Asynchronous Network Computing with Process Failures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Asynchronous Network Computing with Process Failures


For every Execution a of B, there is an execution a of A such that the following ... with a fair failure-free input-first execution with a bivalent initialization. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Asynchronous Network Computing with Process Failures

Chapter 21
  • Asynchronous Network Computing with Process
  • By Sindhu Karthikeyan.

  • 21.1 The Network Model
  • Theorem 21.1 If A is asynchronous broadcast
    system with a reliable broadcast channel, then
    there is an asynchronous send/receive system B
    with reliable FIFO send/receive channels that has
    the same user interface as A and that simulates
    A, as follows. For every Execution a of B, there
    is an execution a of A such that the following
    conditions hold
  • 1. a and a are indistinguishable to U (the
    composition of users Ui ).
  • 2. For each i, a stopi occurs in a exactly if it
    does in a .
  • Moreover, if a is fair, then a is also fair.

  • Proof Sketch.
  • . System B has one processor Qi for each
    processor Pi of A.
  • . Each Qi is responsible for simulating Pi, and
    participating in the simulation of the broadcast
  • . Qi simulates a broadcast msg bcast(m)i output
    of Pi by performing send(m,t)i,j outputs for all
    j ? i, where t local-integer valued tag (which
    starts from 1 and increments with each successive
    broadcast), and also performing an internal step
    simulating receive(m)i,i.
  • . If Qi receives a message (m,t) sent by Qj, it
    helps in simulation of Pjs broadcast by relaying
    the message- it sends (m,t,j) to all processors
    other than i and j.
  • . Qi collects tagged messages which was
    broadcasted by Pj, j ? i, which are received
    directly from Qj or by relays.
  • . Qi is also allowed to perform an internal step
    simulating a receive(m)j,i, Qi can do this only
    when Qi has a message (m,t) originally broadcast
    by Pj, Qi has already relayed (m,t,j) to all
    processors other than I and j, and Qi has already
    simulated receivej,i events for message from Pj
    with all tag values less than t.

  • Some key facts for the proof are as follows
  • No Qi simulates a receive(m)j,i unless it has
    succeeded in sending the corresponding (m,t) to
    all the other processors, and thus it has
    guaranteed that all processors will receive (m,t)
    from j.
  • Although Qi can receive messages broadcasted by
    Pj out of order, the tags allow Qi to sort these
    messages into proper order.
  • 3. If a message with tag t is sent by any
    processor Qi then it must be that message
    originating at Pi with all the other messages
    having smaller tag values have been previously
    sent to all processors.

  • Impossibility of Agreement in the presence of
  • stopi
  • init(v) i
  • decide(v) i

System A
. . . .
Broadcast Channel
. .
. .
. . . .
Asynchronous network system For Agreement problem
  • . The User interface of the System A has input
    actions init(v)i, and output actions
    decide(v)i where 1 i n, A also has Stopi as an
    input action.
  • . Each user Ui has input actions decide(v)i,
    and output actions - init(v)i. and Ui is assumed
    to perform at most one initi action at in any
    execution .
  • We consider the following conditions on the
    combined system consisting of A and Ui.
  • Well-formedness In any execution and for any i,
    the interactions between Ui and A are well-formed
    for i.

  • Agreement In any execution, all decisions
    values are identical.
  • Validity In any execution, if all init
    actions that occur contain the same value v, then
    v is the only possible decision value.
  • Failure-free-termination In any fair
    failure-free execution in which init event occurs
    on all ports, a decide event occurs on each port.
  • We say in an Asynchronous network system solves
    the Agreement problem if it guarantees
    well-formedness, agreement, validity, and
    failure-free termination.
  • f-failure termination, 0 f n In any fair
    execution in which init event occur on all ports,
    if there are stop events on at most f ports,
    then a decide event occurs on every non-failing
  • Wait-free termination is defined to be the
    special case of f-failure termination where f

  • Theorem 21.2 There is no algorithm in the
    asynchronous broadcast model with a reliable
    broadcast channel that solves the agreement
    problem and guarantees 1-failure termination.
  • Proof The construction begins with a fair
    failure-free input-first execution with a
    bivalent initialization .
  • Then we repeatedly extend the current
    execution, including at least one step of process
    1 in the first extension, then at least one step
    of 2 in the second extension, and so on, in
    round-robin order, all while maintaining
    bivalence and avoiding failures.
  • The resulting execution is fair, because each
    process takes infinitely many steps.
  • But no process ever reaches a decision, which
    contradicts the failure-free termination

  • 21.3 A Randomized Algorithm
  • In the above theorem 21.2 it said that the
    agreement problem cannot be solved in an
    Asynchronous network system, even for only a
    single stopping failure.
  • The agreement problem can be solved in randomized
    Asynchronous network, this model is stronger than
    the ordinary Asynchronous network model, because
    it allows the processors to make random choices
    during the computation.
  • Here the correctness conditions are slightly
    weaker than the conditions in the ordinary
    asynchronous network model, all other conditions
    are guaranteed except for the termination
    condition is now probabilistic.
  • All non-faulty processors will decide by time t
    after the arrival of all inputs, with probability
    of at least P(t), where P is a particular
    monotone nondecreasing , unbounded function. This
    implies eventual termination with probability 1.

  • BenOr algorithm works for n gt 3f and V
  • . Each process Pi has some local variables x and
    y, which are initially null.
  • . An init(v)i input causes process Pi to set x
  • . Pi executes a series of stages, each stage
    consisting of two rounds. Pi begins stage1 after
    it receives its initial value in an initi input.
  • . It continues to perform the algorithm even
    after it decides.
  • At each stage s 1, Pi does the following
  • Round1 Pi broadcasts (first,s,v), where v
    is the current value of x, and later on it waits
    to obtain n f messages of the form
    (first,s,). If all of these have the same
    value v, then Pi sets y v, else y null.
  • Round2 Pi broadcasts (second,s,v), where v
    is its current value of y , then waits to obtain
    n f messages of the form (second,s,).
  • There are 3 cases

  • If all of the n f messages have the same value
    v ? null, then Pi sets x v and performs a
    decide(v)i if it has not already done so.
  • If at least n 2f message, but not all have the
    same value v ? null, then Pi sets x v but does
    not decide.
  • Since it is assumed that n gt 3f , so it implies
    that there cannot be two different such values
    v.) Otherwise, Pi sets x to either 0 or 1,
    choosing randomly with equal probability.

  • Lemma 21.3 The BenOr algorithm guarantees
    well-formedness, agreement, and validity.
  • Proof For validity let us suppose that all init
    events that occurred in an execution contains the
    same value v, then it becomes obvious that any
    process that completes stage 1 must decide on v
    in that stage, hence satisfying the validity
  • Now for agreement suppose that Pi decides v at
    stage s and no process decides at any other
    smaller-numbered stages, then Pi receives (n-f)
    (second, s, v) messages. Now this implies that
    any other process Pj that completes stage s
    receives at least n-2f (second, s, v) messages,
    since it hears from all but at the most f of the
    processors that Pi hears from.
  • So this means that Pj cannot decide on a value
    which is different from v at stage s.
  • Since the above is true for all Pj that
    complete stage s, it states that as in Validity
    argument, that any process that completes s 1
    must decide v at stage s 1.

  • Lemma 21.4 In every fair Execution of the BenOr
    algorithm in which init event occur on all ports,
    each nonfaulty process completes infinetly many
    stages. Moreover, if l is an upper bound on the
    time for each process task, and d is an upper
    bound on the delivery time for the oldest message
    in transit from each Pi to each Pj, then each
    nonfaulty process completes each stage s by O(s(d
    l)) time after the last init event.
  • Lemma 21.5 For any adversary and any s 0,
    with probability at least 1 (1 1/2n)s, all
    nonfaulty processes decide within s 1 stages.
  • Lemma 21.6 For any adversary and any t 0, with
    probability p(t), all non-faulty processors
    decide within time t after the last init event.
  • The main correctness result is
  • Lemma 21.5 The BenOr algorithm guarantees
    well-formedness, agreement, and validity. It also
    guarantees that, with probability 1, all
    nonfaulty processors eventually decide.

  • 21.4 Failure Detectors
  • Another way for solving this agreement problem
    in fault-prone asynchronous network, is by
    strengthing the model by adding a new type of
    system component known as failure detector. A
    failure detector is a module that provides
    information to the process in an asynchronous
    network about previous process failures.
  • The simplest Failure detector is a perfect
    failure detector, which is guaranteed to report
    only failures that have actually happened and to
    eventually report all such failures to all other
    non-failed processes.
  • Formally, we consider a system A that has the
    same structure as an asynchronous network system,
    except that it has additional input actions
    inform-stopped(j)i for each pair i and j of
    ports, i ? j.

Architecture for asynchronous broadcast system
with a perfect failure dtector.
Failure detector
Broadcast Channel
  • Perfect FDAgreement algorithm (informal)
  • Each process Pi attempts to stabilize two pieces
    of data
  • A vector val, indexed by 1,2,.,n, with values
    in V U null.
  • val(j) v ? V, it means that Pi knows that
    Pjs initial value is v.
  • A set stopped of process indices. If j ? stopped,
    it means that Pi knows that Pj has stopped.
  • Process Pi continually broadcasts its current
    val and stopped data and updates it upon receipt
    of new data from processes not in stopped.
  • It ignores messages from the processors it has
    already placed in stopped.
  • Pi also keeps track of processors that
    ratify its data, that is from which it receives
    the same (val, stopped) data that it already has.
  • When Pi reaches a point where its data has
    stabilized, that is, when it has received
    ratifications for its current data from all
    non-stopped process, then Pi decides on the
    non-null value corresponding to the smallest
    index in its val vector.

  • Theorem 21.8 PerfectFDAgreement, when used with
    any perfect failure detectors, solves the
    agreement problem and guarantees wait-free
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