Gamma and XRay Interactions in Matter I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gamma and XRay Interactions in Matter I


The first three of these are the most important, as they result in the transfer ... that the annular element of solid angle is given in terms of by d = 2 sin d ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gamma and XRay Interactions in Matter I

Gamma- and X-Ray Interactions in Matter I
  • Compton Effect

  • There are five types of interactions with matter
    by x- and ?-ray photons which must be considered
    in radiological physics
  • Compton effect
  • Photoelectric effect
  • Pair production
  • Rayleigh (coherent) scattering
  • Photonuclear interactions

Introduction (cont.)
  • The first three of these are the most important,
    as they result in the transfer of energy to
    electrons, which then impart that energy to
    matter in many (usually small) Coulomb-force
    interactions along their tracks
  • Rayleigh scattering is elastic the photon is
    merely redirected through a small angle with no
    energy loss
  • Photonuclear interactions are only significant
    for photon energies above a few MeV, where they
    may create radiation-protection problems through
    the (?, n) production of neutrons and consequent

Introduction (cont.)
  • The relative importance of Compton effect,
    photoelectric effect, and pair production depends
    on both the photon quantum energy (E? h?) and
    the atomic number Z of the absorbing medium
  • The following figure indicates the regions of Z
    and E? in which each interaction predominates

Relative importance of the three major types of
?-ray interactions. The curves show the values
of Z and E? for which the two types of effects
are equal.
Introduction (cont.)
  • The photoelectric effect is dominant at the lower
    photon energies, the Compton effect takes over at
    medium energies, and pair production at the
    higher energies
  • For low-Z media (e.g., carbon, air, water, human
    tissue) the region of Compton-effect dominance is
    very broad, extending from ?20 keV to ?30 MeV
  • This gradually narrows with increasing Z

Compton Effect
  • A description of the Compton effect can be
    conveniently subdivided into two aspects
    kinematics and cross section
  • The first relates the energies and angles of the
    participating particles when a Compton event
    occurs the second predicts the probability that
    a Compton interaction will occur
  • In both respects it is customary to assume that
    the electron struck by the incoming photon is
    initially unbound and stationary

Compton Effect (cont.)
  • These assumptions are certainly not rigorous,
    inasmuch as the electrons all occupy various
    atomic energy levels, thus are in motion and are
    bound to the nucleus
  • The resulting errors remain inconsequential in
    radiological physics applications, because of the
    dominance of the competing photoelectric effect
    under the conditions (high Z, low h?) where
    electron binding effects are the most important
    in Compton interactions

Compton Effect - Kinematics
  • The following figure shows a photon of energy h?
    colliding with an electron
  • The photons incident forward momentum is h?/c,
    where c is the speed of light in vacuum
  • The stationary target electron has no initial
    kinetic energy or momentum

Kinematics of the Compton effect
Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • After the collision the electron departs at angle
    ?, with kinetic energy T and momentum p
  • The photon scatters at angle ? with a new, lower
    quantum energy h?? and momentum h??/c
  • The solution to the collision kinetics is based
    upon conservation of both energy and momentum
  • Energy conservation requires that

Compton Effect Kinematics(cont.)
  • Conservation of momentum along the original
    photon direction (0) can be expressed as
  • or
  • Conservation of momentum perpendicular to the
    direction of incidence gives the equation

Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • pc can be written in terms of T by invoking the
    law of invariance
  • in which m0 is the electrons rest mass
  • This equation can be derived from the following
    three relativistic relationships

Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • As a result of the substitution for pc, we have a
    set of three simultaneous equations in these five
    parameters h?, h??, T, ?, and ?
  • These equations can be solved algebraically to
    obtain any three of the variables we choose in a
    single equation
  • Of the many equations that may be thus derived,
    the following set of equations, each in three
    variables, provides in convenient form a complete
    solution to the kinematics of Compton interactions

Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • It will be seen from the first of these equations
    that for a given value of h?, the energy h?? and
    angle ? of the scattered photon are uniquely
    correlated to each other
  • The second equation then provides the kinetic
    energy T of the corresponding scattered electron,
    and the third equation gives its scattering angle

Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • The following figure is a simple graphical
    representation of the kinematic relationships
    between h?, h??, and T
  • It can be seen that for h? smaller than about
    0.01 MeV, all the curves for different ?-values
    converge along the diagonal, indicating that h??
    h? regardless of photon scattering angle
  • Consequently the electron receives practically no
    kinetic energy in the interaction
  • This means that Compton scattering is nearly
    elastic for low photon energies

Graphical representation of the kinematic
relationship of h?, h??, and T in the Compton
Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • An earlier theory of ?-ray scattering by Thomson,
    based on observations only at low energies,
    predicted that the scattered photon should always
    have the same energy as the incident one,
    regardless of h? or ?
  • This is shown in the figure by the extension of
    the diagonal line to high energies
  • This curve also applies to the Compton effect for
    the trivial case of straight-ahead scattering, ?

Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • The failure of the Thomson theory to describe
    high-energy photon scattering necessitated the
    development of Comptons theory
  • For high-energy incident photons the
    backscattered photon (? 180) has an energy h??
    approaching 0.2555 MeV, while side-scattered (?
    90) have h?? ? 0.511 MeV

Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • The kinetic energy of the recoiling electron is
    given graphically in the figure as the vertical
    distance of the curve for the appropriate ? below
    the diagonal line, in terms of energy on the h??
  • Thus for the example shown by the arrow (h? 10
    MeV and ? 90), T 10 0.49 9.51 MeV

Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • For backscattering of photons, the electron is
    projected forward (? 0) with an energy equal to
    h? - h??, which approaches h?-0.2555 MeV for very
    large h?
  • The photon is evidently able to transfer most of
    its energy to the electron in that case, but can
    never give away all of its energy in a Compton
    collision with a free electron

Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • The following figure contains graphs of the
    relationship between ?, ?, and h? for several
    values of h?
  • When ? 0, ? 90, and when ? 180, ? 0,
    for all photon energies
  • Obviously the electron can only be scattered in
    the forward hemisphere by a Compton event
  • The dependence of ? upon ? is a strong function
    of h? between the angular extremes

Relationship of the electron scattering angle ?
to the photon scattering angle ? in the Compton
Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • For low photon energies ? ? 90 - ?/2 the
    electron scattering angle gradually decreases
    from 90 to 0 as the photon angle increases from
    0 to 180
  • At high photon energies the major variation in ?
    is concentrated at small ?-values, and vice versa

Compton Effect Kinematics (cont.)
  • It is important to remember that these figures
    and equations tell us nothing about the
    probability of a photon or an electron being
    Compton-scattered in any particular direction
    that is a separate matter
  • The foregoing figures and equations only state
    how the various parameters must be related to
    each other if a Compton interaction does occur

Interaction Cross Section for the Compton Effect
Thomson Scattering
  • J.J. Thomson provided the earliest theoretical
    description of the process by which a ?-ray
    photon can be scattered by an electron
  • In this theory the electron was assumed to be
    free to oscillate under the influence of the
    electric vector of an incident electromagnetic
    wave, then promptly to reemit a photon of the
    same energy
  • The electron thus retains no kinetic energy as a
    result of this elastic scattering event
  • This agrees with the kinematic predictions of the
    later relativistic Compton treatment quite well
    up to about h? 0.01 MeV, for which h?? 0.0096

Thomson Scattering (cont.)
  • Thomson also deduced that the differential cross
    section per electron for a photon scattered at
    angle ?, per solid angle, could be expressed as
  • in typical units of cm2 sr-1 per electron
  • r0 e2/m0c2 2.818 ? 10-13 cm is called the
    classical electron radius
  • The value of this equation is 7.94 ? 10-26 cm2
    sr-1 e-1 at ? 0 and 180, and half of that at ?

Thomson Scattering (cont.)
  • Thus the angular distribution of scattered
    photons for a large number of events is predicted
    to be front-back symmetrical, according to
  • If the beam of photons is unpolarized, there will
    also be cylindrical symmetry around the beam axis
  • The angular distribution of Thomson-scattered
    photons is approximated by the uppermost curve in
    the following figure, which was drawn to show the
    corresponding distribution of Compton-scattered
    photons for h? 0.01 MeV
  • When h? approaches zero, the two theories
    converge, as relativistic considerations become

Differential Klein-Nishina cross section, de?/d??
vs. angle ? of the scattered photon, for h?
0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10, 100, and 500 MeV
Thomson Scattering (cont.)
  • The total Thomson scattering cross section per
    electron, e?0, can be gotten by integrating over
    all directions of scattering
  • This will be simplified by assuming cylindrical
    symmetry and integrating over 0 ? ? ? ?, noting
    that the annular element of solid angle is given
    in terms of ? by d?? 2? sin ? d?

Thomson Scattering (cont.)
  • This cross section (which can be thought of as an
    effective target area) is numerically equal to
    the probability of a Thomson-scattering event
    occurring when a single photon passes through a
    layer containing one electron per cm2
  • It is also the fraction of a large number of
    incident photons that scatter in passing through
    the same layer, e.g., approximately 665 events
    for 1027 photons
  • So long as the fraction of photons interacting in
    a layer of matter by all processes combined
    remains less than about 0.05, the fraction may be
    assumed to be proportional to absorber thickness
  • For greater thicknesses the exponential relation
    must be used

Klein-Nishina Cross Sections for the Compton
  • In 1928 Klein and Nishina applied Diracs
    relativistic theory of the electron to the
    Compton effect to obtain improved cross sections
  • Thomsons value of 6.65 ? 10-25 cm2/e,
    independent of h?, was known to be too large for
    h? gt 0.01 MeV
  • The error reached a factor of 2 at h? 0.4 MeV
  • The Klein-Nishina (K-N) treatment was remarkably
    successful in predicting the correct experimental
    value, even though they assumed unbound
    electrons, initially at rest

Klein-Nishina Cross Sections for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • The differential cross section for photon
    scattering at angle ?, per unit solid angle and
    per electron, may be written in the form
  • in which h?? is given by the Compton equation
  • For low energies, as was previously pointed out,
    h?? ? h? hence this equation becomes
  • which is identical to the classical cross

Klein-Nishina Cross Sections for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • The following figure is a graphical
    representation of the K-N differential cross
    section for six values of h?
  • The forward bias of the scattered photons at high
    energies is apparent

Differential Klein-Nishina cross section, de?/d??
vs. angle ? of the scattered photon, for h?
0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10, 100, and 500 MeV
Klein-Nishina Cross Sections for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • The total K-N cross section per electron (e?) can
    be gotten by an integration over all photon
    scattering angles ?
  • where ? h?/m0c2

Klein-Nishina Cross Sections for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • The K-N cross section is shown graphically as the
    upper curve of the following figure
  • As expected, it is almost equal to the Thomson
    scattering cross section (6.65 ? 10-25 cm2/e) at
    h? 0.01 MeV
  • It decreases gradually for higher photon energies
    to approach a e? ? (h?)-1 dependence

Klein-Nishina (Compton-effect) cross section per
electron (e?) and corresponding energy-transfer
cross section (e?tr) as a function of primary
photon quantum energy h?
Klein-Nishina Cross Sections for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • It is important to remember that e?, which is
    tabulated in Appendix D.1, is independent of the
    atomic number Z since the electron binding energy
    has been assumed to be zero
  • Thus the K-N cross section per atom of any Z is
    given by

Klein-Nishina Cross Sections for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • The corresponding K-N cross section per unit
    mass, ?/?, which is also called the Compton mass
    attenuation coefficient, is obtained from

Energy-Transfer Cross Section for the Compton
  • The total K-N cross section, multiplied by a unit
    thickness of 1 e/cm2, also may be thought of as
    the fraction of the incident energy fluence,
    carried by a beam of many monoenergetic photons,
    that will be diverted into Compton interactions
    in passing through that layer of material
  • In each interaction the energy of the incident
    photon (h?) is shared between the scattered
    photon (h?) and the recoiling electron (T)

Energy-Transfer Cross Section for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • It is of interest to know the overall fraction of
    h? that is given to electrons, averaged over all
    scattering angles, as this energy contributes to
    the kerma and thence to the dose
  • That is, we would like to know the value of
    T/h?, where T is the average kinetic energy of
    the recoiling electrons

Energy-Transfer Cross Section for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • This can be obtained through first modifying the
    differential K-N cross section to obtain a
    quantity referred to as the differential K-N
    energy-transfer cross section, de?tr/d??

Energy-Transfer Cross Section for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • Integrating this over all photon scattering
    angles ? from 0 to 180 yields the following
    statement of e?tr, the K-N energy-transfer cross

Energy-Transfer Cross Section for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • This cross section, multiplied by the unit
    thickness 1 e/cm2, represents the fraction of the
    energy fluence in a monoenergetic photon beam
    that is diverted to the recoil electrons by
    Compton interactions in that layer
  • The Compton (or K-N) energy-transfer cross
    section is plotted in the following figure (lower

Klein-Nishina (Compton-effect) cross section per
electron (e?) and corresponding energy-transfer
cross section (e?tr) as a function of primary
photon quantum energy h?
Energy-Transfer Cross Section for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • The vertical difference between the two curves
    represents the K-N cross section for the energy
    carried away by the scattered photons, e?s
  • Thus

Energy-Transfer Cross Section for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • The average fraction of the incident photons
    energy given to the electron is simply
  • and one can obtain the average energy of the
    Compton recoil electrons generated by photons of
    energy h? as

Energy-Transfer Cross Section for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • The mean fraction of the incident photons energy
    given to the recoiling electron is plotted in the
    following figure
  • At low energies the average fraction of h? given
    to the electron approaches zero for h? 1.6 MeV
    the electrons get half, or T 0.8 MeV

Mean fraction (T/h?) of the incident photons
energy given to the recoiling electron in Compton
interactions, averaged over all angles
Energy-Transfer Cross Section for the Compton
Effect (cont.)
  • The contribution of the Compton effect to the
    photon mass attenuation coefficient ?/? is ?/?
  • The corresponding contribution to the mass
    energy-transfer coefficient is
  • The contributions of the several kinds of
    interactions to ?/?, ?tr/?, and ?en/? will be
    summarized in a later section

Alternative Forms of the K-N Cross Section
  • Before proceeding to discussions of other types
    of interactions, it will be helpful to show and
    explain two other useful forms of the
    differential K-N cross section
  • The first is de?/d??, the differential K-N cross
    section for electron scattering at angle ?, per
    unit solid angle and per electron
  • Note that the solid angle referred to in this
    case means that through which the electron
    scatters at angle ?

Alternative Forms of the K-N Cross Section (cont.)
  • For de?/d?? the solid angle is that through which
    the photon scatters at angle ?
  • The relationship between these two differential
    cross sections is
  • in which ? 2 tan-1(cot ?)/(1 ?)
  • Integration over all electron scattering angles
    from ? 0 to 90 must again give e?

Alternative Forms of the K-N Cross Section (cont.)
  • The following figure displays de?/d?? graphically
    for several values of h?, plotting de?/d?? vs. ?
  • The probability of electrons being scattered at ?
    90 approaches a constant value (zero) for all
    h?, while de?/d?? 7.94 ? 10-26 cm2/sr e for all
    h? at ? 0
  • As the cross section decreases to de?/d?? 2 ?
    10-29 cm2/sr e for backscattered electrons at h?
    500 MeV, the corresponding cross section for
    0-scattered electrons is seen from the figure to
    reach de?/d?? 7.78 ? 10-23

Differential Klein-Nishina cross section de?/d??
vs. angle ? of the scattered electron for h?
0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 500 MeV
Alternative Forms of the K-N Cross Section (cont.)
  • This is an indication of how very strongly
    forward-directed the electrons become at high
    incident photon energies, while at the same time
    it becomes relatively unlikely that photons will
    be 180-backscattered
  • The high forward momentum in the collision causes
    most of the electrons and most of the scattered
    photons to be strongly forward-directed when h?
    is large

Alternative Forms of the K-N Cross Section (cont.)
  • The second additional form of differential K-N
    cross section that deserves mention is de?/dT,
    typically in cm2 MeV-1 e-1
  • This is the probability that a single photon will
    have a Compton interaction in crossing a layer
    containing one e/cm2, transferring to that
    electron a kinetic energy between T and T dT
  • Thus de?/dT is the energy distribution of the
    electrons, averaged over all scattering angles ?

Alternative Forms of the K-N Cross Section (cont.)
  • It is given by the relation

Alternative Forms of the K-N Cross Section (cont.)
  • The following figure is a graphical
    representation of this equation for several
    values of h?
  • It is evident that the distribution of kinetic
    energies given to the Compton recoiling electrons
    tends to be fairly flat from zero almost up to
    the maximum electron energy, where a higher
    concentration occurs

Differential Klein-Nishina cross section de?/dT
expressing the initial energy spectrum of Compton
recoiling electrons
Alternative Forms of the K-N Cross Section (cont.)
  • As mentioned earlier, the maximum electron energy
    Tmax resulting from a head-on Compton collision
    (? 0?) by a photon of energy h? is (h? -
    h??min), which is equal to
  • This approaches h? - 0.2555 MeV for large h?
  • The higher concentrations of electrons near this
    energy is consistent with the high probability of
    electron scattering near ? 0?
  • Both trends become more pronounced at high

Alternative Forms of the K-N Cross Section (cont.)
  • It should be remembered that the energy
    distributions shown in the diagram are those
    occurring at production
  • The spectrum of Compton-electron energies present
    at a point in an extended medium under
    irradiation is generally degraded by the presence
    of electrons that have lost varying amounts of
    their energy depending on how far they have
    traveled through the medium
  • Under charged-particle equilibrium conditions
    this degraded electron energy distribution is
    called an equilibrium spectrum
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