Title: David Howse MD FRCPC
1Assessing the Risk of Stroke Following TIAIs it
really as easy as ABCD2?
- David Howse MD FRCPC
- Ontario Regional Stroke Rounds
- Sept 02, 2009
2Take Home Messages
- TIA carries a significant short term risk of
stroke - This risk can be reliably stratified
- The ABCD2 Score identifies most high risk
patients - The ABCD2 score does not identify all high risk
patients - Evaluation of individual patients remains
3The Unstable Plaque
4Pathological features of Symptomatic Plaques
- Cap rupture
- Intraplaque hemorrhage
- Unstable plaque due to active inflammation
- Can precede symptoms, and persist for weeks or
months - Pathological explanation for dimishing risk with
5What is a TIA?
- The classic definition is clinical
- A sudden, focal, neurologic deficit involving the
brain or retina, - Conforms to a specific vascular territory
- Full clinical resolution within 24 hours
- Arbitrary but useful
- Assumption no infarction
- Implication - transientbenign
- Not the benign implication of absence of damage
and risk
6TIA Whats Wrong with the Old Definition?
- Now abundant evidence infarction may occur
despite clinical resolution - An historical diagnosis no lab criteria
- Other related terms
- Mini-stroke,
- Stroke-in-evolution,
- Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit (RIND)
- Stuttering stroke
7New Definition of TIA
- Neurological deficit that resolves clinically
within one hour - Deficit conforms to a vascular territory
- Imaging studies (esp. DWI) no infarct
Not widely adopted yet. Most articles use old
Albers, Neurology 2002
8San FranciscoRisk of Stroke Following TIA
- 5 at 48 hours
- 10 at three months
- Five factors were predictors
- Age
- Diabetes
- Duration gt10 min
- Weakness
- Speech Impairment
Johnston SC JAMA 2000
9Odds Ratio Five TIA Symptoms Predicting Stroke
Johnston JAMA 2000284
10Risk of Stroke after TIARole of 5 Risk Factors
11Risk of Stroke Following TIA
Johnston S et al JAMA 28420002901
12Ontario 2001Stroke Risk Post TIA
Gladstone D CMAJ 2004
13Ontario 2001Management Following TIA
Gladstone D CMAJ 2004
14The Oxfordshire Experience
- Patients with TIA (historical data 1981 to 1986)
- Identified five independent predictors of
subsequent stroke - Age /gt60 yr
- Blood pressure gt140/90
- Clinical features
- Unilateral weakness
- Speech disturbance without weakness
- Duration of symptoms
- gt60 min
- Derived and validated a risk score to predict
stroke in seven days - Risk of stroke 9.5 at 90 days 15 at one year
Rothwell P Lancet 200536629
15Risk Factors for stroke within seven days of TIA
based on ABCD ScoreApplied to the OXVASC study
2002-2004 - validated
Event Rate ()
ABCD Score
Rothwell P Lancet 200536629-36
16Validation And Refinement of the ABCD2 Score
- Analysed the combined results of the California
and Oxford groups - Total of 4799 patients
- Evaluated stroke risk at 2, 7, and 90 days
17The ABCD2 Score Risk of Stroke Following TIA
- A Age gt 60 years One point
- B Blood pressure gt140/90 One point
- C Clinical features
- Hemiparesis Two points (or)
- Dysphasia One point
- (None for sensory symptoms only)
- D1 Duration of symptoms
- gt one hour Two points (or)
- gt 10 minutes One point
- D2 Diabetes One point
- Range 0-7
18California and Oxford Scores Validated in four
Separate patient sets
- Created a unified score ABCD2
- Overall risks
- 3.9 at 2 days
- 5.5 at 7 days
- 9.2 at 90 days
- to serve as a standard for clinical care and
public education
19Risk of Stroke at 2, 7, 30 and 90 Days Following
a TIA Using ABCD2 Score
High Risk
Intermediate Risk
Stroke Risk ()
Low Risk
ABCD2 Score
20Risk of Stroke Following a TIAMeta-Analysis
Wu C Arch Int Med 2007167
21Does Acute Management of TIA/Minor Stroke Really
Matter? The EXPRESS Trial
- Part of the Oxfordshire Vascular Study
- Epidemiological survey
- 91,000 subjects
- Introduction of Rapid Stroke Assessment program
- Phase 1 2002-2004
- Appointment weekly
- Recommended therapy did not initiate
- Delays
- Phase 2 2004-2006
- No appt - daily
- Therapy initiated in clinic
- A randomized trial was considered unethical
Rothwell Lancet Oct 2007
22EXPRESS Oxfordshire Stroke Rates Before and
After Rapid TIA Clinic
- Risk of post-TIA stroke
- Historical 1981-1986
- Phase 1 2002-2004
- Phase 2 2004-2007