Title: Methods Used for Pesticide Residue Analysis in Estonia
1Methods Used for Pesticide Residue Analysis in
- Peeter Laumann, Ilona Honga, Ülle Püü
- - HPI Tartu Laboratory
- - HPI Central Laboratory
- - ECCPP Laboratory for Residues and
2In Estonia, pesticide residue analysis are
carried out in three laboratories
- Estonian Control Center of Plant Production
Laboratory for Residues and Contaminants in Saku
under the Ministry of Agriculture, and is
analysing mostly samples of plant origin and
cereals, - Health Protection Inspectorate Central Laboratory
in Tallinn, - Health Protection Inspectorate Tartu Laboratory
in Tartu, both under the Ministry of Social
Affairs, and are analysing samples of plant
origin, animal origin (fatty) and drinking water
3GC multi-residue method for analysing pesticide
residues in samples of plant origin
- Used for determination of pesticide residues from
samples of plant origin and cereals, method
varies slightly within these three laboratories
and the principle is - extraction of pesticide residues from homogenized
sample (with ethyl acetate in Tartu,
acetone/ethyl acetate/cyclohexane in Central and
acetone/dichloromethane in Saku Laboratory), - GPC (SX-3) clean-up using cyclohexane/ethyl
acetate 11 v/v as eluent, - additional clean-up with SPE minicolumns in case
of difficult matrices, - GC determination,
- With this method up to 145 pesticide residues can
be determined.
4Saku Laboratory follows the traditional scheme
using GC-s with selective detectors (ECD, NPD)
for routine analysis and GC/MSD (EI) for
confirmation of positive findings HPI
laboratories are using GC/MSD (EI) for all
routine analysis.
- Principles of determination with GC/MSD/EI
(quadrupole) - Using SCAN-mode, retention time of the compound
is located and mass-spectrum is recorded - From that spectrum 3 characteristic m/z values
are choosen for SIM-mode method - Compounds are grouped by retention time and in
every group these 3 m/z values are recorded for
each compound - Finally we get specific window for each
compound, where only these 3 m/z values are
recorded during the analyse
5Advantages and disadvantages of using GC/MSD for
multiresidue determination
- Advantages
- Pesticides with different heterogroup and
structure can be analysed - Qualitative determination is more trustfull
- Analyse is less time-consuming and more
comfortable for the chemist
- Disadvantages
- Difficulties with some pesticides
- Analyse is bit more expensive (instrument itself,
reagents, maintenance)
6HPLC multi-residue method for analysing pesticide
residues in samples of plant origin
- Used for determination of some pesticide residues
from samples of plant origin and the principle
is - extraction of homogenized sample with alkalysed
ethyl acetate, - GPC (SX-3) clean-up using cyclohexane/ethyl
acetate 11 v/v as eluent (SPE clean-up in Saku
Laboratory) - HPLC determination with DAD.
- With this method 4 pesticide residues can be
7GC multi-residue method for analysing pesticide
residues in samples of animal origin
- Used for determination of OC pesticide residues
and some PCB isomer residues and the principle
is - extraction of fat from homogenized sample with
cyclohexane, - GPC (SX-3) clean-up of the fat using
cyclohexane/ethyl acetate 11 v/v as eluent, - GC/ECD for routine analyses, GC/MSD for
confirmation, - With this method up to 21 OCP pesticide residues
and 7 PCB isomer residues can be determined.
8GC multi-residue method for analysing pesticide
residues in drinking water
- Used for determination of mostly OC pesticide
residues and the principle is - extraction and clean-up of the sample with
Speedisk? cartridges, - GC/ECD for routine analyses, GC/MSD for
confirmation, - With this method up to 21 pesticide residues can
be determined.
9Spectrophotometrical determination of
dithiocarbamate residues in samples of plant
- Used for determination of dithiocarbamate
residues and the principle is - hydrolysing dithiocarbamates to CS2 in acidic
media, - CS2 forming yellow complex with Cullens reactive,
- spectrophotometrical determination of the
complex-containing solution, - With this method sum of 5 dithiocarbamate
pesticide residues can be determined.
10Quality assurance
- All three laboratories are accredited according
to ISO 17025 by Estonian accreditation body - EAK - Tartu Laboratory was in 2000-2002 accredited
according to ISO 17025 also by Danish
accreditation body - DANAK, accreditation was
canceled this winter by the request of laboratory
due to financial problems - All laboratories participiate in proficiency
tests organized mostly by FAPAS and for last
years also by EC