Title: Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future Richard T' Wright
1Environmental Science Toward a Sustainable
Future Richard T. Wright
Chapter 12
- Energy from Fossil Fuels
- PPT by Clark E. Adams
2Energy from Fossil Fuels
- Energy sources and uses
- Exploiting crude oil
- Other fossil fuels
- Fossil fuels and energy security
3The Fossil Fuel Dilemma
- Primary source of energy for transportation
- Supports a drill, spill, and kill legacy
- More sustainable alternatives are available
4Oil in the early 1970s
- Oil production decreased
- New oil was not being found as fast as it was
consumed - Decrease in US crude oil production
- Steep Increase in crude oil consumption
- Increase in costs of crude oil
- Imports of oil withheld at the source
- Result
- Increase importation of crude oil
5Energy production in 1980s
- Increased production from old oil fields
- Opening Alaskan Prudhoe Bay oil field
- Alaskan pipeline built to help increase production
6Increased Use Since the 1970s
- Consumption of fuels derived from oil
- The gap between production and consumption
- United States dependence on foreign oil
7Energy Sources and Uses
- Harnessing energy sources an overview
- Electrical power production
- Matching sources to uses
8Harnessing Energy Sources An Overview
- Slaves
- Domestic animals
- Wind and water
- Steam (ships and locomotives)
- Gasoline (internal combustion followed by turbine
engine) - Nuclear
9Energy Consumption in the United States
- Sequence of use
- Wood
- Water (steam)
- Coal
- Natural gas
- Oil
- Nuclear power
3, 4, and 5 83.5 of U.S. energy consumption
10Exploiting Crude Oil
- How fossil fuels are formed
- Crude-oil reserves versus production
- Declining U.S. reserves and increasing
importation - Problems of growing U.S. dependency on foreign oil
11Crude-Oil Reserves versus Production
- Estimated reserves educated guesses about the
location and size of oil or natural gas deposits - Proven reserves how much oil can be economically
obtained from the oil field - Production withdrawal of oil or gas from the oil
12What a Barrel of Persian Gulf Oil Really Costs
U.S. Consumers
- 30 in initial costs
- 61 for military support services
- 91 per barrel of oil
13Problems from Foreign Oil Dependency
- Variations in cost of purchases
- Threat of supply disruptions
- Limitations of nonrenewable resource
14Impacts of Foreign Oil Dependence
- Trade imbalances
- Military actions
- Pollution of oceans
- Coastal oil spills
15Hubbert Predictions
- U.S. oil production would peak (1970s)
- Dependence on OPEC oil will increase
16Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- Algeria
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Kuwait
- Libya
- Nigeria
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- United Emirates
- Venezuela
17Other Fossil Fuels
- Natural gas 50-year supply
- Coal 400-year supply
- Oil shales and oil sands complex extraction
18Fossil Fuels and Energy Security
- Security threats
- Supply-side policies
- Demand-side policies
- Development of non-fossil-fuel energy sources
19Security Threats
- Oil dependence relies too much on OPEC cartel
and volatile Persian Gulf states - Energy infrastructure vulnerable to terrorist
attacks - Global climate change greenhouse gas emissions
20The Potential of the Conservation Reserve
An oil field that has the potential production of
6 million barrels per day, is three times the
size of the Alaskan oil field, and its
exploitation will NOT adversely effect the
21The Elements of the Conservation Reserve
- Increasing fuel efficiency in cars (CAFÉ)
- Cogeneration (CHPs)
- Use fluorescent lights
- Increase home insulation
22End of Chapter 12