Title: Private International Legal Research: An Introduction'
1Private International Legal Research An
- ALR International Law
- February 18, 2004
2What is private international law?
- The body of international law that governs
mainly commercial and business disputes among
countries or private parties. - International jurisdiction through treaty
application or national courts apply concepts of
international law, depending on the type of
dispute (could be several claims in one suit). - Three levels of international trade agreements
bilateral relationships, multilateral
relationships, supranational relationships, and
regional agreements.
3Starting Research in this area
- Consult a research guide, bibliography, or
website with a collection of links for the
subject matter. - Locate the applicable International
Agreements/Treaties. - Look for laws, regulations, restrictions, and
special arrangements in the country that has
jurisdiction over the claim.
4UNCITRAL UN Commission for International Trade
- Website http//www.uncitral.org.
- Significant work toward the harmonization of
private international law. - UNCITRAL site has primary documents and status
information about established intl instruments
(e.g.CISG). - Numerous translations of documents (French,
Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian).
5UNIDROIT Intl Institute for the Unification of
Private Law.
- Traces its origins to the League of Nations.
- Official Site http//www.unidroit.org.
- Best-known accomplishment UNIDROIT Principles
of International Commercial Contracts. - Status Information / Current Projects.
6Hague Conference on Private International Law and
- Active in development of conventions in various
areas of private law (e.g. conflict of laws to
intercountry adoption). - Website http//www.hcch.net/e/index.html.
- Full-text conventions, status and bibliographic
information, and explanatory reports, when
available. - Translations of conventions http//www.hcch.net/
7Private Intl Law in the U.S.
- UN Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods (CISG). - CISG and UNIDROIT principles Pace University
School of law website. - http//cisgw3.law.pace.edu - CISG database
(contains annotated text of the CISG). - Intl Sales Law UNILEX (http//www.unilex.info)
8Other places to start research after establishing
topic . . .
- Research Guides.
- Bibliographies.
- Web Collections.
9Web Collections
- Hieros Gamos, Guide to Global Trade Law -
http//www.hg.org/trade.html. - Georgetown University, Researching Intl
Economic Law on the Internet -
http//www.ll.georgetown.edu/intl/iiel/home.htm. - WorldTradeLaw.net The Online Source for World
Trade Law - http//www.worldtradelaw.net.
10International Agreement Collections
- Lex Mercatoria - http//www.lexmercatoria.org/.
- Fletchers Multilaterals Project, Trade and
Commercial Relations - http//fletcher.tufts.edu/
multi/trade.html. - Foreign Trade Information Center, OAS -
http//www.sice.oas.org/default.asp. - Private Intl Law Database (U.S. Dept. of State)
- http//www.state.gov/s/l/c3452.htm. - Juris International - http//www.jurisint.org/pub
11Major Multilateral and Regional Agreements
- Andean Community - http//www.comunidadandina.org
/endex.htm. - CARICOM - http//www.caricom.org/.
- European Free Trade Association (EFTA) -
http//secretariat.efta.int/. - Free Trade of the Americas (FTAA) -
http//www.ftaa-alca.org/. - MERCOSUR (IDRC site of Canada) -
12Other Considerations . . .
- Major international organizations involved in
trade and related issues. - U.S. Government Resources.
- Country Guides (e.g. Doing Business in).
- Statistics EUROSTAT http//europa.eu.int/comm/
13Intl Commercial Arbitration -
- An important component of private international
law. - TYPES ad hoc vs. institutional
international arbitration. - Background information on Intl Dispute
Settlement (Harvard) - http//www.cid.harvard.edu/
14Reasons for Choosing Arbitration
- Distrust of a foreign legal system by one or more
parties. - Avoid long delays in court systems.
- Resolution of dispute by someone w/expertise in
a particular business. - Exercise more control by specifying governing
rules. - Avoid problem of lack of intl standard on the
enforceability of foreign judgments.
15Types of Arbitration -
- Institutional vs. Ad Hoc (mentioned above).
- State vs. Private Parties.
- Specialized vs. General Purpose Institutions.
16Treaties -
- Aim to facilitate international commercial
arbitration across national borders. - United Nations Convention on the Recognition and
Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958
(New York Convention), 330 U.N.T.S. 3, 21 U.S.T.
2517 (June 10, 1958). - Convention on the Settlement of Investment
Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other
States (Washington Convention), 575 U.N.T.S. 159,
17 U.S.T. 1270 (March 18, 1965).
17Major Arbitral Institutions -
- Permanent Court of Arbitration
http//www.pca-cpa.org. - Intl Center for the Settlement of Investment
Disputes http//www.worldbank.org/icsid/. - International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) -
http//www.iccwbo.org/index_court.asp. - London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
htm. - American Arbitration Association (AAA)
http//www.adr.org/index2.1.jsp. - WWW Virtual Library Arbitration -
18Arbitration Rules -
- Mayer, Brown, Rowe Maws Intl Arbitration site
- http//www.interarbitration.net. - ICSID Rules of Arbitration/Conciliation -
tm. - LCIA Rules http//www.lcia-arbitration.com/lcia
/arb/index.htm. - ICC Rules http//www.iccwbo.org/court/english/r
ules/rules.asp. - UNCITRAL Rules http//www.uncitral.org/english/
19Decisions/Awards -
- Often difficult to locate, even in print, in
libraries. - ICSID provides the full-text of selected cases
and awards - http//www.worldbank.org/icsid/cases/
cases.htm. - Abstracts/Decisions for UNCITRAL texts are
available through the CLOUT database -
20Internet Resources Online Databases
- American Arbitration Association -
http//www.adr.org/index2.1.jsp. - International Chamber of Commerce -
tration.asp. - London Court of International Arbitration
(LCIA) - http//www.lcia-arbitration.com/lcia/arb/
index.htm. - LEXIS / Westlaw (Releases in July 2003).
21BNA Intl Trade Reporter
- Available at http//www.bna.com/ (on-campus) or
through the Law Librarys Electronic Resources
page/Databases and Subscriptions. - General Search Engine (plus advanced) Search by
Topic Search by Case Citation. - Also, separate databases searchable within
Lexis/Westlaw (must have a subscription). - In print (Law Lib. HF3000.I57).
22Westlaw Databases
- http//lawschool.westlaw.com.
- All Databases gt International/Worldwide Materials
gt Multi-National Materials gt Rules and
Regulations (includes arbitral rules). - All Databases gt International/Worldwide Materials
gt Multi-National Materials gt Cases (includes
commercial arbitral cases ICA-CASES). - Treatise International Commercial Arbitration
- Commentary Also, International Commercial
Arbitration Treaties ICA-TREATIES.
23Lexis Databases
- http//lexis.com.
- ADR Tab gt Legal News gt International
Arbitration Mealeys Litigation Report
(1993-present). - ADR Tab gt Model ADR Practices and Procedures gt
CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution gt Intl
ADR. - ADR Tab gt Law Reviews Journals includes
some intl coverage (e.g. Central and Eastern
Europe). - Under Legal/Excluding U.S., you can find Intl
Arbitration Mealeys Litigation Report under
specific countrys materials (e.g. UK).
24ASIL Publications/Membership
- http//www.asil.org/bulletin.htm. A Guide to
Intl Electronic Resources. - http//www.asil.org/member.htm. Student
Membership 30. - http//www.asil.org/. 98th Annual Meeting
March 31st-April 3rd.