Title: PublicPrivate Partnerships PPP
1Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
Workshop on PPPs in Russia (Moscow - March 3-4,
2005) Port sector
- Michel Audigé
- Lead Port Specialist
- ECA region The World Bank
2The Four Main Russian Gateways to the Global
3Distribution of Roles in The New Ports Era
- Public Port and Marine Authorities
- Provide basic infrastructure (access /
protection / connection) - Establish a reliable administrative framework
- Traffic Safety and Environment Protection
- Technical regulation matters
- Promote Port Community dialogue
- Commercial Terminals (Private Sector)
- Handle operational aspects
- Manage commercial risks
- Propose and implement investment policy
- Incentives for high performance and competitive
tariffs - Play a crucial role in fostering efficient
logistics development
4Source ADB
5Definition of PPP Schemes
- Very wide spectrum, from work and service
contracts to full privatization - Pros and Cons of PPP schemes
- In any case, a long up to 18 months -- and
complex two or three steps process to ensure
success, i.e., resulting from long term win-win
deals - In each case a tailor-made design is required
- Size matters, i.e., US100 million minimum per
6PPPs Options and Challenges for Success
Key Challenges for Success
- Policy Framework (i.e., PPP legislation,
institutional capacity, economic regulation and
communication program) - Transaction Design (i.e., market structure, cost
recovery and affordability) - Financiability (i.e., adequate risk allocation
mechanisms) - Public Sector Risk Management (I.e., assessing
and monitoring governments commitments under PPP
7PPPs Pros. and Cons.
Reference EBRD 2004
8Why Seeking for PPPs in Ports?
- Mainly for mobilizing private financing, but
also - to improve port competitiveness examples
Antwerp, Mexican, and Laem Chabang ports - to strengthen linkage with global market
illustration Maersk in St. Petersburg
(Transib), and Algeciras - to boost international trade to/from Russia with
the rest of the world promising development of
international container trade, doubled in the
present decade.
9Developments in The Container Business
- Increase in flows of containers
- Increase in maximum vessel sizes
- Growth of ICT and automation
- High performance demands
- Major international players and
- Need for investments in terminal facilities and
modern handling equipment.
10Development of The International Container
Trade(Sources Various)
11A competitive land bridge for containerized cargo?
Source MOTC Finland - 2005
12Key Factors for a Successful PPP in Ports
- Objectives of the PPP difficult choice between
two extremes - Maximum revenue for Port Authority
- versus
- Maximum competitiveness for port users
- Public and transparent tendering process
- Optimal risks allocation 2 slides
- Standard timeframe for a well designed PPP and
- Two-step vs. Three-step approach 3 slides.
13Optimal Risks Allocation (1/2)
- Political Risks (Confiscation / Expropriation /
Nationalization, Civil Strife / War). Mitigation
through International Arbitration and Risk
Guarantee (IBRD and MIGA) - Government Performance Risks (Compliance to
contractual terms in a Concession Agreement).
Mitigation through insurance and guarantees (IBRD
and MIGA) - Environment and Safety Risks Environmental and
safety constraints to be defined in Concession
Agreement - Construction Risks Risk generally borne by
Concessionaire. Acquisition of land by
Government before construction. Issue of
geotechnical risks
14Optimal Risks Allocation (2/2)
- Technical Operation Risks Risk to be borne by
Concessionaire - Revenue Risk in existing facilities Often an
acceptable risk to be borne by Concessionaire
(adequate provision on tariff in Concession
Agreement) - Revenue Risk in newly-built facilities A major
risk (traffic volume, tariff setting, revenue in
local currency). Often not possible for
Concessionaire to bear all the risk - Financial Risks Inconvertibility/Transfer Risk
to be insured. Issue of Exchange Risk. Other
risks borne by Lenders. World Bank Partial Risk
15Indicative Transaction Timetable
15-18months (Two steps process)
16Phase I Strategic Review and Due Diligence 6
17Phase II Transaction 9 months
18Three Steps Process
- Pre-qualification (Previous experience in port
facilities financing and operations, Project
finance capacity) - Technical Selection (Essentially on the
basis of a detailed Business Plan) using Pass or
Fail criteria - Financial Selection (on the basis of unified
documentation, i.e., draft lease / concession
agreement) Simple selection criterion, e.g.,
fixed annual fee plus royalty (per container
movement) of service provided by Concessionaire
to the port users
19What Is Eligible for PPP Schemes?
- In any case, PPP can only result from
economically and financially justified projects - Size does matter Transaction costs -gt minimum
project size of US100 million and more - Private sector interest in port business see ADB
graphic - Cargo handling, especially containers and
- Marine services (towage, berthing, etc)
- Added Value logistic services
- Port/City interface redevelopment for urban
purposes - ? past experience in Russia and worldwide
20List of PPI in The Port Sector in The Region
Source WB PPI Database 2003
21List of PPI in The Port Sector Worldwide
Source WB PPI Database 2003
22Possible PPPs Prospects in Russia
- as listed in the Russia Transport Strategy
until 2020 - St. Petersburg and Ust Luga railway/ferry
services with Kaliningrad - Transshipment facilities for oil, grain and
containers in the port of Novorossiisk - Vostochnyy/Vladivostok ports and railways access
- Plus logistics services and development of inland
waterways - Astrakhan water transport node
- the Makhachkala port and
- Reconstruction of the Kochetov lock on the Don
23Possible PPPs Prospects in Russia
24World Bank Group comparative advantages
- Close partnership with Russian authorities
- Advisory services from either the IBRD and/or the
IFC - Skill-mix and worldwide experience
- External consultants and experts
- Reputation to act as an honest broker
- Increased confidence of the private sector
- Balancing interest of both Public and Private
sectors - Transparent and competitive PPP process and more
- ? The Port Reform Toolkit (www.worldbank.org).
25WBG Financial Support for PPPs
Financial Products
Advisory Services /1
- Hard Currency
- Loans (Investment Policy, IBRD, IDA)
- On-lending facilities
- Co-financing schemes (A/B Loans, IFC)
- Guarantees (IBRD, IDA, IFC, MIGA)
- Insurance (MIGA)
- Equity and related products (IFC)
- Local Currency
- Currency Conversion Option (FSL)
- Currency swap
- Guarantees
- Institutional Building Capacity
- BNPP (Bank Netherlands Partner)
- Project (transaction) Execution
- DEVCO (IFC Advisory Services)
- Cities Alliance
- PIDG (EAIF, Guarantco, Infraco also includes
financing products)
/1 Includes Partnerships with other donors
26Next Steps (1/2)
- Independent review of the Russian port sector to
- Review the relevance of its current institutional
framework and administrative organization - Determine the level of competition intra- and
inter-ports as well as the efficiency and
relevance of regulatory mechanisms in place - Assess the level of operational performance,
tariffs and shippers degree of satisfaction for
the service provided - Assess current and future port capacity (in
volume and by type of cargo) - Intermodalism and value added logistics
- Evaluate the prospects for promoting PPP schemes.
27Next Steps (2/2)
- Short/medium term action plan to
- Develop an appropriate regulatory legal framework
- Increase port capacity and efficiency through
PPP schemes - Improve the overall rail, road and inland
waterways connection between the ports and their
hinterland, especially with Russias oil/gas
production centers - Introduce modern information and communication
technologies - Where necessary, improve port/city interfaces to
minimize the impact of port related businesses on
the functioning of the city
28Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
Workshop on PPPs in Russia (Moscow - March 3-4,
- Michel Audigé
- Lead Port Specialist
- ECA region The World Bank