Title: Reference Manager
1Reference Manager
Updated September 2007
2Why use Reference Manager?
- Automates tedious tasks
- Bibliographies
- In-text citations
- Searchable database of articles
- Find papers we have
- Search for new references
- Info automatically entered
3HEIFCAL Heinrichs Lab Database
- Stored on web
- DO NOT change
- If you find errors, contact Coleen
- Students files
- Stored on network while youre here
- Copied to main database when you leave
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5HEIFCAL files on the web
- http//www.das.psu.edu/dairynutrition/manual/
- Right click on links to save files to your hard
drive - Index file --- .rmx
- Change file extension to .rmx
- Database file --- .rmd
- Change file extension to .rmd
- Journal of Dairy Science Output Style
- Change file extension to .os
6Location of files on your hard drive
- C
- Program files
- Reference Manager 11
- Your database
- Copy of HEIFCAL (if you want)
- Styles Folder
- Journal of Dairy Science.os
- All other output styles
7Working with Reference Databases
8Searching New References
- Start within Ref Man
- Pub Med
- ISI Web of Science
- Auto entry
- Start from library databases
- Agricola (via CSA) others
- Auto entry using Import Filter Editor (IFE)
- Must double check citation accuracy
9Using IFE (import filter editor)
- Find references in Agricola (or another search
engine) - Save records as a .txt file
- References, import text file
- Choose import filter
10Searching Existing Database
- Enter word or phrase
- Add connectors (and, or, not)
- Click binoculars icon
11Other Handy Features
- Copy between databases
- Copy references from a temporary search database
to main database - Duplicate search
- Check your database against HEIFCAL
- Delete duplicates from YOUR file
12More Handy Features
- Output styles
- Modify bibliography styles
- Make other lists
- Term Manager
- Assign journal abbreviations
- Recommend you enter full name and standard
abbreviation in your database - Manage key words, authors
13Entering Data by Hand
- Try to avoid this
- Enter keywords from list
- Choose authors and journal titles from list when
possible - Double-check dates, pages
- Set up field and type preferences (tools menu)
- When you open the database, choose Read-Write
Exclusive from the access type menu
14Using Reference Manager with Word
15Cite While You Write
- In-text citations
- Automatic reference list
- Alphabetized for you!
- All the correct periods, commas, colons, spaces,
etc. - You simply check it
- Toolbar automatically installed in Word
- If not, we can install it manually
16Setting up a new document
- Open a new Word document
- Find Reference Manager Toolbar
- If not visible, go to View, Toolbars, Reference
Manager - Click on icon to generate a bibliography
(numbered list icon)
Reference Manager Toolbar
17Generate Bibliography
18Adding in-text citations
19In-text, continued
Enter author and click perform search button.
20In-text, continued
21Working with in-text citations
- Insert new references
- Click on magnifying glass icon
- Search by author
- Add/Remove references from existing citations
- Right click on citation
- Choose edit citation
- Click on the insert or remove button
- Modify a citation
- Right click, choose edit
- Click box next to exclude author or exclude
22Editing existing citations
23Multiple databases
- Can enter citations from more than one database
(eg. Heifcal plus your personal one) - Just open multiple databases in ref man
- If reference is in both databases, be sure to
only cite from one of them
24Auto formatting
- Citations with the same author, year are
automatically designated as a, b, c, etc. - Reference list is generated at end of document,
using output style you specified (or default) - In-text citations are sorted according to output
25Errors and oddities
- If you find an error in a reference
- Remove all instances of the citation from Word
- Go to ref man database and fix error
- Re-insert citation in Word
- Alternative fix later
- Multiple citations for the same reference
- Usually caused by inserting citations from more
than one database - Could also be duplicates within a database
26Oddities that require a manual fix
- Citations such as (Quigley et al., III, 2005)
- Reference list font
- Location of reference list
- These items cannot be fixed until the ref man
codes have been removed from the document
27Final step for the document
- Usually just before a paper is submitted
- Click on the remove field codes icon
- Word automatically opens a copy of the document
- Save the copy with a new name
- Make manual changes
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