Title: Fallback solution
1Fallback solution
Old fit model (Signal Crystal Ball, BG Argus)
by cutting on purity First look by Wolfgang.
Fit on data shows
Purity Partial BRBR
Igt0.2 0.01392 -
0.00117(stat) - 0.00040(MC stat) Igt0.3
0.01269 - 0.00123(stat) - 0.00041(MC
stat) Igt0.4 0.01195 - 0.00134(stat) -
0.00048(MC stat) Igt0.5 0.01105 -
0.00137(stat) - 0.00050(MC stat) Igt0.6
0.01123 - 0.00148(stat) - 0.00055(MC
stat) Igt0.7 0.01008 - 0.00184(stat) -
0.00067(MC stat) Igt0.8 0.01215 -
0.00239(stat) - 0.00088(MC stat)
Decrease up to Igt0.4 Stable above Igt0.4
Caveat These results have not all the
re-weightings applied Needs to be checked on
full MC
Result above Igt0.4 compatible with results
obtained fixing S/P gt Important sanity check
for S/P-fixing method Statistical error on
PartialBRBR at Igt0.5 12