Title: Buyer Behavior
1Buyer Behavior
2Model of Buyer Behavior (Fig. 5.1)
Marketing and Other Stimuli Marketing Product Pr
ice Place Promotion Other Economic Technological P
olitical Cultural
Buyers Black Box Buyer Characteristics Buyer
Decision Process
Buyer Responses Product Choice Brand
Choice Dealer Choice Purchase Timing Purchase
3Approaches to Study of Buyer Behavior
- Economic model
- Learning theory model
- Psycho-analytic model
- Information processing model
4The EBM model of buyer behavior (Engel,
Blackwell, and Miniard)
5(No Transcript)
6Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior Culture
- Culture is the Most Basic Cause of a Person's
Wants and Behavior.
- Subculture
- Group of people with shared value systems based
on common life experiences. - Hispanic Consumers
- African American Consumers
- Asian American Consumers
- Mature Consumers
7Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior Culture
- Culture is the Set of Values, Perceptions, Wants
Behavior Learned by a Member of Society from
- Social Class
- Societys relatively permanent ordered
divisions whose members share similar values,
interests, and behaviors. - Measured by Occupation, Income, Education,
Wealth and Other Variables.
8Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior Social
- Groups
- Membership
- Reference
- Family (most important)
- Husband, wife, kids
- Influencer, buyer, user
Social Factors
Roles and Status
9Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior Personal
10 SRI Values and Lifestyles (VALS) (Fig. 5.3)
High Resources
High Innovation
Low Resources
Low Innovation
11Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior Psychological
Psychological Factors Affecting Buyers Choices
Beliefs and Attitudes
12Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (Fig. 5.4)
13Consumer Evaluation
- What criteria do consumers use to make
evaluations? What do consumers care about? - Values
- Benefits
- Attributes
- Means-End Value Chains
14Means-End Value Chains
15Multi-attribute evaluation
- Belief x Importance Model
- Evaluation is reflected by brand attitude
- Attitude is the sum of salient beliefs,
- Weighted by the importance of each belief
- Atto S(Bi x Ii) Summed for each attribute i.
- The Bi component indicates the strength of the
association. - The Ii component indicates the importance of that
association to brand attitude.
16Buyer Decision Process (Fig. 5.6)
Purchase Decision
Postpurchase Behavior
Evaluation of Alternatives
Information Search
Need Recognition
17Buyer Decision ProcessStep 1. Need Recognition
Buyer Recognizes a Problem or a
Needs Arising From Internal Stimuli
Hunger External Stimuli- Friends
State Where the Buyers Needs are Fulfilled and
the Buyer is Satisfied.
18The Buyer Decision ProcessStep 2. Information
Personal Sources
Commercial Sources
Public Sources
- Family, friends, neighbors
- Most effective source of
- information
- Advertising, salespeople
- Receives most information from
- these sources
Experiential Sources
- Mass Media
- Consumer-rating groups
- Handling the product
- Examining the product
- Using the product
19The Buyer Decision ProcessStep 4. Evaluation of
Consumer May Use Careful Calculations Logical
Consumers May Buy on Impulse and Rely on
Consumers May Make Buying Decisions on Their Own.
Consumers May Make Buying Decisions Only After
Consulting Others.
Marketers Must Study Buyers to Find Out How They
Evaluate Brand Alternatives
20The Buyer Decision ProcessStep 5. Purchase
- Purchase Intention
- Desire to buy the most preferred brand
21The Buyer Decision ProcessStep 6. Postpurchase
Satisfied Customer!
- Consumers
- Expectations of Products Performance.
- Products Perceived
- Performance.
Dissatisfied Customer
22Role of Consumer Involvement
- Sometimes consumers make evaluations/choices very
carefully - Sometimes consumers make evaluations/choices with
little care - Involvementstrength of motivation, importance
- High involvementB X I model
23Low involvement evaluations
- Cognitive shortcuts (heuristics)
- Habit
- Affective responses
24Stages in the Adoption Process
Awareness Consumer is aware of product, but
lacks information.
Interest Consumer seeks Information about new
Evaluation Consumer considers trying new product.
25Adopter Categories (Fig. 5.7)
Early Majority
Late Majority
Early Adopters
Percentage of Adopters
Time of Adoption
26Influence of Product Characteristics on Rate of
Relative Advantage Is the innovation superior
to existing products?
Communicability Can results be easily observed
or described to others?
Divisibility Can the innovation be used on a
trial basis?
Compatibility Does the innovation fit the
values and experience of the target market?
Complexity Is the innovation difficult
to understand or use?
27What is a Business Market?
- A business market comprises all the organizations
that buy goods and services for use in the
production of other products and services that
are sold, rented, or supplied to others. - The business market is huge and involves many
more dollars and goods than do consumer markets.
28Characteristics of Business Markets
Contain fewer, but larger buyers
Customers are more geographically concentrated
Buyer demand is derived from final consumer
Marketing Structure and Demand
29Characteristics of Business Markets
- Nature of the Buying Unit
- Business purchases involve more buyers.
- Business buying involves a more professional
purchasing effort.
30Characteristics of Business Markets
Types of Decisions and the Decision Process
Build Long-Term Partnerships
31Model of Business Buyer Behavior (Fig. 6.1)
Buyer Responses Product or service
choice Supplier Choice Order Quantities Deliver
y terms and times Service terms Payment
- The Environment
- Marketing
- Stimuli
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- Other Stimuli
- Economic
- Technological
- Political
- Cultural
- Competitive
The Buying Organization The buying
center Buying decision process (Interpersonal
and individual influences) (Organizational
32Organizational Buying
- Professional purchasing
- Fewer buyers
- Larger purchases
- Closer, longer relationships/ reciprocity
- Geographic concentration
- Derived demand
- Lower price sensitivity
- Buying center
33Participants in the Business Buying Process
Unexpected Situational Factors
Decision-Making Unit of a Buying Organization is
Called Its Buying Center.
Attitudes of Others