Title: MJOENSO interactions
1MJO-ENSO interactions
- Discussion items
- Axel Timmermann, Chidong Zhang
2Slingos strawman, revisited
3State dependence of WWBs
From Eisenman
What physical mechanisms determine the
state-dependence of WWBs? What effect does the
state-dependence have on ENSO predictability? What
effect does the state-dependence have on the
seasonal evolution of ENSO?
4(Why) Did the MJO-ENSO interaction increase?
MJO-ENSO interaction increased during the last
50 years from Jin et al. 2007 Is there still a
5Why are CGCMs doing such a poor job in simulating
the MJO? What basic process is misrepresented? Wha
t effect does the state-dependence have on the
seasonal evolution of ENSO?
6Precipitation spectra in Demeter
Lin et al.
Space-time spectrum of 15N-15S symmetric
component of precipitation divided by the
background spectrum
7But progress is happening
3.5km resolution
From Satoh, NICAM model
8But progress is happening
Lag Correlation between Noise Variance and ENSO
NCEP/NCAR Coupled control simulation
SNU Coupled control simulation SNU with
Cumulus momentum transfer (CMT) CMT mixes down
westerly momentum Intensifies noise variance
probably by Rossby wave instability
Courtesy of Kug, 2007
9Key Issues
- What are the relative roles of additive and
multiplicative noise in different basic states or
different ENSO regimes (unstable-chaos,
unstable-limit cycle, neutral, stable)? What are
the contributions to additive and multiplicative
stochastic forcing of ENSO from the MJO and WWB? - To what degree do misrepresentations of the
MJO/WWB in coupled models affect their ENSO
prediction? What are scientific and practical
merits to empirically correct such
misrepresentations for improving ENSO prediction?
To what degree would better MJO/WWB
representations in coupled models improve their
ENSO prediction? - Do ENSO - MJO/WWB relationships vary on decadal
or longer timescales? If they do, to what extent
does this suggest an effect of the changing basic
state on the receptiveness of ENSO to stochastic
forcing or on stochastic forcing itself? What are
its implications to ENSO prediction and
predictability? - How should various CLIVAR and broader WCRP and
regional activities be coordinated to expedite
the progress of improving the representations of
the MJO in CGCMs for the purpose of improving
ENSO prediction?
10Coordinated experiments and diagnostics
- Develop standardized diagnostics for CGCMs and
observations to quantify (a) ENSO - stochastic
forcing (distinguishing the MJO and non-MJO WWB)
connections, and (b) the additive and
multiplicative nature of stochastic forcing
(especially the MJO and WWB) - Recommend CGCM centers/groups to use the
standardized diagnostics to evaluate their models - Suggest coordinated CGCM experiments (with
improved parameterizations) to be compared and
evaluated with the standardized diagnostics
resolve diurnal cycle, cumulus momentum transfer
- Write a review paper on Stochastic forcing of
ENSO (authors needed, more discussion in Pacific
panel meeting)