Title: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
1- Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
- Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- October 12, 2006
2Local Water Protection and Management
- Purpose
- To develop and carry out water management plans
at the county and watershed levels that protect
and enhance surface water, groundwater and
related land resources given local conditions,
priorities and available resources.
3Local Water Protection and Management
- History
- 1982 Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act
passed (Minn. Stat. 103B.201) - 46 watersheds in the 7 county metro area
- 1985 Comprehensive Local Water Management Act
passed (Minn. Stat. 103B. 301) - all 80 counties outside of metro area
- 1987 LCMR funds pilot project for 52 counties to
write first plan
4Local Water Protection and Management
- History (continued)
- 1989 Permanent funding via the Groundwater Act
- 1990 Metropolitan Groundwater Planning Act
passed (Minn. Stat. 103B.201) - all 7 metro counties
- 2003 Amendments to 103B. 301 that repealed the
rules and established the priority concerns
5Local Water Protection and Management
- Key Concepts
- Make local water management a high priority
- Build local expertise and management capacity
- Identify problems and prevent them
- Engage citizens and community leaders
- Lead responsibility is at the local level
- Fosters state and local partnerships
6Local Water Protection and Management
- Example
- The Chisago County Plan includes
- 4 Goals
- 18 Objectives
- 45 Tasks
7Local Water Protection and Management
- Example Chisago County Plan
- Goal 1. Ground and surface water is safe and
available for human consumption, recreational use
and wildlife. - Objective A. Phosphorus loading from Chisago
County into the St. Croix River is reduced by 20
by 2020 - Task 1. Jointly evaluate and establish water
quality standards related to eutrophication which
are applicable to Lake St. Croix by the end of
8Local Water Protection and Management
- Funding
- BWSR annually allocates Local Water Management
funds to counties as part of the Natural
Resources Block Grant - LCMR has been funding Local Water Management
Challenge Grants since FY2000-01 -
9Local Water Protection and Management
- BWSR Funds to Local Governments
- Annually provided to counties, who can send all
or some to their SWCD - Counties must have a current water plan
- Grants 1.5 million which is matched via a
mandatory minimum property tax levy - Grants provide base funding for local water
management capacity
10Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- LCMR Funding to BWSR
- The purpose is to accelerate local water
management by funding high priority projects
identified in local water plans. - Counties, watershed districts, or watershed
management organizations are eligible (SWCDs can
apply if delegated by county). - Grants are competitive
- A 11 cash and/or in-kind match is required
11Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- LCMR Funding to BWSR (continued)
- Eligible project types include Land and water
treatment planning and ordinances monitoring
and data collection inventory and mapping
education and information. - The local water plan must be current to be
eligible - FY 2006-07 Funding 1,000,000 (LCMR).
12Local Water Management Challenge Grants
13Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- FY2006-07 Projects
- 78 applications
- 2,547,412 in Requested Dollars
- 3,754,830 in Local Match
- 35 applications were funded
- 1,000,000 in LCMR funds
- 1,699,369 in Local Match
14Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- FY2006-07 Projects
- The funded projects are of the following types
- 11 Land and water treatment
- 5 Planning and ordinances
- 11 Inventories and mapping
- 4 Education and information
- 4 Monitoring and data collection
15Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- Project Example
- Land and Water Treatment
- Capital Region Watershed District - 75,000
- This project will implement a storm water BMP
to reduce phosphorous loading to an impaired
water (Como Lake). This project is a result of a
multi year planning effort by five local units
of government to resolve an intercommunity
drainage problem.
16Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- Project Example
- Inventories and Mapping
- Lincoln County - 25,000
- A GIS-based inventory of the public drainage
system will be developed and used to assess
management decisions for the improvement of
water quality/quantity, targeting areas needing
watershed and ditch bank protection and
encourage landowner participation
17Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- Project Example
- Monitoring and Data Collection
- Itasca SWCD - 24,200
- Effective lake management requires long-term
environmental data. Diatom paleolimnology will
be gathered to analyze and interpret the
historical background and baselines of Itasca
County lakes that will be applicable to lakes in
the Northern Lakes and Forests Ecoregion.
18Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- Reporting
- Grantees are required to report via the eLINK on
line system - Reporting includes financial and measurable
results data
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21Local Water Management Challenge Grants
- Questions ?
- Contact Information
- Dave Weirens
- Land and Water Section Manager
- Board of Water and Soil Resources
- David.weirens_at_bwsr.state.mn.us
- 651-297-3432