Five Key Interventions
- Hand hygiene
- Decontamination of the environment and equipment
- Active surveillance cultures (ASCs)
- Contact precautions for infected and colonized
patients - Compliance with Central Venous Catheter and
Ventilator Bundles
32Hand Hygiene
- Single most important intervention
- before and after patient contact
- Compliance rates of 40-50 no longer are
acceptable - Hold staff accountable
- Encourage patients and families to remind
caregivers - Alcohol hand rubs make hand hygiene easier
- Rapidly kill bacteria (except Clostridium
difficile spores) - Surprisingly gentle on hands
- Not a substitute for soap and water when hands
are grossly soiled
33TIPS Hand Hygiene
- Count the steps!
- Check placement.
- Provide the supplies.
- Provide real-time feedback.
- Send and post department-level data.
34Decontamination of Environment and Equipment
- Use dedicated equipment for colonized/infected
patients. - Clean patient care and personal equipment when
leaving the bedside. - Put environmental services personnel on the team
- Clean and disinfect the environment carefully.
- Focus on high-touch areas.
35TIPS Decontamination
- Use a checklist for cleaning.
- Educate staff.
- Verify competence.
- Schedule cleaning times for rooms of patients in
isolation or on contact precautions. - Use immediate feedback mechanisms to assess
cleaning and reinforce proper technique.
36Active Surveillance
- Use cultures (ASCs) to detect colonized patients.
- Necessity of ASCs per se in controlling MRSA is
controversial. - Knowledge is power. Clinical cultures miss
many colonized patients. - Successful programs combine ASCs with reliable
implementation of other interventions. - Flag colonized patients when discharged.
37TIPS Active Surveillance
- Begin with admission cultures only.
- Measure compliance add the second culture when
high (gt 90). - Provide real-time notification of positive
admission culture. - Schedule consistent day of week for second
culture. - Include culture in routine discharge order sets.
- Measure transmission.
- Number or rate of patients who convert from
negative to positive - Flag colonized patients when discharged.
38Contact Precautions
- Use for infected and colonized patients per
CDC/HICPAC guidelines - Gloves, gowns, and hand hygiene
- Single rooms preferred
- Reinforces need for reliable barrier practices
- Facilitates cleaning during stay and
post-discharge - If necessary, cohort patients with MRSA
39TIPS Contact Precautions
- Train staff on importance
- Ensure adequate supplies
- Check and replenish supplies regularly
- Consider scheduled times for checking supplies
- Educate patients and families/visitors
- Encourage them to question personnel
- Use visual cue especially if single rooms or
cohorting not possible - Ensure patients on precautions have same standard
of care as others - frequency of entering the room
- monitoring vital signs
- Plan notify for patient leaving room
40Device Bundles
- Critically ill patients at high risk
- May be colonized or acquire in hospital
- Bundles
- Central Line prevent BSLI
- Ventilator prevent VAP
- Minimize device days!
41Additional Resources
- Ihi.org
- Campaign Materials
- Getting Started Kit
- Annotated Bibliography
- Tools
- National Calls
- Mentor Network Hospitals
- Discussion Groups
- kathydduncan_at_comcast.net