Career Counseling Theories - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Career Counseling Theories


Career Counseling Theories Dr. J.N.Williamson Social Learning & Cognitive Theories Social conditioning, social position, & life events are thought to significantly ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Career Counseling Theories

Career Counseling Theories
  • Dr. J.N.Williamson

Social Learning Cognitive Theories
  • Social conditioning, social position, life
    events are thought to significantly influence
    career choice.
  • People are thought to be influenced by
  • Genetic endowment special abilities
  • Contextual experiences
  • Learning experiences
  • Skills learned in managing tasks
  • Key elements in the career choice process are
    problem solving decision making skills.
  • Career choice is the interaction of cognitive
    affective processes.

Key points in Social Learning Cognitive Theories
  • Individuals who resort to personal agency or
    assume total responsibility for the future model
    an attitude others should emulate.
  • Individuals are encouraged to develop strategies
    to overcome barriers that interfere with choice
  • Learning is a key element in this group of
    theories. (i.e. learning increases range of
    occupations considered)
  • Indecision might be linked to limited educational
  • This group of theories addresses faulty thinking
    that can obscure rational decision making.
    Discovering and unlearning faulty beliefs about
    career choice and multiple life roles is a major
    objective of these theories.

Krumboltzs Learning Theory of Career Counseling
  • First to propose a social learning theory of
    Career Counseling
  • Career Development involves four factors
  • Genetic endowment special abilities
  • (primarily a factor that can limit learning
    experiences subsequent career choices)
  • Environmental conditions events (note. P39)
  • Learning experiences
  • (instrumental associative)
  • Task approach skills

Krumboltzs Learning Theory of Career Counseling
  • Krumboltz associates emphatically stress that
    each individuals unique learning experiences
    over the life span develop the primary influences
    that lead to career choice. These influences
  • Generalization of self derived from experiences
    and performance in relation to learned standards.
  • Sets of developed skills used in coping with the
  • Career-entry behavior such as applying for a job
    or selecting an educational or training

Krumboltzs Learning Theory of Career Counseling
  • The social learning model emphasizes the
    importance of learning experiences and their
    effect on occupational selection.
  • Career decision making is considered to be an
    important skill that can be used over ones
  • Factors that influence individual preference in
    this social-learning model are composed of
    numerous cognitive processes, interactions in the
    environment, and inherited personal
    characteristics and traits.
  • Educational and occupational preferences are
    direct, observable results of actions and of
    learning experiences involved with career tasks.
    (If an individual has been positively reinforced
    while engaging in the activities of a course of
    study or occupation, the individual is more
    likely to express a preference for that course of
    study or field of work.

Role of Counselor in LTCC
  • Identifying content from which certain beliefs
    and generalizations have evolved.
  • Probe assumptions and presuppositions of
    expressed beliefs and use this information to
    explore alternative beliefs and courses of
  • Assisting individuals to understand fully the
    validity of their beliefs is a major component of
    the social learning model
  • (note bullets p. 40).

Krumboltzs Learning Theory of Career Counseling
  • Observations for Career Counseling
  • Career decision making is a learned skill
  • Persons who claim to have made a career choice
    need help too (career choice may have been made
    from inaccurate information and faulty
  • Success is measured by students demonstrated
    skill in decision making (evaluation of decision
    making skills are needed)
  • Clients come from a wide array of groups
  • Clients need not feel guilty if they are not sure
    of which career to enter.
  • No one occupation is seen as best for any one
  • The client is viewed as one who is exploring and
    experimenting and should be empowered to take
    actions that help to create a satisfying life.
    Challenges that involve educational opportunities
    and available work options, should be approach
    with a positive attitude that promotes positive

Happenstance Approach Theory(Mitchell, Levin,
Krumboltz, 1999)
  • The primary premise suggests that chance events
    over ones life span can have both positive and
    negative consequences.
  • Unpredictable social factors, environmental
    conditions, chance events over the life span
    are to be recognized as important influences in
    clients lives.
  • The overarching desirable outcome is to empower
    and prepare each client for positive actions that
    take advantage of unexpected events and help them
    cope with negative consequences in the future.

Happenstance Approach Theory
  • Happenstance Approach Theory suggests that
    counselors are to assist clients to respond to
    conditions and event in a positive manner.
  • Clients are to learn to deal with unplanned
    events, especially in the give-and-take of the
    life the 21st century workforce.
  • Five critical client skills
  • Curiosity
  • Persistence
  • Flexibility
  • Optimism
  • Risk-taking

Happenstance Approach TheoryPractical
  • Clients need to expand their capabilities
  • Clients need to prepare for changing work tasks,
    not assume that occupations will remain stable.
  • Clients need to play a major role in deal with
    all career problems not just with occupational
  • Career counselors need to play a major role in
    dealing with all career problems, not just with
    occupational selection. (many theorists have
    suggested that career personal counseling
    should become integrated.) note list of other
    suggestions p.43

Cognitive Information Processing Perspective
  • Cognitive Information Processing is applied to
    career development in terms of how individuals
    make a career decision and use information in
    career problem solving and decision making.
  • CIP is based on ten assumptions.
  • The major strategy of career intervention is to
    provide learning events that will develop the
    individuals processing abilities. In this way
    clients develop capabilities as career problem
    solvers to meet immediate and future problems.

Cognitive Information Processing Perspective
(chart p.44)
  • 1. Career choice results from an interaction of
    cognitive and affective processes
  • 2. Making career choices is a problem-solving
  • 3. The capabilities of career problem solvers
    depend on the ability of cognitive operations as
    well as knowledge.
  • 4. Career problem solving is a high-memory-load
  • 5. Motivation

Cognitive Information Processing Perspective
(chart p.44-45)
  • 6. Career development involves continual growth
    and change in knowledge structures.
  • 7. Career identity depends on self-knowledge.
  • 8. Career maturity depends on ones ability to
    solve career problems
  • 9. The ultimate goal of career counseling is
    achieved by facilitating the growth of
    information-processing skills.
  • 10. The ultimate aim of career counseling is to
    enhance the clients capabilities as a career
    problem solver and a decision maker.

Cognitive Information Processing Perspective
(chart p.44-45)
  • Using these assumptions, the major strategy of
    career intervention is to provide learning events
    that will develop the individuals processing
    abilities. Clients develop capabilities as
    career problem solvers to meet immediate as well
    as future problems.
  • The stages of processing information begin with
    screening, translating, encoding input into
    short-term memory then storing it in long-term
    memory and later activating, retrieving and
    transforming input into working memory to arrive
    at a solution. The counselors principal function
    is to identify the clients needs and develop
    interventions to help clients acquire the
    knowledge and skills to address those needs.

Cognitive Information Processing Perspective
(chart p.46)
  • Career problem solving is primarily a cognitive
    process that can be improved through a sequential
    procedure known as CASVE
  • Communication (identifying a need)-receiving,
    encoding, and sending out queries
  • Analysis (interrelating problem components)-
    identifying and placing problems in a conceptual
  • Synthesis (creating likely alternatives)
    formulating courses of action
  • Valuing (prioritizing alternatives) judging each
    action as to its likelihood of success and
    failure and its impact on others
  • Execution (forming means-ends strategies)
    implementing strategies to carry out plans.

  • This model emphasizes that career information
    counseling is a learning event.
  • This model is unique to other social learning
    theory cognitive models because the role of
    cognition is a mediating force that leads
    individuals to greater power and control in
    determining their own destinies. The client is
    viewed as one who has a career problem or a gap
    exists between the clients current situation and
    a future career situation. Counselors are to
    seek out the problems and factors involved in
    this gap.
  • Once the problems are identified the counselor
    develops problem-solving interventions. Problem
    solving and decision making are valuable skills
    that can be used throughout the lifespan.

CIPCASVEProblem Solving
  • Problem Solving is considered to be a series of
    thought processes that eventually lead to
    solutions of problems and remove the gap between
    a current situation and a preferred one.
  • The accomplishment of this goal (problem solving)
    involves information processing domains such as
  • self-knowledge,
  • occupational knowledge, and
  • decision making skills.
  • In the decision making process, the individual
  • The strength of this theory is in its practical
    application to solving career problems.
  • Note the seven-step sequence for career delivery
    service (p.47)

Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT)
  • SCCT is embedded in Social Cognitive Theory which
    blends cognitive, self-regulatory, and
    motivational processes into a lifelong
  • SCCTs major goals are to find methods of
    defining specific mediators from which learning
    experiences shape and subsequently influence
    career behavior.
  • The aim is to explain how all variables such as
    interests, abilities, values interrelate and
    more important how all variables influence
    individual growth and the contextual factors
    (environmental influences) that lead to career
  • The term personal agency is also emphasized. This
    term reflects how and why individuals exert power
    to either achieve a solution, such as career
    outcome, or adapt to career changes.

SCCTBanduras model of Casuality
  • The triadic reciprocal (bidirectional model)
  • Personal and physical attributes
  • External environmental factors
  • Overt behavior
  • All three interact to the point of affecting one
    another as causal influences of individuals
  • Using this logic, SCCT conceptualizes the
    interacting influences among individuals, their
    behavior, their environments to describe how
    individuals influence situations that ultimately
    affect their own thoughts behaviors.

SCCTKey theoretical constructs
  • The personal determinants of career development
    have been conceptualized as
  • Self-efficacy
  • Outcome expectation
  • Personal Goals
  • The big three are considered to be building
    blocks within the triadic causal system that
    determine the course of career development and
    its outcome.

  • Self-efficacy is not viewed as a unitary or fixed
    trait, but rather as a set of beliefs about a
    specific performance domain.
  • Self-efficacy is developed through four types of
    learning experiences
  • Personal performance accomplishments
  • Vicarious learning
  • Social Persuasion
  • Physiological states reactions
  • (Self-efficacy is strengthened with repeated
    success and weakened with repeated failure.)

SCCTOutcome Expectations
  • Outcome expectations are also regarded as
    personal beliefs about expectations or
    consequences of behavioral activities.
  • Some individuals are motivated by extrinsic
    reinforcement (i.e. receiving a reward)
  • Some individuals are motivated by self-directed
    activites (i.e. pride in oneself)
  • Some individuals are motivated by the actual
    process of performing the activity (i.e. reading
    a book or playing a ballgame).

SCCTPersonal Goals
  • Personal Goals are considered guides that
    sustain behavior.
  • While processing personal goals, individuals
    generate personal agency that interacts with the
    three building blocs which shape self-directed

SCCTInterest Development /Values
  • Individuals develop interests through activities
    in which they view themselves as competent and
    generally expect valued outcomes.
  • Interests fail to develop when weak and negative
    outcomes are expected from an activity.
  • Values are subsumed in the concept of outcome
  • Values are preferences for particular reinforcers
    (i.e. money, status, autonomy).
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