Title: Fluid membranes
1Fluid membranes
Elastic properties and fluctuations
A brief overview of a few basic concepts
Markus Deserno
AK Spiess Klausurtagung in Hirschegg, September
4th, 2003
2Aim of the upcoming introduction
Provide some simple insight into the elastic and
statistical properties of fluid membranes.
? Helfrich Hamiltonian will be our new best
The following will be eclectic, incomplete,
biased, simplified, theoretical and not at all
Well, too bad for you . . .
3Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
4Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
Equilibrium shapes
Differential geometry
Fourier decomposition
Helfrich Hamiltonian
Average height
Shape equation
Persistence length
5Fluid membranes
. . . are quasi-twodimensional elastic sheets
with a vanishing in-plane shear-modulus.
The typical example to keep in mind are lipid
6Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
Equilibrium shapes
Differential geometry
Fourier decomposition
Helfrich Hamiltonian
Average height
Shape equation
Persistence length
7Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
Equilibrium shapes
Differential geometry
Fourier decomposition
Helfrich Hamiltonian
Average height
Shape equation
Persistence length
8How to describe a curve in 3d
9How to describe a surface in 3d
10What could the energy depend on?
No, unless theres a field!
11What could the energy depend on?
No, unless theres a field!
12What could the energy depend on?
In principle yes . . . But not if we assume
inextensibility !
13What could the energy depend on?
In harmonic approximation the bending energy then
will be proportional to the square of the
curvature !
? Wormlike chain model !
14Same game for membranes
. . . with one more possible deformation
15Hence . . .
The elastic energy of a fluid membrane depends on
its local curvature deformation!
However . . .
16Curvature of a surface
17Curvature of a surface
18Curvature of a surface
It turns out to be enough to know these two
principal curvatures in order to locally
understand the defor- mation of the surface!
19Why two curvatures are enough
20Mean and Gaussian curvature
Instead of working with principal curvatures, it
is customary to use instead the following two
alternative expressions
21Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
Equilibrium shapes
Differential geometry
Fourier decomposition
Helfrich Hamiltonian
Average height
Shape equation
Persistence length
22Curvature energy Helfrich Hamiltonian
In the spirit of harmonic theory, the energy
should depend on quadratic invariants of the
23Spontaneous curvature
If the surface has a spontaneous curvature, this
can be taken into account in the following way
24Total energy of a surface
The total energy of a deformed surface is the
surface integral of the local bending energy
? Energy becomes a functional of the shape !
25Closed membranes Vesicles
Vesicles also have constraints on surface and
The equilibrium vesicle shape is found by
minimizing this energy. This leads to a
variational problem, and a corresponding
26Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
Equilibrium shapes
Differential geometry
Fourier decomposition
Helfrich Hamiltonian
Average height
Shape equation
Persistence length
27Shape equation for vesicles
This equation is outrageously complicated to
Mathematicians have been studying this equation
for more than 200 years . . .
28Example of a minimal surface
29Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
Equilibrium shapes
Differential geometry
Fourier decomposition
Helfrich Hamiltonian
Average height
Shape equation
Persistence length
30Fluctuations of an almost flat membranes
Membrane shape can be described by giving the
height h as a function of horizontal position x
and y.
31Energy functional
Instead of solving the shape equation in this
case (which is easy), we want to understand the
statistics of fluctuations.
Lets expand the shape in Fourier modes!
32Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
Equilibrium shapes
Differential geometry
Fourier decomposition
Helfrich Hamiltonian
Average height
Shape equation
Persistence length
33Fourier decomposition
34Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
Equilibrium shapes
Differential geometry
Fourier decomposition
Helfrich Hamiltonian
Average height
Shape equation
Persistence length
35Profile fluctuations
36What do these fluctuations look like?
Undulations of a fluid SOPC vesicle, imaged via
phase contrast microscopy
Courtesy of Jonas Henriksen, MEMPHYS, DTU,
Lyngby, Denmark
37Special case bending dominance
Fluctuations are scale invariant !
38Todays menu
What are fluid membranes?
Equilibrium shapes
Differential geometry
Fourier decomposition
Helfrich Hamiltonian
Average height
Shape equation
Persistence length
39Final goodie persistence length
The following goes back to P. G. deGennes and C.
Taupin, J. Phys. Chem. 86, 2294 (1982).
40Final goodie persistence length
This is exponential in the bending stiffness !
41Thats all for today!
Thanks for the invitation and for your interest!