Title: Failure Theories
1Failure Theories Static Loads
Static load a stationary load that is gradually
applied having an unchanging magnitude and
2Ductile and Brittle Materials
A ductile material deforms significantly before
fracturing. Ductility is measured by elongation
at the fracture point. Materials with 5 or more
elongation are considered ductile.
3Failure Theories Ductile Materials
Yield strength of a material is used to design
components made of ductile material
- Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca 1886)
4Failure Theories Ductile Materials
- Distortion energy theory (von Mises-Hencky)
(total strain energy) (strain energy due to
hydrostatic stress) strain energy due to
angular distortion gt strain energy obtained from
a tension test at the yield point ? failure
5Failure Theories Ductile Materials
The area under the curve in the elastic region is
called the Elastic Strain Energy.
U ½ ?e
Strain energy
6Failure Theories Ductile Materials
Distortion strain energy total strain energy
hydrostatic strain energy
Ud UT Uh
7Failure Theories Ductile Materials
Strain energy from a tension test at the yield
?1 Sy and
?2 ?3 0
Substitute in equation (2)
To avoid failure, Ud lt Utest
8Failure Theories Ductile Materials
9Failure Theories Ductile Materials
Pure torsion, ? ?1 ?2
(?12 ?2 ?1 ?22) Sy2
10Design Process
Maximum shear stress theory
Distortion energy theory
The selection of an appropriate safety factor
should be based on the following
- Degree of uncertainty about loading (type,
magnitude and direction)
- Degree of uncertainty about material strength
- Uncertainties related to stress analysis
- Consequence of failure human safety and economics
- Type of manufacturing process
11Design Process
- Use n 1.2 to 1.5 for reliable materials
subjected to loads that can be determined with
- Use n 1.5 to 2.5 for average materials
subjected to loads that can be determined. Also,
human safety and economics are not an issue.
- Use n 3.0 to 4.0 for well known materials
subjected to uncertain loads.
12Design Process - Static load Ductile material
Sy ,
- Choose a safety factor, n
- Choose a cross section round, rectangular,
hollow, I-beam, C channel,
- Formulate the maximum stresses in the component
in terms of size ?x, ?xy
- Determine the principal stresses, maximum shear
stress and von Mises stress in terms of the size
?1, ?2 , ?max and ?'
- Optimize for weight, size, or cost.
13Failure Theories Brittle Materials
Characteristics of brittle materials
Perform two tests, one in compression and one in
tension, draw the Mohrs circles for both tests.
14Failure Theories Brittle Materials
Modified Coulomb-Mohr theory
?2 or ?3
15Failure Theories Brittle Materials
Zone I