Title: Anjela Y' Govan
1Finding Signal In the Noise Direct-Sequence
Spread Spectrum Methods
Anjela Y. Govan Mathematician Northrop
Grumman Morrisville, NC 919.465.5000
University of Tennessee October 23, 2009
2Digital Signal Processing
- Applications communications, image processing,
RADAR, SONAR, seismology, biomedicine, etc. - Academic disciplines electrical and computer
engineering, computer science, mathematics - Math probability (e.g. random processes), linear
algebra, calculus, abstract algebra (e.g. Galois
fields), discrete math, differential equations,
etc. - Jobs Communications industry, Defense sector
accurately transfer data from point A to point B
3Basic Communications Chain
Micro- phone
Analog To Digital
Digital Modulation
Channel Encoding
Source Encoding
Digital To Analog
Digital De- Modulation
Channel Decoding
Source Decoding
4- Why Digital (discrete and finite)
- computational, capacity of the computers
- mathematical, linear algebra
5Sending signals
- Message HELLO
- Source encode binary message (ASCII), 40 bits
- 01001000 01000101 01001100 01001100 01001111
- Modulate Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK),
- four analog signals to carry the data sin(?t?)
- s0(t) 00, s1(t) 01, s2(t)
10, s3(t) 11 - Sent message
- s1s0s2s0 s1s0s1s1 s1s0s3s0 s1s0s3s0 s1s0s3s3
6Receiving signals
- (attenuated, Doppler shifted) Signal (noise)
- s1s0s2s0
- Analog-to-Digital (A/D) sampling
- 01001000
- Received H
7Time and Frequency Domains
- Time h(t)
- Multiplication - h(t)g(t)
- Convolution - h(t)?g(t)
- Periodic
- Discrete
- Frequency H(f)
- Convolution - H(f)?G(f)
- Multiplication - H(f)G(f)
- Discrete
- Periodic
Fourier transform
8Signal Spectrum Time vs Frequency
- Two different ways of looking at the same thing
9Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Signals
- In time domain multiply x(t)d(t)c(t) (data,
spread code) - In frequency domain convolution X(f)D(f)?C(f)
10Why spread spectrum?
- Hard to find
- Resistant to jamming
- Multiple users in the same frequency band (Code
Division Multiple Access)
11Extracting the DSSS signal
- Let the spread code c(t)1
- Wrong spread code c(t)
12Extracting the DSSS signal
- Let the spread code c(t)1
- Right spread code c(t), wrong phase
13Extracting the DSSS signal
- Let the spread code c(t)1
- Right spread code c(t)
- Synchronization is a must!
14Dominant Mode Despreading Algorithm
- Brian Agee, Roland J. Kleinman, Jeffrey H.
ReedIEEE, 1996
15DMDS Algorithm (Theory)
Dominant Mode w of the autocorrelation ?
maximum eigenvalue
Autocorrelation Matrix H Hermitian T
Frequency-channelize data signal x(t) fr
spread code repeat rate Ld LTI lowpass filter
16DMDS Implementation
- x(t) c(t)d(t) ? xtctdt
- s number of symbols transmitted
- p number of samples per symbol
- m number of chips per data symbol
- n number of chips per spread code repeat
- xt(x0, x1, , xn-1, xn, xn1, ,
x2n-1, , xms-1)
17Implementation A/D
18Implementation Simple Example
- p m (samples per symbol chips per symbol)
- m 15, then fd 1/15
- n 32, then fr 1/32
19(No Transcript)