Title: ME 4447: Mechatronics Transistors
1ME 4447 MechatronicsTransistors
- Paxton Billingsley
- Faiza Hassan
- Hanif Hunter
- David Stone
- A transistor is an electronic three terminal
device, consisting of a collector, base and
3Transistor Properties
- One-way property
- signal gain
- coupling of circuits with differing impedance
levels - switch (as in ME 4447)
- non-linear effects used in communication circuits
4Transistor Types
- Bipolar junction transistors
- -npn
- -pnp
5Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)
- Invented in 1948 by Bill Shockley at Bell
Laboratories to amplify telephone signals - First practical design to replace vacuum tubes
- Constructed as a sandwich of semiconductors
doped with N-type and P-type impurities
6Two Types of BJTs
7How They Work
- Holes flow from (1) to (2)
- Forward bias voltage controls the collector
current - IC is independent of VBE
8Summary of BJT Operation
- N-type electrons are majority carriers
- P-type holes are majority carriers
- Majority carriers always flow from emitter to
collector - Increasing base-emitter voltage increases current
flow from emitter to collector
9Common Emitter
- Emitter is common to input and output
- Most commonly used configuration
- Medium input and output impedance
- High voltage gain
- High current gain
10Common Base
- Base is common to input and output
- Used in high frequency applications
- Low input impedance
- High output impedance
- Unity current gain
- High voltage gain
11Common Collector
- More commonly known as emitter follower
- Used as a buffer for circuits with different
impedences - High input impedence, low output impedence
- Unity current gain, high voltage gain
12Summary of BJT Configurations
13Field Effect Transistors(Paxton Billingsley)
- Invented in late 1940s by Shockley.
- Late 1960s manufacturing enabled effective use
of field-effect transistors. - Shockley never prospered in Silicon Valley.
15Field Effect Operations
- Control one electrical signal with another.
- 3 - connections, gate, source and drain.
- Transfer patterns of signal fluctuation from a
small input signal to larger output.
16Why is it called Field Effect?
- Because of the Field Effect!
- Strong electrical field created .
- This field controls a second signal.
- The second signal mimics the gate signal but
- 2 types
- n-channel corresponds to npn
- p-channel corresponds to pnp
- Behave similarly except in p-type hole not
electrons cause the current.
- 2 varieties of FET
- junction FET (JFET)
- metal-oxide semiconductor (MOSFET)
- similar properties
19Junction FET (JFET)
20Basic JFET
21JFET Terminals
- 3 Terminals
- Gate (G) this is the input signal with
information - Source (S) this is the source voltage
- Drain (D) this is the output
22JFET Characteristics
23JFET Regions of Operation
- Ohmic Region Behaves as a resistor. Gate
Voltage controls level of resistance, starting
linear then moving non-linear as VD increases. - Saturation Region Device behaves as a current
source controlled by gate source voltage.
24FET Applications
- Preferred for weak-signal work, for example in
wireless communications and broadcast receivers. - Not used for high-power amplification.
- Single chip may contain many thousands of FETs
along with other components.
26Power Transistors
- Used for power amplification.
- They can be BJTs and MOSFETs or any other type of
transistor. - Power transistor is just an application of any
- Audio Amplification
- Amplification in a RF (radio frequency) systems
- Many more uses
28Some points
- Common-means that that part is grounded and is
not the input nor the output signal. - AV is the voltage gain.
- AI is the current gain.
- AP is the power gain and the product of AV and
AI. - Whenever there is a thevinin voltage that part of
the circuit was thevinised. To change back we
multiply by vth/vo. - Transconductance of BJTs is gm. This number is
constant for given BJTs.
293 Types Bipolar Power Transistor Setups or 3 ways
a BJT is hooked up in a circuit
- Common Emitter (CE)
- Common Base (CB)
- Common Collector (CC)
30Bipolar Power Transistor CE
- AVth-gmRLvth/vo
- For R5 0, otherwise
- AVth-RL/R5vth/vo
- AI-?o
- AP Avthvin/vth AI
31Bipolar Power Transistor CC
- AVth1vth/vo
- AI?o1
- AP Avthvin/vth AI
- ?o1
32Bipolar Power Transistor CB
- AVthgmRLvth/vo
- AI1
- AP Avthvin/vth AI
- gmRLvth/vo
333 Types FET Power Transistor Setups or 3 ways a
FET is hooked up in a circuit
- Common Source (CS)
- Common Drain (CD)
- Common Gate (CG)
34FET Power Transistor CS
- AVthgmRLvth/vo
- For R5 0, otherwise
- AVth-RL/R5vth/vo
- AI ?
- AP ?
35FET Power Transistor CD
36FET Power Transistor CG
- AVthgmRLvth/vo
- AI 1
- AP gm vin/vth RL
37Power Transistors
- Used for power amplification.
- They can be BJTs and MOSFETs or any other type of
transistor. - Power transistor is just an application of any
- Audio Amplification
- Amplification in a RF (radio frequency) systems
- Many more uses
39Some points
- Common-means that that part is grounded and is
not the input nor the output signal. - AV is the voltage gain.
- AI is the current gain.
- AP is the power gain and the product of AV and
AI. - Whenever there is a thevinin voltage that part of
the circuit was thevinised. To change back we
multiply by vth/vo. - Transconductance of BJTs is gm. This number is
constant for given BJTs.
403 Types Bipolar Power Transistor Setups or 3 ways
a BJT is hooked up in a circuit
- Common Emitter (CE)
- Common Base (CB)
- Common Collector (CC)
41Bipolar Power Transistor CE
- AVth-gmRLvth/vo
- For R5 0, otherwise
- AVth-RL/R5vth/vo
- AI-?o
- AP Avthvin/vth AI
42Bipolar Power Transistor CC
- AVth1vth/vo
- AI?o1
- AP Avthvin/vth AI
- ?o1
43Bipolar Power Transistor CB
- AVthgmRLvth/vo
- AI1
- AP Avthvin/vth AI
- gmRLvth/vo
443 Types FET Power Transistor Setups or 3 ways a
FET is hooked up in a circuit
- Common Source (CS)
- Common Drain (CD)
- Common Gate (CG)
45FET Power Transistor CS
- AVthgmRLvth/vo
- For R5 0, otherwise
- AVth-RL/R5vth/vo
- AI ?
- AP ?
46FET Power Transistor CD
47FET Power Transistor CG
- AVthgmRLvth/vo
- AI 1
- AP gm vin/vth RL
- Most common applications of transistors
- switch
- amplifier