- Circuit Theory And Signal Processing Lab
- Avenue Copernic 1, B-7000 Mons
- http//www.tcts.fpms.ac.be
2- TCTS as a teaching unit
- 4 academics
- 2 technicians
- courses
- Circuit Theory
- Switching Theory
- (digital) Signal Processing
- Filtering Theory
- Information Theory
- Biomedical Signal Processing Imaging
- Computers Architectures
- Automated Manufacturing Systems
- Embedded Systems
3- TCTS as a teaching unit
- 4 academics
- 2 technicians
- courses
- Circuit Theory
- Switching Theory
- (digital) Signal Processing
- Filtering Theory
- Information Theory
- Biomedical Signal Processing Imaging
- Computers Architectures
- Automated Manufacturing Systems
- Embedded Systems
Important contribution in 3 Â certificatesÂ
(thematic modules)  Multimedia ,
 Bio-engineering  Embedded systemsÂ
4- TCTS as a research unit
- 25 researchers
- 20 projects
5- TCTS partnership with MULTITEL asbl
- 15 admins
- 65 engineers
6- TCTS research tracks
- Speech processing
- Speech Synthesis (TTS)
- Speech Recognition (ASR)
- Voice quality assessment
- Audio processing
- Image processing
- Biomedical data processing
- Hardware for signal processing
7- TCTS research ongoing projects
- CINEMA (RW/INIATIVES)Communications immersives
pour la narration étendue par les mélanges
audiovisuels - COST277 (EU/COST)Non linear speech processing
- COST278 (EU/COST)Spoken language interaction in
telecommunication - DOMINI (RW/FIRST-EUROPE)Multimodal access and
managment of digital medical records - DREAMS (RW/WALEO-BIOMEDICAL)Development of
automatic method for polysomnogram (sleep
recording) diagnosis - F3M (RW/RESEAU-I)Multimodal solutions for using
wearable computers in wireless environments - GRA2PHO (RW/FIRST-EUROPE)Methods for multiple
grapheme-to-phoneme transcription (required for
ASR) - ICC (RW/WIST-IT)Multimodal interface for
automatic interpretation of natural sketch and
plan - iMED (RW/FIRST-EUROPE)Detection of embolism from
tomography-based images
8- TCTS research ongoing projects (contd)
- MAIS (RW/WIST-IT)Low-cost, low-consumption smart
card for distant reading (windshield embedded) - MERCATOR (RW/WALEO-BIOMEDICAL)Image
coregistration for video-enhanced surgery - MOUSTIC (RW/FIRST-SPINOFF)New frameworks for
broadcasting traffic information (radio and GSM
networks) - MUSIQUE (RW/FIRST-SPINOFF)Fault detection in
production process by multiple signal analysis - PIST (RW/WIST-IT)Positionning in transport based
on heterogeneous sensors - PSOC-ASR (RW/FIRST-EUROPE)Speech recognition on
Programmable-System-On-a-Chip (dedicated
hardware) - STOP (RW/EUREKA)Speech dynamics and voice
quality analysis for improved speech synthesis - SIMILAR (EU/FP6-NoE)Detection of embolism from
tomography-based images - SYPOLE (RW/INITIATIVES)Portable device for
text/image recognition and speech synthesis to
blind people
9- TCTS resources for IRMA project
- Long research record in ASR
- COST249 (EU/COST, 1994-2000)Continuous speech
recognition over the telephone network - COST278 (EU/COST, 2001- )Spoken language
interaction in telecommunication - HIRMANET (EU/FP6-NoE, 1993-1995)Hidden Markov
models and neural networks for ASR - SPRACH (EU/ESPRIT, 1995-1998) Improvement of HMM
/ ANN speech recognition algorithms - THISL (EU/ESPRIT, 1997-2000)Thematic indexing of
spoken language - RESPITE (EU/ESPRIT, 1998-2001)Recognition of
speech by partial information techniques - DIVINES (EU/FP6-STREP, 2004-2007)Diagnostic and
intrinsic variabilities in natural speech
collaboration with MULTITEL
10- TCTS resources for IRMA project
- Long research record in ASR
- COST249 (EU/COST, 1994-2000)Continuous speech
recognition over the telephone network - COST278 (EU/COST, 2001- )Spoken language
interaction in telecommunication - HIRMANET (EU/FP6-NoE, 1993-1995)Hidden Markov
models and neural networks for ASR - SPRACH (EU/ESPRIT, 1995-1998) Improvement of HMM
/ ANN speech recognition algorithms - THISL (EU/ESPRIT, 1997-2000)Thematic indexing of
spoken language - RESPITE (EU/ESPRIT, 1998-2001)Recognition of
speech by partial information techniques - DIVINES (EU/FP6-STREP, 2004-2007)Diagnostic and
intrinsic variabilities in natural speech
strong expertise in speaker-independent robust
ASR for small to medium vocabulary
collaboration with MULTITEL
11- TCTS resources for IRMA project
- Past research in speaker recognition
- ARTHUR (RW, 2000-2003)Telecommunications for
emergency services - COST250 (EU/COST, 1995-2000)Speaker recognition
in telephony - NIST evaluation (USA/DARPA, 2000)Speaker
recognition track
collaboration with MULTITEL
12- TCTS resources for IRMA project
- Past research in speaker recognition
- ARTHUR (RW, 2000-2003)Telecommunications for
emergency services - COST250 (EU/COST, 1995-2000)Speaker recognition
in telephony - NIST evaluation (USA/DARPA, 2000)Speaker
recognition track
expertise in speaker identification and speaker
collaboration with MULTITEL
13- TCTS resources for IRMA project
- Long development experience
- MODIVOC (RW/INITIATIVES, 2002-2004) Distributed
speech recognition - ICC, DOMINI, PSOC-ASR, F3M, SIMILAR
- ALLADIN (EU/FP6-STREP, 2004-2007)Natural
language based decision support in
neuro-rehabilitation - MAJORCAL (RW/EUREKA, 2003-2005)Customer
relationship management call center - LASCOT (RW/EUREKA, 2003-2005)Large scale
collaborative decision support technology - WEARIT_at_WORK (EU/FP6-IP, 2004-2009)Empowering
the mobile worker by wearable computing -
collaboration with MULTITEL
14- TCTS resources for IRMA project
- Long development experience
- MODIVOC (RW/INITIATIVES, 2002-2004) Distributed
speech recognition - ICC, DOMINI, PSOC-ASR, F3M, SIMILAR
- ALLADIN (EU/FP6-STREP, 2004-2007)Natural
language based decision support in
neuro-rehabilitation - MAJORCAL (RW/EUREKA, 2003-2005)Customer
relationship management call center - LASCOT (RW/EUREKA, 2003-2005)Large scale
collaborative decision support technology - WEARIT_at_WORK (EU/FP6-IP, 2004-2009)Empowering
the mobile worker by wearable computing -
strong expertise in software developpement
collaboration with MULTITEL
15- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- Automatic speech recognition for
- Indexation of spoken material
- Capture of spoken input in retrieval interface
- Speech-based biometrics
- Speaker-based document segmentation
- User verification
16- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- ASR for spoken document indexation and
retrieval an important problem - ConferencesICASSP2004Topics in Speech
Understanding Systems - ICSLP2004Spoken and Natural Language
Understanding (I and II)Spoken Language
Identification, Translation and Retrieval (I and
II) - LREC2004Spoken Indexation and Retrieval
- ICASSP2005Spoken Language Understanding and
Dialog - INTERSPEECH2005Spoken Language Extraction and
Retrieval (I and II)Spoken Language
Understanding (I and II)
17- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- ASR for spoken document indexation and
retrieval an important problem - EvaluationsNIST (DARPA)Broadcast news
transcription and indexation in English - ESTER (AFGP)Broadcast news transcription and
indexation in French - ProjectsTHISL www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/spandh/projects/
thisl/Thematic indexing of spoken language - AMI www.amiproject.orgMulti-modal interaction
in the contexte of meetings - M4 www.m4project.org Structuring, browsing and
querying of an archive of automatically analysed
meetings -
18- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- ASR for spoken document indexation and
retrieval an important problem - PRODUCTSAURIX Speech Recognition
Systemwww.aurix.com/product/index.htm - NEXIDIA Speech Recognition Systemwww.nexidia.com
/product.asp - SCANSOFT Dragon AudioMiningwww.scansoft.com/audi
omining - BBN AudioIndexerwww.bbn.com/For_Government_Custo
RTSUMwww.artsum.netAutonomy -
19- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- ASR for spoken document indexation and
retrieval an important problem - Open Software for LVCSRSphinxcmusphinx.sourcefor
ge.net/html/cmusphinx.php - HTKhtk.eng.cam.ac.uk
- ISIPwww.cavs.msstate.edu/hse/ies/projects/speech
/software/ - STRUTwww.tcts.fpms.ac.be/asr/
20- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- STRUT (Speech Training and Recognition
Toolkit)www.tcts.fpms.ac.be/asr/ -
- - plate-forme logicielle pour le prototypage
rapide de systèmes de reconnaissance
automatique de parole - - flexibilité de la modélisation acoustique
(dépendant ou non du locuteur, modèles de mots
ou de phonèmes, etc) - - flexibilité de la modélisation grammaticale
(parole continue ou mots isolés, lexique
jusquà 10000 mots, grammaire détats finis, etc)
- - analyses acoustiques robustes (bruit,
réverbération, microphone, etc) - - détection de parole, mesures de confiance, etc
- - disponibilité dans la plupart des langues
européennes et laméricain - développement rapide de nouvelles langues /
lexiques / grammaires - EAR STRUT-based SDK
21- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- ASR for spoken document indexation and
retrieval where do we operate ?
Feature Extraction
Acoustic Model
Words(or N-best, lattices)
Acoustic vectors
Local classification(eg, phonemes)
Speech signal
I cost ltltltR cost gtgtgt
I cost ltltR cost gtgt
I cost gtgtR cost ltlt
I cost gtgtgtR cost ltltlt
Out-Of-Vocbulary (OOV) words ?
22- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- ASR for spoken document indexation and
retrieval influence of relaxing ?
Actual content
Missed !
23- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- ASR for spoken document indexation and
retrieval influence of relaxing ?
Indexing with relaxing method
Caught !
24- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- ASR for spoken document indexation and
retrieval influence of relaxing ?
Retrieval with query expansion
Caught !
25- TCTS contributions in IRMA project
- ASR for speech input in multimodal interface
similar to SIMILAR - Speech source estimation for
- Speech-based biometrics (eg, speaker
verification) - Speech/Non-speech segmentation
- Speaker segmentation (eg, id, gender, age)