Title: The PhD Time Line
1The PhD Time Line
All students enter the PhD program as
This phase lasts 2 years
Upon completing the candidacy requirements, a
student advances to PhD candidacy
This phase typically lasts 3 years and
culminates in the awarding of a PhD
2The precandidacy phase
Year 1
Formal coursework based upon the intended
area(s) of specialization 20 credits typical (6
classes library course seminar)
3The precandidacy phase
Year 1
Research Adviser Selection CHEM PhD Meet with 6
or more faculty Dec. 3 Turn in selection
form Dec. 17 Notified of research adviser
January Initiate research BCHM
PhD Fall Laboratory Rotations
Dec. 17 Turn in selection form Jan. 2
Notified of research adviser January
Initiate research
4The precandidacy phase
Year 1
Library Tools CHEM Students take CHEM648X
(Library Class) Complete Library
Paper BCHM Students take BCHM648X
(Electronic Tools) Complete
Assignments Note Classes meet in early
5The precandidacy phase
Year 1
Cumulative Exams For CHEM PhD only Monthly
evening exams Available Physical, Inorganic,
Analytical, and Organic cumes Topics announced 1
week prior 8 offered yearly must pass 6 in 1st
2 yrs Begin taking in fall (especially organic)
6The precandidacy phase
Year 1
MEI Exam International students must pass MEI Exam
7The precandidacy phase
Year 1
Many students complete formal course requirements
during the 1st Year Summer is spent full-time
on research as a Research Assistant
8The precandidacy phase
Year 2
- The emphasis is on Research
- Select a topic for PhD research
- Develop expertise in research methods
- Obtain preliminary results for PhD
9The precandidacy phase
Year 2
- Complete candidacy requirements
- Coursework 21 credits total (including 2
seminar credits) - CHEM pass cumulative exams
10The precandidacy phase
Year 2
- Prepare for candidacy exam
- Prepare candidacy paper
- 15 page document that proposes PhD thesis topic
- (Context methodology preliminary results
- expected outcomes)
- Review knowledge in area of specialization
11The precandidacy phase
Year 2
- Undergo candidacy exam
- 2-hour oral exam, based upon candidacy paper
knowledge of discipline - Before candidacy committee composed of four
faculty members - Must demonstrate fitness for PhD through the
paper and through informed responses to the
questions from the committee
12The precandidacy phase
Year 2
The candidacy exam must be completed by Oct. 15
of your 5th semester if you are a chemist, and by
May 31 of the 4th semester If you are a
biochemist Outcome Advanced to candidacy!
13The precandidacy phase
Years 3 and 4
- Begin to Disseminate Results
- Publications
- Conference presentations
14The precandidacy phase
Years 3 and 4
- Continued Professional Training
- Attend Seminars
- Participate Actively in Department
15The precandidacy phase
Years 3 and 4
- Independent Research Proposal
- Formal Requirement of BCHM PhD
16The precandidacy phase
Year 5
- Expected Completion of PhD
- Written dissertation (may be compendium of
publications) - Present seminar on PhD research
- Oral defense of PhD