Title: A 4D Exercise
1A 4D Exercise
- If you were to describe yourself, what can you
leave out and still beyou?
2A 4D Exercise
Friends and Family Members
Talents, skills, resources
Members of Groups and Organizations
Believers in HD
3A 4D Exercise
Friends and Family Members
Talents, skills, resources
Members of Groups and Organizations
4A 4D Exercise
Friends and Family Members
Talents, skills, resources
5A 4D Exercise
Talents, skills, resources
6A 4D Exercise
Talents, skills, resources
Learned from whom? Used for what?
7A 4D Exercise
Without society, we are
Feral Humans, like Genie
8A 4D Exercise
The best societies and organizations allows us to
Talents, skills, resources
Friendships and family
Groups and Organizations
Human Dignity
9Leadership Lessons
10 Lesson I
- Psychology and Individuals
- People take SD, RD, GD, HD seriously (Kohlberg
and Gilligan) - Your stakeholders (and you) are likely to reason
in all these ways - Make and explain your decisions in these terms
- Leadership Hypothesis
- The more Ds you have at your disposal, the better
leader you will be
11 Lesson II
- Psychology and Organizations
- How you design risk-reward systems will affect
how employees pursue SD, RD, GD, HD (Trevino,
Gioia) - This, in turn, will affect productivity and
reputation - Leadership Hypothesis
- Designing risk-reward systems that reward all the
Ds will be more effective than those that reward
three or fewer.
12 Lesson III
- Managers are social engineers leaders understand
this fact. - Every decision affects how employees, and you,
can pursue SD, RD, GD, HD - Leadership Hypothesis
- Constitutive leaders have a vision of what a
healthy, integrated set of the 4Ds looks like and
how it can be implemented
13Summary of Leadership Lessons
- The more Ds you have at your disposal, the better
leader you will be - Designing risk-reward systems that reward all the
Ds will be more effective than those that reward
three or fewer - Constitutive leaders have a vision of what a
healthy, integrated set of the 4Ds looks like and
how it can be implemented - Constitutive Leaders know when to be regulative
14Constitutive Leadership and Self-Knowledge
- Constitutive Leaders Understand and are Committed
to - Strong and nurturing relationships
- Promoting the good of groups they affect
- A respect for each and every human being
- Integrity and Courage flow from their knowledge
and commitments
15The 4Ds, Integrity, and Courage
- Most of us develop integrity and courage when we
fail, and understand why we fail, to support
friends, groups, human dignity, or our ourselves
in a stressful stituation. - That we can see them as failures is a sign of
ethical health - Lets stand on our failures to reach our higher