Title: Business Investment in Saskatchewan
1Business Investment in Saskatchewan
- Monique Lischynski
- Business Attraction and Investment Consultant
- and
- Brad Marceniuk
- Livestock Economist
- Why businesses locate where they do?
- What is the competitive advantage?
- An industry example - pork processing.
- Good but could be better.?
3Why businesses locate where they do?
- Primary
- Market size and access to market/customers
- Proximity to suppliers
- Available land or buildings
- Labour availability and cost
- Business costs
- Transportation infrastructure
- Utilities availability and cost
- Proximity of support services
4Why businesses locate where they do?
- Secondary
- Business climate
- Community receptivity
- Quality of life
- Cost of living
- Quality of schooling for families
- Health care services
- Leisure, cultural and recreational
5What is the competitive advantage?
- KPMG Competitive Alternatives
- www.competitivealternatives.com
- Comparison of business costs in North America,
Europe and Asia. - Countries included Canada, United States,
France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia and Japan. - Compared 27 cost factors that are most likely to
be location sensitive.
6Source KPMG, 2004
7What is the competitive advantage?
- Canada overall cost leader, followed closely by
Australia 8 to 9 lower that U.S. - Most important factor influencing international
business competitiveness from 2000 to 2004
decline of the U.S. dollar relative to all major
world currencies.
8What is the competitive advantage?
- Food Processing
- - Represented by small independent food
processors, producing medium-value,
non-perishable products (packed, dried, or canned
foods or confectionary products).
9Source KPMG, 2004
10Source KPMG, 2004
11Pork Processing
- Market size and access to market/customers
- Company specific
12Pork Processing
Supply of Raw Material
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, 2005
13 Land Area, Hog Inventory,
14Pork Processing
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, 2005
15Labour Availability and Wages
Source Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey,
October 2005
16Labour Availability and Wages
Source Statistics Canada, 2005
17Labour Availability and Wages
- Large and small processors are having difficulty
in finding employees. - Issue with Manitoba and Alberta processors.
- Issue in other manufacturing businesses.
18Cost of Living
Source 2005-6 Saskatchewan provincial budget
19Cost of Living
Source 2005-6 Saskatchewan provincial budget
20Cost of Living
- Availability of labour is an issue.
- Saskatchewan has the lowest cost of wages in meat
process manufacturing in Canada which is a clear
advantage for a processor. - Saskatchewan has one of the lowest amount of
household taxes and charges in Canada. - Saskatchewan offers an attractive cost of living.
Source KPMG, 2004
23Industrial Land Costs
Note Low end of the price range represents
un-serviced, rural land and the upper end is for
serviced industrial land in a major centre.
Sources Colliers International Farm Credit
Canada as summarized by Industry and Resources,
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food, 2005
Source KPMG, 2004
26Good but could be better
- Good .
- Procurement of hogs
- Cost of labour
- Utilities and land costs mid group but not the
best in prairies.
- But .
- Corporate and capital taxes
- Personal income taxes
- Availability of people