Title: Computers
1 Computers
- Used in computers
- teraflop (trillions)
- built around superconductors
- petaflop (thousand trillion)
- josephson
- increase in speed
- increase in reaction rate
- more efficient
Josephson junction
Founder of the Josephson effect
Brian D. Josephson
2Electric Generator
- More efficient 99
- half the normal size
- profitable (long run)
- storage for future
HTS wiring used in motors and generators
Superconductor motor
3Magnetic storage
- Niobium-titanium cooled
- Cooled by liquid helium
- At this state has practically no electrical
resistance - Energy stored in magnet
- Fast recharge
- alter recharge speed
A SQUID (superconductor quantum
interference device)
- Biomagnetism
- non-invasive
- hydrogen atoms that exist in the bodys water and
fat molecules - except the energy given
- then released at a frequency that can be
detected and displayed - possible as a result of faster computers ( as a
result of superconductors) - MRI scans are not possible without
MRI magnetic resonance imaging Human skull scan
- Frictionless bearings
- electric motors aboard the spacecraft
- if they were to land
- efficient power generation and transmission
- ambient temperatures
- MRI machine used to monitor crew health
6What the future may hold..An idealized
application for superconductors is to employ them
in the transmission of commercial power to
cities. However, due to high cost and
impracticality of cooling miles of
superconducting wire to cryogenic temperatures,
this has only happened with short test runs
In may 2001 an experiment was carried out in
America to some 150 thousand residents. These
people began receiving their electricity through
HTS (high temperature superconducting) material.
That cable was only 30 meters long, but proved
adequate for testing purposes.