Title: LLU SFI Improvement
1LLU SFI Improvement 2nd March 2009
Openreach makes every effort to ensure the
information in this report is accurate at the
time of compilation, however, Openreach does not
represent that it is complete and Communications
Providers should check with Openreach for the
latest available information. Openreach reserves
the right to modify delivery criteria and
delivery dates.
2SFI Update
- Industry workshops are now taking place to focus
specifically on the Openreach LLU SFI Product. - The aim of the workshop is to improve customer
experience, working within the scope of the
existing product description. Also to explore
how Openreach could further enhance the product
in line with CPs needs. - In attendance have been
- Openreach Service Delivery
- Openreach Customer Service
- Openreach Test Diagnostics
- Openreach Product Line
- Representatives from most of the LLU
Communication Providers - Feedback from CPs who attended these meetings has
been very positive.
3Openreach Actions
- A series of field briefings are being produced to
update the engineers the first of which was
issued on 23rd February. This initial briefing
covered - Clarification on the up to 2 hours rule that is
part of the product and its application dependant
on the location of the diagnosed problem. - Requirements to increase and improve the level of
co-op - Arrangements for ensuring that the correct
Network Terminating Equipment (NTE) is provided - The next briefing will be issued early March and
will cover - Job Progression Booking Practise
4What CPs need to do
- Openreach have proposed to introduce a Pair
Quality Test at the start of every LLU SFI task.
In order to determine if this is agreed by
industry CP representatives were asked seek to
provide a formal response by 16th February. Some
CPs have yet to respond - RESPONSES ARE REQUIRED - Openreach agreed to have engineers make a co-op
call at the start of all Repeat LLU SFI tasks and
this requirement was included in the initial
field briefing. So, in order to help Openreach
comply CPs are requested to include a note on all
repeat SFIs stating - - This is a REPEAT LLU SFI Task, please call the
Broadband Helpdesk before starting work
5Follow Up Actions from SDSL / SMC Workshop
- Progress update on proposal for MPF No Dial
Tone - Performance Reporting for SDSL
- Sharing of Line Test Results
- Review of Openreach testers used for SDSL faults
- Review of Workaround for SDSL end user visit
- Clarification on Joint Meet Process
- Logic behind Openreach Structured Questions.
Follow Up Call with Progress Update scheduled for
Wednesday 18th March
6Missed Appointments Progress Update
- Interim Solution
- Manual workaround designed in conjunction with
WMC - Proof of Concept Testing to commence Monday 2nd
March. - Strategic Solution
- Change Request Tempo 1756 reviewed by Demand
Control Board. - Fast Impact Analysis required to quantify the
complexity of this change - Engineering Process Review
- Working Party set up to review engineering
process across Repair and Provision for WLR2,
WLR3 LLU. - Aim to share Best Working Practice to provide
consistent approach for No Access and Missed
Appointments across all products.
7Customer Service (Chester SMC) January
2009 Peter Denny Louise Sargent Service
Improvement Openreach
Openreach makes every effort to ensure the
information in this report is accurate at the
time of compilation, however, Openreach does not
represent that it is complete and Communications
Providers should check with Openreach for the
latest available information. Openreach reserves
the right to modify delivery criteria and
delivery dates.
8(No Transcript)
9Quick Update on Milestones
- Definition and recommendation stage now
completed. - Emails the CP interface tool (presented last
time) remains on target for July 09. - Calls and ad hoc requests first touch
resolution action plan in place (for feasible
processes). - MIS SOR placed with MIS team for required
measures. Currently under review. - Jeopardy Management and Tails the SMC are
implementing a detailed action plan. Improvements
categorised into 4 key areas. These are systems,
process, people and customer. - Escalations and Expedites Short term and long
term proposals are being explored. Further
detailed update next month. The CP interface tool
will also be an enabler for improvement. - Partnerships and SMC People new process has
began to improve processes between SMP and SMC
team, in order to maximise capabilities. Results
are being closely monitored. New MAC process in
10MAC Query Process Planned Improvement
- Single SMC team assumed end to end responsibility
as planned on 16th February 2009 - Specific mailbox for MAC queries
mac_at_openreach.co.uk - Progress updates now being provided to CP
- Internal trend analysis being used to facilitate
improvements to quality and timeliness of our
problem response - Performance as of 20-02-09
- 95 resolved within 72 hours
11Next Steps- MACs
- Aim Development of a improved response target
- Design activity focused on reducing the impact of
systems latency on problem response times - Internal process changes to introduce a more
efficient problem resolution capability - Implementation of above improvements is planned
for end of April 2009 - Ongoing review of feedback following CP
experience - Next month, the more detailed milestone will be
on escalations. Short term and long term
proposals will be shared.