Title: Introduction to DLTS
1Introduction to DLTS (Deep Level Transient
Spectroscopy) I. Basic Principles O.
Breitenstein MPI MSP Halle
2- Outline
- 1. Basic principles
- Application field of DLTS
- Principles of DLTS
- Basic measurement techniques
- 2. Advanced techniques and application
- Advanced measurement techniques
- Our DLTS system - Philosophy
- - Hardware
- - User surface
31. Application field of DLTS
- "Deep levels" energy states in semiconductor
band gap, gt 100 meV binding energy (otherwise
"shallow levels") - Usually caused by isolated point defects, but
also extended defects generate DLs - Terminology acceptors (charge state / 0),
donors (0 / -), also double acceptors ( / /
0), double donors (0 / - / --), amphoteric (- / 0
/ ) etc. Charge state governs capture cross
sections to electrons and holes, but not position
in gap ! - Upper gap half electron traps, lower gap half
hole traps
4Possible electronic processes
electron capture
electron emission
electron trap
hole trap
hole capture
hole emission
thermal (electron) emission probability
"emission rate" s-1
capture prababilities
cnp "capture coefficients cm3s-1
trap parameters Et (thermal activation energy),
sn and sp resp. cn and cp
5(thermal) emission rate (T) "Arrhenius plot"
prefactor contains sn, but this parameter is
often exponentially T-dependent!
1000/T K-1
- prefactor gives not sn !
- Et not equilibrium energy !
62. Basic Principles of DLTS
Electron trap in n-type space charge region
(Schottky diode)
RF-capacitance (1 MHz)
7capacitance change due to recharging of Nt
cm-3 traps
net doping concentration, from C/V meas.
basic (equilibrium) capacitance
- Sign of DC depends on trapped carrier type
- majority carrier capture DC negative
- minority carrier capture DC positive
- Best sensitivity for low doping concentration
8DLTS routine (repeating!)
9T-dependence of C-transient
opt. T
low T
high T
If T is slowly varying, at a certain temperature
a DLTS peak occures
10Different deep levels are leading to different
peak condition
peak height DC is proportional to trap
By choosing t1 and t2 a "rate window" s-1 is
selected, in which the emission rate has to fall
for a DLTS peak to appear (D.V. Lang 1974)
11DLTS measurements at different rate windows allow
one to measure Et
This "Arrhenius plot" allows an identification of
a deep level defect