Title: Multidatabase manipulations Part 2
1Multidatabase manipulations Part 2
2Multidatabase manipulations(Kandinsky Ligne
avec Accompagnement, 1937 )
3Multidatabase manipulations
4MSQL(Litwin, Abdellatif, Nicolas, Zeroual,
1989L. Suardi, M. Rusinkiewicz, 1992)
- An extension to SQL
- Contains by definition every SQL-x
- Allows for non-procedural multidatabase base
manipulations - ? MSQL queries impossible to formulate in SQL
- An MSQL query may replace several SQL queries
- Developed in 1986-89
- INRIA, projet B A BA,
- initialement sous projet du projet-pilote SIRIUS
(J. Le Bihan, puis W. Litwin) - Dr. Thesis of MM. Abdellatif, Nicolas, Zeroual
- Compiler implemented at Houston University
- Team od Prof. M. Rusinkiewicz, 1990-1993
5MSQL(Litwin, Abdellatif, Nicolas, Zeroual,
1989L. Suardi, M. Rusinkiewicz, 1992)
- Research vehicle for functions for the MBD
environment - to address relations in different databases
- to manipulate semantically heterogeneous data
- to create MDB views
- to transfer data (and schemas) between DBs
- to define MDB dependencies
- Present to limited extent in most of commercial
6MSQL(Basic new properties)
- SQL Query
- Uses 1st order predicate calculus
- Is compiled for optimization into the relational
algebra - Result is a table
- MSQL Query
- May use higher-order predicate calculus
- Is compiled for optimization into the
multirelational algebra - Result is a multitable
- A set of relations (tables)
- May be constituted from one or no tables
7MSQL(More on functions specific to MDB env.)
- Addressing of tables in different DBs
- Implicitly or by qualification by (multi)database
names - Introduced around 1985 by relational multibase
system prototype MRDSM - B A BA project at INRIA
- Unknown at that time of any relational language
- See the overview of relational DBMSs existing
in 1987 (M. Brodie)
8MSQL(More on functions specific to MDB env.)
- Manipulation of semantically heterogeneous
- data
- Multiple Queries
- With multiples identifiers
- With semantic variables
- Ranging over data names
- Scale and Precision
- Units of measure
- Implicit joins
- Capabilities still unknown of SQL
- Capabilities known at present to some dialects
- Limited with respect to MSQL
9MSQL example
SIL Internal Logical Schema
10Conceptual Schemas (the multischema)
- DB bnp
- br (br, brname, street, street, city,
zipcode, tel)account (acc, cl, balance,
br)client (cl, clname, cltel, cltype, street,
street, city, zipcode)spe-acc (acc, br, cl,
balance, curr) - DB sg
- branch (bra, braname, street, s, town, zip,
t, class)acc (acc, bra, c, balance)client
(c, cname, ct, ctype, street, s, town, zip) - DB cic
- br (br, brname, street, street, city,
zipcode, tel)account (ac, br, cl, balance,
open_date)client(cl, clname, cltel, cltype,
street, street, city, zipcode)
11Semantic Heterogeneity In Banks
- Same names can designate different data
- Different names can designate same data
- same client, same town..
- The value of a primary key is valid only in one
DB - how to identify same client in diff. banks ?
12MSQL Commands
.com.org.user.boulogne CREATE MULTIDATABASE
Banks (bnp cic sg ) USE Banks CREATE
DATABASE boulogne FROM bnp
Query scope
- CREATE MDB EC-Banks (f-banks-i-banks, s-banks,
g-banks, e-banks ) - CREATE MULTIDATABASE can create
- flat MDBs (only contain DBs)
- nested MDBs (DBs or MDBs)
- can be potentially any network of DBs or MDBs
- like through the links on the WEB
- what about cycles ?
- use banks
- CREATE TABLE boulogne.loan FROM bnp.loan
- CREATE TABLE fake_checks (Chq INT,
Montant_Euro CURRENCY EURO .... ) - One has created four (empty) tables bnp.
fake_checks , cic. fake_checks ...
boulogne.fake_checks - CREATE TABLE boulogne.client (c, cn, ct) FROM
bnp.client (cl, clname, cltel) - PRIMARY KEY (c)
- (cn, ct) OUTER REFERENCES (clname, cltel)
Unit of mesure
16MSQLCREATE TABLE with References
- USE AuPrintemps / MDB AuPrintemps
- CREATE TABLE MusicDep.Inventory
- .
Central.Stock(I) - No unauthorized Item in the inventory of the
Music Department - Other options
- Generates implicit equijoin, or left or right
implicit outerjoins when a query selects
attributes A and B.
- use banks
- alter banks include vernesremove cic
- Alter MDB can create
- flat MDBs (only contain DBs)
- nested MDBs
18MSQL Elementary queries
Prefixing with DB names was unknown to SQL -
and is in DB2 SQL since last year only
19MSQL Default DB
Tables of the default database are not prefixed
20MSQL Elementary queries without prefixed names
Table names are unique within the query scope
- USE (bnp b) sg
- UPDATE account
- SET account.balance account.balance 500
- WHERE account.balance gt acc.balance
- AND b.client.clname sg.client.cname AND
b.client.street sg.client.street - What does it mean ?
22Multiples Queries
23Multiple Queries
24Results (a multitable)
25Multiple Updates
- Begin
- Use BanksUpdate clset street 'Charles de
Gaulle"where street 'Etoile' - If SQLCODE ltgt 0 then Rollback
- Commit
- Use Banks vital cicUpdate clset street
'Charles de Gaulle"where street 'Etoile' - MSQL transaction semantics is more general than
ACID - may include COMP (compensation) statement, list
of accept. states....
26Semantic Variables in MSQL
- use bnp sglet x be town cityselect from
bwhere x 'Paris' and street 'r. de Rivoli'
27Semantic Variables in MSQL
- use bnp sglet x be town cityselect from
bwhere x 'Paris' and street 'r. de Rivoli' - use bnp
- select
- from br
- where town 'Paris' and street 'r. de Rivoli'
- use sg
- select
- from branch
- where city 'Paris' and street 'r. de Rivoli'
28Semantic Variables in MSQL
- use bnp sglet x be town cityselect from
bwhere x 'Paris' and street 'r. de Rivoli' - Alternatively
use bnp sglet x be to cityselect from
bwhere x 'Paris' and street 'r. de
29Semantic Variables in MSQL
- use banks
- let X be banks.
- select a, balance, cnamefrom X.a a, X.c c
- where a. a c. c
- The query illustrates the multitable pair-wise
join - Semantic variable a over relation name account is
not necessary, but simplifies the typing of the
30Semantic Variables in MSQL
- use banks
- let x be town city
- let y be sg bnpselect Z. from y.b Z, cic.b
Vwhere V.x 'Paris' and - V.street Z.street and Z.x 'Paris'
- What does it means ?
- Is the  natural decomposition into SQL
queries optimal ? - Otherwise is there any better ?
31Multirelational Algebra
- No, the natural decomposition is not optimal
- the selection in cic is repeated three times
uselessly - It should be done once first, then one should
proceed with the join - One needs an algebra for multiple queries
- Grant, Litwin, Selis, Roussopoulos. An Algebra
and Calculus for Relational Multidatabases. The
VLDB Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1993, 153-171.
32Multirelational Algebra
- Multirelational operators
- Select From M where (boolean condition)
- Project M (A, B)
- Pair-wise Theta join On (M1.A ? M2.B AND )
- Theta Join On (M1.A ? M2.B AND )
- These operators are typically commutative and
associative as their relational counterparts - Select can be moved through a join down the
execution tree - Project (C (Project M (A, B, C))) Project M (C)
- Etc
33Semantic Variables in MSQL
- Semantic variables can be compound and with
values selected by queries from some dictionaries - use bankslet (x, y) be select X.attr Y.attr
from FD X, FD Y where X.mean tel and Y.mean
city - select from clientwhere x '123' and y
mean attr tel t tel tel city city city town city
34Semantic Variables in MSQL
- Can be applied to MSQL DD statements
- use banks
- create database cic2
- let x be a b c
- create table cic2.x from cic.x
- Copies cic schema except for one table
35Name homogenizationThe labels
- USE Banks LET t BE tel tSELECT name
branch_name, t tel, s streetFROM br
brWHERE street Champs Elysées - The result multitable
- ( bnp.br.branch_name, bnp.br.tel,
bnp.br.street ), ( sg.br.branch_name,
sg.br.tel, sg.br.street )( cic.br.
branch_name, cic.br.tel, cic.br.street )
36Multidatabase Views
A partial view of DBs bnp and sg in DB
The views in my_bank can be considered Import
37Multidatabase Union Views
- Use Banks
- Create View bnp.all-banks as
- Use banks
- let x be town city
- let y be banks.
- Select y.br ( y, br, brname branch, street,
street, x city, zip zip, t tel) - Union
- Union unions all the tables of the selected
multitable - It scales to all the tables named br of Banks,
if new banks enters the MDB Banks in the future - Current DBMS, e.g., SQL Server, require to alter
the union view definition in such a case
38Key words and Aggregate Functions in MSQL
- Key words and Aggregate Functions of SQL
- par definition
- operate at each table of a multitable
- Their extensions to multitables
MSUM... - operate at whole multitable
- important for warehousing
street 'champs elysées'
street 'champs elysées' - bnp.br2
- cic.br2
- sg.br2
street 'champs elysées'
street 'champs elysées' - br6
- Exercises in warehousing
- -Average balance per client in each bank
- Average balance per client in BANKS
- Sum of client assets per bank
- Sum of client assets in BANKS
- All-in-one (traditional computation)
- Possibly in parallel
- The calculus can take long time.
- Successive approximations
- Some kind of sampling
- result1, from any 1st DB to come
- (result1 result2) / 2
- sampling within each database
- several ACM-Sigmod VLDB papers dealt with query
evaluation using sampling - Precomputing
- Incremental evaluation using interdatabase
dependencies - Common to warehousing
44Aggregate Functions MERGE ON
- form a single tuple from all the tuples of the
same objet in the multitable - Uses outer jointures
- Find millionaires in Banks and form the tuple
for each millionaire - USE Banks LET x.y BE clname.cltel
cname.ctLET z BE Banks.SELECT FROM z.a
WHERE z.a.c z.client.cAND z.a.balance gt
1 000 000MERGE ON x y
45Aggregate Functions MERGE ON
USE Banks LET x.y BE clname.cltel
cname.ctLET z BE Banks.SELECT FROM z.a
WHERE z.a.c z.client.cAND z.a.balance gt
1 000 000MERGE ON x y
46Aggregate Functions NAME
- Transform a name (table, attribute..) into
attribute value - USE Banks LET x.y BE br.city branch.townSELECT
name branch_name, NAME (.x) bankFROM xWHERE
y 'Nice' UNION - Note Union unions all the tables of the
selected multitable - the result is the table branch_name bank
Jaures CIC
DeGaulle BNP
47Aggregate Functions CHOOSE
- Chooses at most n tuples among the selected
ones - the 1st found as does the function TOP
(default) in any or some order, specified by
ORDER BY (default) - strictly random (RND)
- these that were not chosen by the previous
execution of the query in the same transaction
(NEW) - preferably in the DBs listed, and in the
listed order - at most j per DB
- selecting at most m tuples sharing the values
of the attr. in the list A, supposed global
key of some objet. - CHOOSE (n, (m, ltAgt), ltBgt j, ltBgt, RND
NEW - ltAgt ltlist of attr.gt ltBgt ltlist of
48Aggregate Functions CHOOSE
- Choose a millionaire randomly
- USE Banks SELECT c.FROM c c, a aWHERE
c.c a.c AND a.ba gt 1.000.000CHOOSE (1)
RND - Function very important in MBD environment
- information overload
49Aggregate Functions TIMEOUT
- Fix time limit of a query
- the system should possibly deliver all the
relevant tuples - however, any query arriving to timeout is
considered executed successfully - TIMEOUT (t unit) ltunitgt ms s m
h d s - seconds (default) - USE BanksSELECT FROM brWHERE street
'champs elysées' TIMEOUT (10)
50Aggregate Functions POST
- Make a query continuous
- One manipulates each tuple found during the
life time of the query - Even those created after the query start
- TIMEOUT may be used to limit the life time
- USE Immo LaCentrale Orpi SELECT FROM
logemWHERE prix lt 1,000,000 AND Ville 'Paris'
51Aggregate Functions ESTIMATE
- Compute the cost of a query before the
execution and can start the execution after an
authorizationESTIMATE (type, price, time,
count, size, report) WITH EXEC_PROMPT - type of estimate
- exact (can be long to compute)
- approximate
- price of the query (in , FF...).
- completion time
- number of tuples
- size of the resultant, in bytes
- report on the estimate itself
- precision...
52Privileges in MSQL
- USE bnp sg cic
- GRANT SELECT ON client TO Nicolas Abdellatif
- client is a multitable
- client (bnp.client, sg.client, cic.client)
- GRANT ALL ON etoile.account TO Nicolas Abdellatif
FROM bnp.account - GRANT ALL ON etoile.account TO Nicolas FROM
Zeroual ON bnp.account
53Interdatabase Queries
- Transfer data between DBs
- Source and target are multitables
54Interdatabase Queries
- insert selected tuples
- except these with the key already in the target
- insert selected tuples
- replacing these with the key already in the
target - REPLACE
- insert selected tuples and delete the rest of
the target - UPDATE
- update the tuples selected in the target with
the values in the source tables - COPY
- copies tuples and the source schema
- There are more interesting capabilities
- e.g. Multidatabase Dependencies
- referential integrity (outer) join links
- multidatabase triggers
- local autonomy
- dynamic attributes for retrieval and updates
- The language design will never be finished
- MSQL 1, 2, 3...
- MSQL A multidatabase Language. Information
Science Journal Special Issue on Database
Systems, 48, 2, (July 1989). - Execution of Extended Multidatabase SQL. Intl.
IEEE Conf. on Data Eng. Vienna, 1992
- For OO or RO common model, consider in addition
- MDB inheritance
- MDB type/subtype integration
- derived types
- OID heterogeneity UUIDs
- Type / function value semantic heterogeneity
- dynamic type hierarchies
- higher-order OO languages
- Relations with inherited attributes
57Elements of MSQL in commercial DBMSs
- Main DBMSs evolved to MDBSs
- yet primitive but it's better than
nothingSybase, Oracle, Informix, MsAccess, SQL
Server,.... - There are also MDBSs which are only access
systems to DBMSs - EDA-SQL, DEC DB Integrator, DBJoiner (IBM),
Ingres, UniSQL/M, Uniface, QE, OAdaptor (HP),
Telebase... - "Data Warehouses"
58MSQL in commercial DBMSs(Department Store Data
Warehouse, using MsAccess, SQL Server...)
Au Printemps
Bd. Haussman
Music Dep
Parly 2
Books Dep
Music Dep
Home Appl. Dep
Home Appl. Dep
Food Dep
Jeans Dep
Jeans Dep
Food Dep
Central Warehouse
59MBD Manipulations in MsAccess
- One can perform limited MBD operations between
- MsAccess DBs
- An DB of MsAccess and
- any other DB under a DBMS ODBC compatible
- Paradox, Btrieve, Dbase
- Any OLE compatible program
- Excel...
60MBD Manipulations in MsAccess
Paradox Gateway
Sybase ODBC driver
Insert INTO
Distr. Connect.
61MsAccess MSQL
- Open B ltgt USE B
- ATTACH table
- Open B1 attach B2.T' as T ?create view B1.T as
select from B2.T' - DROP VIEW corresponds to Delete in MsAccess menu
- Clause IN ltexternalDBgt
- Open B1Select a, b, c From D IN B2 ?? select
a, b c from B2.D
62Examples MsAccess
- Source DB MsAccess SELECT Customer IDFROM
Customers IN MYDATA.MDBWHERE Customer ID Like
"A" - Source DB Paradox SELECT CustomerIDFROM
CustomersIN "C\PARADOX\DATA\SALES" "Paradox
4.x"WHERE CustomerID Like "A" - Every data transfer from/to DB non-MsAccess or
OLE compatible software has data repr.
conversions - Semantic Heterogeneity oblige
63Elementary Queries in MS-Access
- Open a DB and query other DBs
- one has to define aliases in FROM
- DB open here is called s-p1.mdb
- but this name has no importance here
- Joins of tables in other databases
- SELECT TOP 10 C.Contact Name, C.City
- FROM c\access\nwind2.mdb.Customers AS C,
c\access\ordentr2.mdb.customers AS O - WHERE (o.Id C.customer Id)
Contact Name City Pat Parkes London Gladys
Lindsay Seattle Elizabeth Lincoln Tsawassen Olivia
LaMont San Francisco Terry Hargreaves London Eliz
abeth Brown London Sylvia Dunn London Ann
Devon London Ronald Merrick London Bill
Lee Pocatello
65Elementary Queries in MS-Access
- Join of a local and external table
- SELECT TOP 10 S.SName, C.Contact Name, C.City
- FROM S, nwind2.mdb.Customers AS C
- WHERE ((S.City C.City))
- Order by contact name
SName Contact Name City Clark Ann
Devon London Clark Archibald Langford London Clar
k Cornelia Giles London Clark David
Bird London Clark Elizabeth Brown London Clark G
.K.Chattergee London Clark Gerald
Pipps London Clark Hari Kumar London Clark Jane
Austen London Clark Jeffrey Jefferies London
67MsAccess MSQL
- Clause INTO ltexternalDBgt dans Select INTO ou
INSERT INTO - Open B1Select a, b, c INTO T IN B2 From D ??
Use B1 copy into B2.T select a, b c from D
- D can be a view or a subquery
- One cannot combine clauses IN et INTO
- INSERT de MsAccess has (sub)semantics of
68MsAccess MSQL
- menu commands
- equivalent to MSQL query
- Use B1 copy into T1 from B2.T2
69MsAccess MSQLComparison
- Formulation of MBD elementary queries and views
- first one has to define ATTACH's
- then one formulates SQL monodatabase query
- then, perhaps one needs to delete the ATTACH's
- Much more procedurality than under MSQL
- in Banks, one would need in practice that each
DB attaches all the tables of any other DB - Good luck DBA !
- Multiple queries and other capabilities of MSQL
- yet unknown of MsAccess
70SQL Server, Sybase, Interbase
- MBD Architecture similar to that of MsAccess,
but more powerful - gateways to Oracle, IMS, DB2
- Transac-SQL support the following MSQL
functions and is the MBD dialect least
procedural in the industry - elementary queries
- to Sybase DBs at the same siteUSE B select
from T where B1.T1.a T.a - Only one DB per USE
- some restrictions at the level of interdatabase
queries - multidatabase CREATE VIEW, and MDB triggers
71Oracle, RDB, Informix
- Have an operation similar to ATTACH
calledCreate link - Create public database link bnp connect to
bnp_unix - Create public database link cic connect to
cic_vms - SELECT br.brname, b.braname, br.street
- FROM br _at_bnp, br_at_ cic b
- WHERE br.street b.street
72Oracle, RDB, Informix
- MBD queries are possible only once the links are
defined - Hence these DBMSs are procedural than Sybase
for MBD operations - Starting from V7, Oracle supports however MBDs
queries without links - postfixing par the DB name
- as in the last ex.
73EDA-SQL, DB Integrator, DBJoiner, Ingres al
- SQL MDBSs for access to DBMSs
- in theory, without their own DBs
- but there is always one for the MDB catalogs
- auxiliary DB
- One has to create links and logical DBs
- almost virtual DBs
- only DB Integrator supports elem. MDB queries
- called multischema queries
- No other MSQL functions
logical DB
logical DB
BD Ingres
74UniSQL O-Adaptor
- Similar to previous ones except that for the
logical DB - UniSQL uses RO model
- O-Adaptor an OO model
- No MDB queries (other than link creations)
logical DB
logical DB
BD Ingres
75Telebase (USA)
- MDBMS for access to inf. retr. DBs
- 1000 DBs at many sites
- with different local languages
- Extended Common Command Set Language (CCS)
- No joins only Boolean clauses
- Supports the MSQL functions
- multidatabases names
- Called Categories
- multiple queries
- Called Scans
76Messidor 1st Heterogeneous Multidatabase
Information Retrieval Access System
Démonstration par C. Moulinoux (STERIA), INRIA,
77Meta-search engines
- Metacrawler, BigHub.com, AskJeewes.com, Copernic
- Query simultaneously several search engines
- Altavista, Yahoo, Excite, Hotbot
- Boolean Manipulation Langages
- Multiples Queries
- Apply the mdb aggregate functions Mdistinct Name,
Mdistinct, Choose, Timeout
78Data Warehouses
- Popular new concept for MDBSs
- data warehouse ltgt an MDB or federation in an
enterprise - With elaborated management of interdatabase
dependencies - new ideas
- elaborated DS implementation elaborated decision
support functions - incremental propagation
- an MDB view or a DB redundant with respect to
existent ones is created
Data warehouse
Data mart
DB Ingres
79An Instructive Call for Papers
International Journal of Cooperative Information
Systems Special
Issue on Design and Management
of Data Warehouses Guest editors
Manfred A. Jeusfeld and Martin Staudt Data
Warehousing embraces technology and industrial
practice to systematically collect data from the
enterprise and to use that data in a highly
aggregated form for managing the enterprise thru
decisions. Little attention is currently paid to
design and manage a data warehouse (DW) in such a
way that it accomplishes its purpose, i.e. to
support the management of the enterprise.
Existing solutions are focusing on technical
aspects like efficient source data extraction.
Their parameters are however incomprehensible to
the stakeholders who decide on the introduction
of a data warehouse. Data warehouses are
important in managing large enterprises and
in communicating highly aggregated information
between the various departments. Interoperable
tools and integrated methods to manage
data warehouses in order to fulfill the
enterprise goals are desperately needed. Such
tools should cover all aspects of data
warehousing - selection of data sources - data
cleaning - conceptual/logical/physical data
warehouse design - enterprise modeling - data
warehouse quality monitoring - data warehouse
refreshment methods - architecture design - data
mart customization, etc.
80Exemple Architecture de DB2 Data Warehouse
- MDB Manipulations - among most important R D
directions - Other key-words
- Interoperability
- Integration
- Distributed Heterogeneous DBs
- Data Warehouses
- MSQL is a research vehicle advanced for
relational MBDs - The root for further resarch proposals
- MSQL with Integrity Constraints, IDL, SchemaSQL
- For the latter, see especially ACM-TODS journal,
Dec. 2001 - Basic MSQL capabilities are in commercials DBMSs,
Information Retrieval Ssytems, MDB Access
Systems, Data Warehouses, XML standard proposals - Others will follow
- But there is still a lot to do
- in the industry and in research
82Exercises and Research Problems
- All these in the text mdb queries especially.
- Express various elementary mdb queries using
Amos, MsAccess (SQL and QBE), SQL Server, DB2,
Oracle, Interbase - Invent your own instructive queries to BANKS
- Under MsAccess, design an MDB Form for an
elementary query and for a multiple query.
Explain how you did i in a short report. - Consider 3 attributes B1.T1.a, B2.T2.b, B3.T3.c.
The attribute types are INT and unit of
measures are KG, G, mG. Consider that ''
operator has the usual mathematical meaning, with
the usual rounding up of values with a different
precision. Prove or disprove that the usual
associativity of equijoins (a JOIN b) JOIN c
a JOIN (b JOIN c)does not hold anymore. Comment
on the consequences for the current relational
query optimizers. - If you had to evaluate a JOIN b using manual
unit conversion, would you rather convert a to b
or vice versa ? - Propose and justify a reasonable algorithm for
the multiple join evaluation. - A unit conversion algorithm A may be a long
calculus. Would you rather - apply A to every value V of a the manipulated
table - project or order the table first, then apply A
once for every different value
83Exercises and Research Problems
- Propose an execution tree expressed in mdb
algebra for the query of slide 30 - Add unit conversion to your favorite query
optimizer (Ph. D Thesis) - Try to express the example queries to Banks using
SchemaSQL language. For each query, present also
the result. Can it be a multirelation ? - Try to express the example queries to Banks using
IDL language. For each query, present also the
result. Can it be a multirelation ? - Consider that bnp.balance is in US and
cic.balance is in FF. Consider that the exchange
rate is in some table ExRa in DB called Currency.
Is it possible to find accounts with the same
balance in both DBs using a single MSQL query ? - Consider that to perform a multidatabase join A
JON B one has to bring both tables into a
database. What are your options for an
elementary MDB query processing, if there are
selections, joins, and projections ? - Idem, if you consider distributed join processing
? - Consider a multitable R (R1, R2, R3), a table T
and the query Q - select from R where R.a T.a and T.b '123'
- What are your option for Q's optimization ?
- Propose an implementation for your favorite
MSQL aggregate function (Ph. D. Thesis or a part
of it at least)
84 85(No Transcript)