Title: CQ: How
1CQ How why did the Civil War transform America?
2Fort Sumter April 12, 1861
3The Civil War (1861-1865) Through Maps Charts
Susan M. PojerHorace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY
4North v. South at the Beginning
5Rating the North the South
6Railroad Lines, 1860
7Resources North the South
8The Union and Confederacy in 1861
9Men Present for Duty in the Civil War
10Battle of Bull Run (1st Manassas),
July, 1861
11War in the East 1861-1862
12OverviewofCivil WarStrategy AnacondaPlan
13The Battle of the Ironclads,March, 1862
The Monitor vs.the Merrimac
14Status of Slavery 1861-1862
- Military Solutions?
- Benjamin Butler Contraband Policy 1861
- John C. Fremont Missouri, 1861
- Congress Role
- Confiscation Act 1861
- Confiscation Act 1862
- Lincoln the Politician
- Missouri, Moderate laws of public opinion
- Antietam Emancipation Proclamation 1862
15Emancipation in 1863
16The Southern View of Emancipation
17African-Americans in Civil War Battles
18Focus Activity The South at War
List Prioritize Jefferson Davis biggest
challenges in running the CSA
19The South at War
- Jefferson Davis
- The Modern Confederacy
- Public private manufacturing (e.g. Tredegar
Iron Works) - Financing the war
- Bonds, taxes, and paper money
- Limitations
- Production Capacity
- Financial Stability
- Centralizing Government
- 1862 Conscription
- 1862/63 Impressment
- taxes in kind Food Riots
- Draft Inequities
- The Wars effect on slavery
20Focus Activity The North at War
List Prioritize Abraham Lincolns biggest
challenges in running the USA
21Extensive Legislation PassedWithout the South in
- 1861 Morrill Tariff Act
- 1862 Homestead Act
- 1862 Legal Tender Act
- 1862 Morrill Land Grant Act
- 1862 Emancipation Proclamation
- 1863 Pacific Railway Act
- 1863 National Bank Act
22Women at War
- Cult of Domesticity expanded (home in war)
- Mechanization medicine
- Farms
- U.S. Sanitary Commission
- American Red Cross
- Manufacturing Jobs
- (1/4 to 1/3)
- Mill Girl Wage Paradigm
23Politics Dissent
- Republicans v. Democrats
- Reign of Terror?
- Suspension of habeas corpus
- Martial Law in Maryland
- Ex Parte Merryman (1861)
- Copperheads
- Ex Parte Vallandigham (1864)
- 1863 Conscription
- 1863 Draft Riots
- Northern Racisms Resilience
- Ex Parte Milligan (1866)
24The War in the West, 1863 Vicksburg
25The Road to Gettysburg 1863
26Gettysburg Casualties
27The Progress of War 1861-1865
28Grant, Sherman, Sheridan the end of the war
- Commitment to Total War
- Northern Advantages v. Southern Weaknesses
- Case Studies
- The Wilderness
- Spotsylvania
- Cold Harbor
- Shenandoah Valley
- March to the Sea
29ShermansMarchthroughGeorgiato theSea, 1864
30Presidential Election of 1864
31The Final Virginia Campaign1864-1865
32Casualties on Both Sides
33Civil War Casualtiesin Comparison to Other Wars
34CQ Review How why did the Civil War transform
- Pojer, Sue. PowerPoint Palooza The Civil War.
- 21 September 2006
- lthttp//historyteacher.net/PPTPortalPage.htmgt.
- 15 November 2006.