Title: Canoga Park High School World Languages, International Business
1Canoga Park High SchoolWorld Languages,
International Business Trade Magnet
- Pam Hamashita / Principal
- Dennis Clancy / Coordinator
- (818) 673 1300
- dclancy_at_lausd.net
2 Canoga Park High SchoolWorld Languages,
International Business Trade Magnet
3 Canoga Park High SchoolWorld Languages,
International Business Trade Magnet
4A Small, Friendly Campus in an Historic Setting
5World Languages-- Spanish
6World Languages -- French
7World Languages -- Italian
8World Languages -- Japanese
9Specialized Courses Cultural Awareness
- Intro to World Cultures
- International Relations
- World Literature
10Specialized Courses Global Business Trade
- Global International Trade
- Business EconEntrepreneurship
- Virtual Enterprise
- International Business
- (Pierce College)
11Partnerships -- Business
12Partnerships -- Business
13Partnerships Higher Education
14Multicultural Experiences
Japanese American National Museum
Olvera Street
15What We Offer
- A rigorous college-prep curriculum
- Opportunity to learn two or more world languages
- Partnerships in the community and abroad
- Links to the world community through technology
in a dedicated magnet computer lab
16What We Offer
- Internships, field trips, and mentor programs
- Specialized courses in global business and trade
- Clubs, organizations, cultural celebrations, and
activities -
17What We Offer
- Access to all Canoga Park HS programs
- Advanced Placement courses
- Honors
- Interscholastic athletics, cheerleading
- Academic Decathlon
- Drama, music, arts
- Tutoring
- Intervention programs
18What We Offer
- A new magnet program that will prepare students
for postsecondary education and leadership roles
in an interdependent global economy.
19Accepting Applications for Fall 2009
- 60 spaces available for 9th grade
- 60 spaces available for 10th grade
- Use the CHOICES application form
- Our location code is 8146
20Magnet Tours
- By appointment
- Dennis Clancy
- Magnet Coordinator
- (818) 673 1349
- dclancy_at_lausd.net