Title: Potomac River Monitoring Programs
1Potomac River Monitoring Programs
- R. Christian Jones and Donald P. Kelso
- Department of Environmental Science and Policy
- George Mason University
2Current Potomac River Monitoring Programs
Department of Environmental Science
Policy George Mason University
- Gunston Cove Study
- Tidal Occoquan River Belmont Bay Continuous
3Gunston Cove Area of the Tidal Freshwater Potomac
- Gunston Cove
- Depth 1-2 m
- Reduced tidal velocities
- Sparse SAV
- River Channel
- Depth 12-15 m
- Strong tidal velocities
- SAV along margins
4Since 1984, water quality, plankton, fish and
benthos have been monitor-ed on a generally
semimonthly basis at a number of sites in the
Gunston Cove area.
Noman Cole PCP
Monitoring Site Key ? water quality and
plankton ?fish trawl fish seine
5Water Quality and Plankton VariablesGMU Gunston
Cove Study
- Water Quality Variables
- Temperature
- Conductivity
- Dissolved oxygen
- pH
- N NO3-, NH4, organic N
- P PO4-3, Total P
- Chloride
- Alkalinity
- Plankton Variables
- Surface Chlorophyll a
- Chlorophyll a
- Photosynthetic rate (mgC/L/hr) at light sat.
- PBmax (mgC/mgChla/hr)
- Phytoplankton cell density by species
- Phytoplankton biovolume by species
- Microzooplankton (44 µm net) abundance
- Macrozooplankton (202 µm net) abundance
- Fish Trawling and Seining
6Gunston Cove Study - 2006
- Profiles and chl a Semimonthly at 2 sites
- Nutrient samples (analyzed as part of DNR
program) Semimonthly at 2 sites - Fish seining and trawling at 3 sites each
semimonthly - Phytoplankton samples will preserved for possible
later analysis - Zooplankton will not be done
7Tidal Occoquan River Belmont Bay Continuous
8Tidal Occoquan River Belmont Bay Continuous
- YSI 6600 connected to YSI 6200 with cell phone
connection - Sampling and communication protocol integrated
with Md DNR eyes on the bay - Staffed by Sara Clark, GMU graduate assistant and
masters thesis student - Nutrient analyses on a weekly to biweekly basis
coinciding with sonde exchange