Title: Correlations Between Characters
1Correlations Between Characters
- In Genetics and Analysis of Quantitative traits
- by
- Lynch, M. and Walsh, B.
- Presented
- Sansak Nakavisut
- Covariance and Correlation
- Genetic Covariance
- Estimation of the Genetic Correlation
- Pairwise Comparison of Relatives
- Nested Analysis of Variance and Covariance
- Regression of Family Means
- Covariance measures how much 2 variables vary
together - wt age, age grey hair ADG NBA
- If 2 variables vary in opposite direction, Cov
can be ve eg. ADG FCR - Cov of a variable with itself Variance
4Covariance Variance
A measure of the strength of a bivariate linear
relationship 1 lt r lt 1
7Correlation Regression
8Properties of covariance
- "The expected value of the cross product"
- Cov(a,Y) 0
- Cov(aX,Y) aCov(X,Y)
- Cov(XW,Y) Cov(X,Y) Cov(W,Y)
- Cov(X,X) Var(x)
- Cov(aX,Y) Cov(a,Y) Cov(X,Y) Cov(X,Y)
- Cov(X,Y) Cov(Y,X)
9Correlations between Characters
- Phenotypic correlations ie height feet size
- Environmental correlations
- Genetic correlations ? pleiotropy ? gametic phase
10Genetic covariance
11Estimation of the genetic correlation
- Three methods
- Pairwise Comparison of Relatives
- Nested Analysis of Variance and Covariance
- Regression of Family Means
- Extra method not in the book
12Pairwise Comparison of Relatives
- Data from pairs of relatives
- ie mid-parent (x) values for Trait1 and Trait2
- And progeny means (y) for Trait1 and Trait2
- Four phenotypic Cov. can be computed
- Cov(x1,y1) Cov(x2,y2) gtgtgt heritabilities T1T2
- Cov(x1,y2) Cov(x2,y1) gtgtgt rg(1,2)
13Pairwise Comparison of Relatives
14Genetic correlation
15Example from my real data
16Estimate of additive genetic correlation between
17Nested Analysis of Var and Cov
- Nested full-sib and half-sib designs (Ch 18)
- Provide nested analysis of genetic variance
- Mean squared deviations of individual traits
- A parallel analysis gt add. genetic covariance
- Mean cross-products of the deviations of traits 1
and 2 rather than MS
18Full-sib design
T1 T2
T1 T2
T1 T2
T1 T2
T1 T2
T1 T2
T1 T2
T1 T2
T1 T2
19Half-sib design
T1 T2
T1 T2
T1 T2
20Analysis of Variance (half-sib)
21Analysis of Covariance (half-sib)
22ANOVA (half-sib) ADG FCR
23Analysis of Cov(ADG,FCR) (half-sib)
24Regression of Family means
- Correlation between family mean phenotypes
- The Family size ?, the sampling errors ?
- Family mean phenotype ? Family mean genotype value
25Regression of family means in practice
26This is how we do it now (REML)
correlation between ADG FCR Anim !P Sire !P
Dam !P ADG FCR chapter21.ped !ALPHA data.dat
!MAXIT 30 ADG FCR Trait !r Tr.Anim 1 2 1 0 Tr
0 US 1 0.1 1 Tr.Anim 2 Tr 0 US 1 0.1 1 Anim
h1 0.5998 ? 0.0198 h2
0.5109 ? 0.0229 rp -0.4391? 0.0111
rg -0.4001? 0.0302