Title: Immunity from Viruses: Safety from Geeks Bearing Gifts
1Immunity from VirusesSafety from Geeks Bearing
- Mark S. Miller
- Open Source Coordinator, ERights.org
- CTO, Combex Inc.
2MS's 1st Immutable Law
- If a bad guy can persuade you to run his program
on your computer, it's not your computer anymore. - It's an unfortunate fact of computer science
when a computer program runs, it will do what
it's programmed to do, even if it's programmed to
be harmful. ... Once a program is running, it
can do anything, up to the limits of what you
yourself can do on the machine. ... It could
open every document on the machine, and change
the word "will" to "won't" in all of them. ...
It could install a virus. It could create a
"back door" that lets someone remotely control
your machine. ... - That's why it's important to never run, or even
download, a program from an untrusted source ...
3POLA The Goldilocks Principle
Applications, Signed Code Full Authority
Integratable Useful
Caplets Least Authority
Isolated Useless
Applets No Authority
4Which is Normal?
5The Equivalence Myth
6class Alice void someMethod()
// bob.foo(carol)
7Capability SecurityOnly Connectivity Begets
- By Introduction
- ref to Carol
- ref to Bob
- decides to share
- By Parenthood
- By Construction
- By Initial Conditions
- Absolute Encapsulation
- Only source of authority
8Untangling the Myth
9Capabilities O-O Security
Capability discipline -gt good software
engineering No static mutable state -gt
fewer per errors POLA -gt good
modularity - required trust is a form of
dependency - loose coupling -gt reducing
dependencies Information hiding -gt need to
know POLA -gt need to do
10Dynamic Distributed Messaging
Process / Machine
11Crypto Capabilities
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15SPKI as anOff-line Semi-Capability System
- Unconfinable ref to Bob/Subject
- Off-line
- Auditable
- Heavyweight
16Rights Amplification
? define sealer, unsealer BrandMaker
pair("MarkM") value ltMarkM sealergt, ltMarkM
unsealergt ? define envelope sealer
seal("Tuna") value ltsealed by MarkMgt ?
unsealer unseal(envelope) value Tuna